Links of Common Interest to J.A.I.L.

This page is a list of links to sites outside of the J.A.I.L. website which J.A.I.L. believes will be of great interest to anyone who visits ours. An organization's listing on this page does not necessarily mean it supports J.A.I.L..

To qualify for listing here the site's primary focus must be on judicial corruption and be noncommercial. To request a site listing on this page email [email protected].

The following sites have goals similar to those of J.A.I.L..

50/50 Parents
A Voice For Children
Americans For Legal Reform
Annie Armen Live
Arctic Beacon, The
Arrested Judges
Art of Franciszek (Frank) C. Kulon
Castle Coalition
Center for Judicial Accountability, The
CitizenCOPS of America
Citizens Against Legal and Moral
Court Watchers
Citizens for Judicial Accountability
Committee For Judicial Ethics In Johnson County Kansas, The
Equal Justice Foundation
Florida Stop Lawsuite Abuse
For the Love of Children
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
Fraud Upon The Courts
Freestar Media
Illinois Coalition for Family Court Reform
Institute for Justice
Institute for Legal Reform
Judicial Discipline Reform
Judicial Terrorism
Judicial Watch
Judge Watch
Justice Coalition, The
Justice Denied Healthcare USA
Justice On Trial
Justice for Us
Justice on Trial
Kennedy's WBF Legal Reform
Law Reform Network
Marilynn Christian
National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project - of special interest on this site is Change of Venue and Citizen's Forum on Accountability
Parents Abused by Social Services
Public Appeals Ror Social Justice And Liberties
Rate US Judges
Redress Inc.
Rich Rosen
Robe Probe - A Judge Rating Site
Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
Texas Association For Justice And Legal Reform
Transparency International
United Civil Rights Councils of America
Vets For Justice

This webpage lists sites having information about judical corruption and general information about courts:

Nancy Grant is an everyday citizen who is running for Florida Governor, as opposed to the typical politician who never seems to serve any of the citizens. Obviously, given the sorry nature of just about every current public official in this country, as proven by their track record, her campaign is very welcome. Unfortunately, there are far too few campaigns like hers and the reason for that leads right to the corrupt courts in this country. Given the nature and power of the courts in this country, they are ultimately responsible for allowing this to happen in one form or another, and in insuring that it does as well. So, once again, here is yet another example where J.A.I.L. is urgently needed.

The following sites allow the visitor to explore for themselves the corruption that gives rise to the urgent need for J.A.I.L. Some of these sites also have a humorous twist to them.

"Homework" - The Supreme Court. Take your own tour of the Supreme Court and know for yourself that J.A.I.L. is needed. In particular, you might want to see how these so called Supreme Court Justices elevate themselves and their associates to the status of aristocrats claimed to be "superior" to the common citizen. The key here is who they will "admit" to "practice" in "their Bar" and the fact that they screen all applicants.

Americans Wrongfully Convicted
Labor Racketerring USA
The Unofficial Supreme Court Site
Gloria Parker's "Corruption Reigns In The Courtroom "
Judicial Abuse: Citizens Forum on Judicial Accountability
Justice Denied
The Constitution Society
WBF Legal Reform

These are links to videos about Judicial Corruption:

Your Honor?

These are links to books about Judicial Corruption:

The Case Against Lawyers