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Nov 3, 2022 Ron Branson to be interviewed on the next segment of "Change Of Venue" Tune in to hear this vitally important, pre-election interview: "The South Dakota Jail Initiative - Lessons Learned"
2008 Oct 28

The appeal before the 7th Circuit raises four fundamental questions of
national significance:

   * whether an American, charged with making a false statement, is
     entitled to present evidence that his statement is true;
   * whether the injunction violates the First Amendment right to
     freedom of speech;
   * whether Secretary of State Knox committed fraud in proclaiming the
     Sixteenth Amendment ratified;
   * and whether the federal income tax is unconstitutional

J.A.I.L. takes no position on whether or not the 16th Amendment was lawfully passed and whether the federal income tax is unconstitutional. But what is astounding here is that the first question above, the answer too which is basic and so should be obvious, should have to go to an appeals court.

10:00 a.m.
in the  Main Courtroom, Room 2721
of the United States Courthouse,
219 South Dearborn Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

More information

2008 Feb 24 U.S. Supreme Court denied certiorari of the Florida Supreme Court decision to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction the case against the Florida Bar.  That ruling is here:
2008 Feb 15

J.A.I.L. Sues Florida Bar in U.S. Supreme Court

The petition for certiorari has been set for conference by the nine justices on February 15.  At that time, if four of the nine vote to accept certiorari, then it will be set for oral argument about four months later.  If less than four vote that way, then the petition is denied.   The decision should come out the following Tuesday, February 19.

In the event of a denial, then it would be ripe to file suit in state court.

Sibley Montgomery