Subject: ***The Will of The People Negated*** |
From: "JAIL4Judges" |
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2022 09:15:19 -0700 |
To: "JAIL4Judges" |
The Battle Lines are Drawn: J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power
A Power Foreign to Our Constitution
The Will of The People Negated
Defeating JAIL
Atlanta, Georgia -
When the 2007 National Governors
Association Conference (NGAC) convened in Traverse City, MI, to discuss
the need for "Judicial Independence," to say there were some interesting revelations is an understatement extraordinaire! South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds (R), kicked off the event by conveying his participation in the effort to defeat the Judicial Accountability Initiative Legislation (JAIL) Referendum in his home state, which he carried out following the gracious suggestion to become involved by former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. With pride Governor (Gov.) Rounds
informed attendees of the 2007 NGA Conference, specific details
surrounding the willful effort, conspiracy, players, and intent, to
further "Judicial
Independence," while depriving
judicial accountability to South Dakotans, JAIL supporters, and ultimately
all Americans. Gov. Rounds further elaborated on South Dakota's unique
position as one of the first states to adopt an initiative or referendum
access for citizens and voters, to obtain and determine laws 'by the
people.' It was the miraculous acquisition of more than 30,000 signatures
in a one-year
period, which would allow JAIL
to be entertained by the people via ballot. Copyright 2007 Taffy Rice
Comment by J.A.I.L.
Just by the
sheer fact that the judiciary, and now also the other branches of
"government," have chosen to engage with J.A.I.L. is indicative that they
have already lost the war! When J.A.I.L. was first conceived in 1995, no
one was giving public attention to the judiciary. Since that time over the
years, J.A.I.L. has pumped out over ten million pieces of educational
material relating to the judiciary.
At one time, the judiciary had hoped that no one would pay attention. Their hope has been dashed to pieces, and as former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has repeatedly expressed, she is hearing more criticisms about the judiciary than at
any other time in
her lifetime. See The Judiciary Under Attack
as Never Before,
The foregone conclusion in a public battle of J.A.I.L. v. The Judiciary is NOT who is going to be the winner and who is going to be the loser, for the controversy itself proves that J.A.I.L. is the undisputed winner by virtue of the battle!
J.A.I.L. has already won over this nation's judiciary, and thereby over this nation itself! All that remains is the unveiling, by pulling the sheet off the "J.A.I.L. Monument." There is no warfare that can, or will, defeat the J.A.I.L. Initiative!
-Ron Branson- CIC, National J.A.I.L. |
J.A.I.L. (Judicial
Accountability Initiative Law) www.jail4judges.
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Our Founding Fathers said, "...with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine
Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and
our sacred honor." Dec. of Independence. We are a ministry in great need of your financial support. Donate to this vitally important work at;
"J.A.I.L." P.O. Box 207, North Hollywood, CA 91603
J.A.I.L. is a unique addition to our Constitution heretofore unrealized.
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!
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* * *
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to
our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to
their acts of
pretended legislation. - Declaration of
" does
not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set
brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a
thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau ><)))'>
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