the end, where I erroneously stated: There is not an ounce of credibility in the reported outcome of 89% in favor of the Amendment, and 11% against it. You can see the obvious mistake- I had it reversed! It should have been "89% against the Amendment, and 11% in favor of it.")
You can refer to all the evidence cited in that JNJ, documenting the exploits of that rogue power in South Dakota, making it unnecessary to repeat it here. If the powers they exercised were NOT "from the consent of the governed," were those powers "just"? And if those powers were NOT just, are they legitimate government powers? The evidence shown for the "Show Election" points to the fact that it was not based on the "consent of the governed" i.e., the voters, nor could it be since they were not provided a copy of the text of Amendment E nor the pro and con arguments to read and study before voting, which is a violation of the South Dakota Constitution as we stated in the above-referenced JNJ.
The show-election in South Dakota has taught us what the real power-conglomerate is made up of that is running the "show" in that state-- and they have shown themselves to be a foreign power, disregarding the law of the state and the nation. It is not only the entire South Dakota "government" (state, county and local), but also the corporate/industrial complexes extending beyond South Dakota borders (e.g., Exxon, Mobil, Wal-Mart, insurance industry headquartered in D.C., banking, real estate, utilities, -- and many more, just follow the money). It is not only what poses as "government," but the entire commercial enterprise that does not want judicial accountability to the People. They are quite satisfied with the usurpation of power that has taken over the People, and you can see from the South Dakota fiasco what they'll do to defend it.
This entire power-conglomerate has risen up in "defense" of the judiciary against the People, and the front line of this judicial defense is the judicial sentry, commonly known as the bar associations, i.e., lawyers. They are all standing guard, surrounding their "Golden Calf" that wears black robes, pounds a gavel, and sits on high above all laws with total immunity. As many of you have heard, the judicial sentry from South Dakota is beginning to march to other states, such as Florida and Georgia, to continue using their propaganda machine-guns against the People, shooting out lies about J.A.I.L. to hornswoggle the People into believing the Lie. If the People want to know the truth, they will read the J.A.I.L. Amendment and see for themselves what it presents.
Corruption poses a serious development challenge. In the political realm, it undermines democracy and good governance by flouting or even subverting formal processes. Corruption in elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and distorts representation in policymaking; corruption in the judiciary compromises the rule of law; and corruption in public administration results in the unfair provision of services. More generally, corruption erodes the institutional capacity of government as procedures are disregarded, resources are siphoned off, and public offices are bought and sold. At the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of government and such democratic values as trust and tolerance.
What happens when the constitutional remedy to reform government by the People is blocked by the very government sought to be reformed?