Correction Requested to be
in Livingston County
Dear Reporter Liz Morrill
& Livingston County News:
I have received a copy of a publication written by
you, Liz Morrill, entitled 'Jail(4)Judges' founder jailed,
dated September 23, 2004, Livingston County News, New York. Your article
is misleading. I, Ron Branson, founded this organization in April
of 1995, and I have placed J.A.I.L. under copyright protection in the
Library of Congress and registered myself as the owner.
I do not know the man in your picture claiming to
be Victor DePonceau other than what is being reported to me via
emails, and your newspaper. Therein you report that this man has been
arrested on various charges involving fraud, sex, and practicing law,
in which people are writing to me about this.
For the record, I have never communicated
with this man you show as Victor DePonceau, which would of necessity have
to be, since I, as the National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief, appoint
all our state leaders to their positions. I am informing you that
there are no state founders, neither in the
State of New York, nor in any of our other fifty state JAIL4Judges
Chapters, nor in any of our three foreign countries in which we operate.
JAIL4Judges national website is, which contains our
National J.A.I.L. Constitution & By-Laws, and our Mission Statement.
A reading of these documents will reveal that we do not practice
law or act as an advocate for any organizations or persons as you report this
man has done. We are strictly about bringing judicial
accountability to our state and federal Constitutions, and to the laws
which have been made in pursuance thereof. We only seek the creation
of Special Grand Juries in every state, which Grand Juries are specifically
designed for bringing about such judicial accountability.
Since your newspaper is stating that the founder of
JAIL4Judges has been jailed, and I am the founder of JAIL4Judges,
and have not been jailed, your article is impugning my character,
and people are writing to me on this.
Please print a correction or retraction
article to your readership that this previous article was in error, and
that the founder, Ron Branson, who lives in Los Angeles California, was
not, and is not jailed. I am providing you with a photo of
myself, since you show the photo of Victor DePonceau as the founder. Please
send me a personal copy of your published retraction/correction to:
Ron Branson
National JAIL4Judges Headquarters
P.O. Box 207
North Hollywood, California 91603