Judicial Horror Stories
Los Angeles,
July 22, 2022
Disclaimer: We have been asked to post examples of judicial corruption as told by alleged victims thereof. We say "alleged" because J.A.I.L. cannot vouch for the authenticity and truth of these "horror stories" as we call them. They are merely the testimony of the writer to inform the public of examples of what is allegedly happening to the People in our courts today to show the dire need to make J.A.I.L. a reality. J.A.I.L. takes no position one way or the other of the personal views stated by the writer. Please understand that we cannot possibly post ALL
testimonies we receive. For any questions or comments about the
contents of the article, please direct them to the writer of the article,
shown below. Do not burden J.A.I.L.'s already over-burdened email. Thank
Any questions or comments, email
directly to:
Digest Number 1948
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 09:24:02
-0700 (PDT)
From: Ed Curtis <[email protected]>
Subject: YOU, in silence are one of the most
destructive people to NORTH DAKOTA.
GO AHEAD. SUE ME!! I look forward to the day I can face you ALL in court. I
will bring all your friends as witnesses, and in front of a lawful jury we will
explore who the real criminals are. I only hope to face you before some other
parasite blows up the world either working for "the Word" or fighting it. Until
my case is resolved and a couple real criminals face justice, I have no trust,
respect or confidence in any of you for very good reason. Either help resolve it
or I will make a fool of you all. READ MY CASE or ignore it and stay
Dear Judge John C. Irby, Judge Scott Griffith, and Krista Andrews of
Child Support
In regards to Civil case NO. 09-04-c-0595
dismiss my request for review? Because someone involved wasn't notified? Just
who wasn't? I have e-mailed my requests to several public officials in North
Dakota, some are listed below. Everything I have sent you people I sent out to a
news group site. If you want to refresh your memory, get back to me for the
link. It will be entered as evidence.
Just because I plain do not understand all your legal games, I do know
right from wrong and I have been wronged. You will allow this massive theft
because of your rules? I have hit a brick wall trying to communicate with any
one of you. I want answers. I have been stolen from, kidnapped, falsely
imprisoned , extorted from, and lied to. I have spent countless hours
researching and I trust a jury, NOT YOU. I don't even know how many kangaroo
courts I have been in and was never more than tricked out of my money. Is that
All law is the smoothest liar? You people take almost 50% of what we earn and
this is the respect we receive?
I wish to present to a jury the facts. The system you have built is
designed with you in mind, but it is failing --I believe at all of North Dakota
people's expense. I wish to prove it, and you wish to jail me for it? I feel all
you people forgot just who your boss really is. I have been wronged in this
matter. So have thousands of others, and that is at everyone's expense.
You cannot sit and judge me, as you are biased by design. I am standing my
ground. I have had years of plain theft and threats from you people and NEVER
any kind of a trial. You went in and stole from me what I earned. Will you throw
me in jail and STEAL a month of my life to really show what your legal system is
all about? Are you a judge for Justice or are you in this for what you can take
from the people? My only remedy is go to the people that pay you for this.
I have been ignored by you all. I have hard copy mailed and spammed the
s--- out of all you people and NOT ONE RESPONSE. EVERY JUDGE WITH E-MAIL, EVERY
Our choice in your system is to pay you or go to jail as a deadbeat? I am
not trapped in your illusions like thousands of others. I am not conned by your
propaganda and lies. I know the truth. You cannot help anyone by stealing from
them, and that is all you do. Now, you want to throw me in jail and have the mom
and everyone in North Dakota support me to propagate your destructive illusions?
FINALLY, Wrong choice, I had a choice, so did she. I could have forced her
to have an abortion, forced her into an adoption or, like others, kill her for
choosing to be a mother. I can argue many points of the legality of this whole
system and seek your arrest. You promote and live a massive fraud. You cost the
taxpayers Billions of dollars, but the bottom line is: This court is killing a
growing number of people. This court is stealing billions of our tax money to
build an illusion of helping the children. In reality, this agency is destroying
the future of everyone in America.
You slander millions of people with the coin words "dead beats." Men
have no say past the sexual act. You people are misleading, living off,
imprisoning, and destroying a whole nation with propaganda that is not based on
the truth but a goal of building Government. Without Government we all would be
living like millionaires. Everyone would be producing. This whole concept of
I am no criminal. You demand 18+ years of servitude for a woman's choice
causing hate and anger while taking our pay for it. You push the illusion you
care but in reality, you do it for Federal dollars. Your propaganda is making
sex a crime. Instead of wars, killing, or treason to the Constitution which you
all do knowingly and willingly. Your propaganda is making "dead beats" public
enemies instead of yourselves. You have loaded up the prison system, destroyed
countless families, and damaged millions of lives for Federal dollars and hold
no accountability for your actions.
We are forced to support the parents in jail so you get the money. You
destroy people's future as they are forced to just survive enough to pay their
bill or go to jail. How does anything you do benefit anyone but your system? You
say the State has a "compelling interest" in the welfare of children. This is
fraud, because the State simply "presumes" that authority, without any
procedural due process - no hearing, no evidence, nothing. It is called
"procedural fraud." This is a felony and you know it.
In Civil Law, a
"contract", "debt" or "obligation" is set forth in writing, but not in the Civil
"Family Law" system. You won't show a contract, and in fact refuse to discuss
it. The US Supreme Court clearly states that a "hidden contract is an abhorrent
in law." Case law says "an ability to pay" must be demonstrated before the
penalties of incarceration can be applied. This government program is the most
destructive, debilitating and even deadly ever devised by our "public
Both the State and Federal courts duly uphold that there must be proof
"beyond a reasonable doubt" that this alleged contempt was a "willful
disobedience" of the court's order; and further, that the burden of that proof
is on the prosecution to show that "an ability to pay" exists, but was willfully
disobeyed. In Family Law, "pay up of go to jail" is enforced almost universally:
No hearing, no evidence needed?
Approximately 25,000 men committed suicide last year. While we do not know
the exact reasons why, because they are not here to tell us, we do know
that 80% of them were "recently involved" in a Family Court case. That, on
average, is almost 400 men for every State. We can't even begin to estimate that
price tag, except, to say, that none of them are paying taxes anymore or helping
the kids.
I refuse to make the mother and my child support me because I can't support
them. You have the power, SHOOT ME! Show the only real power you have. I have a
goal of eliminating the entire child support system and know it would save the
taxpayer at least 100 billion dollars every year, not to mention lives. It might
also just save our society. This is what I seek to help the kids and mothers,
smashing your propaganda and exposing the real criminals who deserve prison.
With the money saved, life would be better for all. I, Ed Curtis am in
preparation to defend my freedom, my wallet, and All of North Dakota from
charges against me filed by you that will send me to prison.
Dear child
service provider; Please send complete records of all Ashley Stettner's case
records to me at the above address. I seek test results, application forms,
cumulative scholastic records, enrollment records, health records, and any other
information concerning my daughter are also requested. Please include grades of
all subjects to date. If the grading system is in the least unusual, please
include an interpretation. Also please include all "shot" records, vaccination
records, and immunization records, insurance records, counselor's reports,
accident reports, incident reports, enrollment cards and report cards. You are
also requested to include all records of or involving psychological counseling,
testing, etc. In addition, please send me copies of all "developmental
evaluation", psychological and psychiatric evaluations, test results and
reports, Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS) reports. Division of
Social Services reports, home studies, custody evaluations, copies of any
and all requests received from any source concerning Ashley as well as any other
documents, reports, correspondence and the like in her file. Please send copies
of all documents related to or in connection with any case worker or social
worker investigation, interviews, etc. I also request that I receive copies of
all notices and material sent to the custodial parent.
I also request
that copies of all of the aforementioned type of reports, etc. that become
available as Ashley progresses through the system be sent to me as they become
part of her record or are available.
As you are most likely aware, being
a professional administration profession, Federal Law requires that I be
furnished all of the above information. Your attention is directed to The Family
Educational Rights and Privacy act (FERPA), Public Law 93-380, Title 20, USCA
Section 1232(g), et. seq. and Title 93-568 et seq. As you also know, and your
local school board lawyer will be glad to confirm and verify this for you,
Federal Law requires that this information, files, papers, documents, etc.
cannot be kept from me and must be released to either parent if requested. This
is a formal written request, pursuant to the above cited FERPA.
In the
event any of the above requested reports or information is legitimately
confidential by law, and not allowed to be released to me, I request that the
rest of this request be considered separately, and an itemized list of the
redacted items be included. I would also seek to have my Bill of Particulars
answered in this matter before I face you in court. I am defending myself
from your department. To me, it will be a life sentence. I will never give you
anything because it is the right thing to do for Ashley's
Ed Curtis
Date:(1- 21-05) e- Mail# 1-1000
Krista Andrews and 150 partners
Judges: ALL
"Request for a Bill
of Particulars"; Ed Curtis respectfully requests the Prosecuting Attorney to
supply answers to the following questions. I am not a lawyer and I do not
understand the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings I have been
forced into.
1. Am I entitled to a fair
2. Who has the burden of proof or burden of providing a
preponderance of evidence?
3. Am I presumed innocent of every element of
this alleged crime or alleged action at hand?
4. Am I supposed to be
informed of the nature and cause of the charges and proceedings against
5. Is there evidence of a complaining party?
6. Did I violate
someone's legal rights?
7. If yes, then please specify which rights I
violated. When you answer these basic questions I will be in your office. In
Court we will explore these questions on taxpayers' money.
questions asked of this court:
Respondents in this
matter factually are: 1-201
1.) , et als. (and YOUR deputies and
assigns), are bonded as required by the Statute of North Dakota "An Act
Concerning the Official Bonds of Officials," who is fraudulently acting in both
his professional and personal capacities within the COUNTY OF CASS, STATE OF
NORTH DAKOTA, as one of the people of NORTH DAKOTA, a citizen of state, defined
in Article II Constitution of North Dakota , and specifically not welfare
enumerated; in propria persona, sui juris, living on the Land within the
boundaries of Cass county, in North Dakota, one of the united states of America
by an act of Congress at 9 Stat. 452; with express and explicit reservation for
all Unalienable, Vested Natural, Inherent, and common Law Rights,
accountabilities and responsibilities whether enumerated or not in the
Constitution for the state of North Dakota, is committing all acts and/or
omissions in this matter as the Cass County District Attorney (a public servant)
for all his acts and/or omissions in this matter, was a resident therein,
and thereby comes under this court's jurisdiction.
CASS, IS an incorporation or undefined fiction who was present in the COUNTY OF
CASS, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, and was acting in both its professional and
personal capacities for all its acts and/or omissions in this matter, and was
resident therein, (as a public servant) and thereby comes under this court's
incorporation or undefined fiction who was present in the COUNTY OF CASS, STATE
OF NORTH DAKOTA, and was acting in both its professional and personal capacities
for all its acts and/or omissions in this matter, (as a public servant) and was
resident therein, and thereby comes under this court's jurisdiction.
John and Jane Does 1 through 500 were joinder parties to this matter by act
and/or omission, and either natural born, fictitious, or corporate entities,
corporations, organizations, state agents, state actor, state or federal or
third party agencies, not bonded as required by the Statute of NORTH DAKOTA
passed February 28, 1850, "An Act Concerning the Official Bonds of Officials,"
and were acting in both their personal and professional capacities in this
matter (as public servant(s)), and were resident or had business within the
COUNTY OF CASS, STATE OF NORTH DAKTOA in this matter, and thereby come under
this court's jurisdiction.
5.) All respondents are the alleged real party
in interest, but are in fact, undefined and unknown entities acting under
pretense and overt fraud under color of law and under color of authority who
have suffered no damage whatsoever.
6.) Your petitioner, Ed Curtis, by
that name and spelling only-and no other has been factually driven into
indigency due to the continued, illegal and unlawful acts and/or omissions by
respondents in this matter. Petitioner has been unlawfully incarcerated,
kidnapped by public officials, falsely arrested without warrant on or about
11-08-04, unjustly imprisoned, and maliciously prosecuted without due process of
law, over his will and against his consent and has been constantly unlawfully
restrained of his liberty from that point onward, and without your petitioner
having it within his power to confront his accusers at lawful trial, and without
being lawfully informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him,
the venue, the jurisdiction and the real party of interest; was falsely and
maliciously and unlawfully forced into a tribunal which was only held to find my
guilt for no crime at law, in a court without jurisdiction; without probable
cause; and prior to the alleged
hearing and without evidence presented at
lawful trial.
8.) No lawful warrant did issue or was presented at any
time to your petitioner by respondents in accordance with the concise rule of
law, and as mandated by their oath of office. No supporting affidavits,
verification, or subscription nor grand jury indictment as mandated by the
concise rule of law was ever used to bring me to trial, in overt contravention
to the rule of law, and over my continued objections and against my consent. No
qualifying signature of Appellant/Petitioner is upon any valid or lawful
instrument and/or claim held by respondents in this
The following questions are
relevant to the issue as to the lawfulness of the conviction from which
petitioner seeks relief and reparations in the instant cases:
1.) Has the
North Dakota Legislature unlawfully acquiesced or assisted in the subjection of
the sovereignty of the rightful citizens of North Dakota to the municipal power
of the United States Congress (found in Art. I, Sec. 8, Cl. 17, U.S. Const.)
directly by its legislation, or indirectly through agencies created for that
purpose, which ultimately led to the unlawful acts and/or omissions of
respondents in this matter, and the resultant fraudulent conviction from which
your petitioner hereby seeks relief?
2.) Can the respondents in this
matter, through the COUNTY OF CASS, by their various unlawful acts and/or
omissions in this matter and unclean hands, base these fraudulent acts and/or
omissions based on published Penal Code � 270 "Failure to Provide" and/or �
166(a)(4) "Contempt of Court" using their positions of power under color of law,
and color of authority to use the courts of the COUNTY OF CASS, as an organized
crime syndicate in which to usurp your petitioner's natural born, common law,
constitutional and/or civil rights?
3.) Can the respondents in this
matter, through the COUNTY OF CASS, by their various unlawful acts and/or
omissions in this matter and unclean hands, overcome the obligation of
4.) Can the respondents in this matter, through the COUNTY OF
CASS, by their various unlawful acts and/or omissions in this matter and unclean
hands, overcome the obligation of contract between Child and Father and thereby
force me to defend my life, liberty and property and secured liberty that: "All
men are by nature free and independent and have certain inalienable rights,
among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring,
possessing, and protecting property; and pursing and obtaining safety, happiness
and Justice"?
5.) Can the respondents in this matter, use an
unconscionable contract, vitiated by fraud by way of inducement; null and void
in ab initio, as a foundational basis to use published Penal Code � 270 and/or
166(a)(4) under color of law, under color of authority as a basis to usurp your
petitioner's natural born, common law, constitutional and/or civil
6.) Can the respondents in this matter, use the socialist
doctrine (and/or Feminist Doctrine) "In the Best Interests of the Child" as a
supporting basis in which to usurp and controvert the concise rule of law, to
the detriment of your petitioner; as enumerated by the Constitution for the
state of NORTH DAKOTA, and/or the Constitution for the united States?
7.) Has the STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA and/or respondents in this matter
violated the concise rule of law and your petitioner's natural born, common law,
constitutional, and/or civil rights by derogating the concise rule of law to
obtain "Title IV-D" Welfare remuneration scams and/or schemes?
8.) Can
the STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA and/or respondents in this matter prosecute a matter
in the courts of NORTH DAKOTA without lawful jurisdiction?
9.) Has your
petitioner's foundational constitutional right to have a lawful Bill of
Particulars answered as a matter of substantive due process of law in order to
inform me of the nature and cause of the accusation been derogated by
respondents in this matter by their insolent acts and/or omissions clothed under
color of authority, under color of law in direct violation of the concise rule
of law?
10.) Have respondents the lawful authority to establish a Claim
of Action based upon their own unlawful acts and/or omissions in overt arrogance
to the rule of law as mandated by their oaths of office and the concise rule of
law as mandated by the Constitution of the United States (1787-1791), and the
Constitution for the state of North Dakota, and the Constitution of
11.) Have the respondents in this matter the right to
manufacture crime against your petitioner in direct violation to their oath of
office, and in overt and conspired violation to the concise rule of law as
defined and mandated by the Constitution of the United States (1787-1791), and
the Constitution for the state of North Dakota?
12.) Have the
respondents in this matter the right to unlawfully arrest your petitioner in
direct violation to their oath of office, and in overt and conspired violation
to the concise rule of law as defined and mandated by the Constitution of the
United States (1787-1791), and the Constitution for the state of NORTH
13.) Have the respondents in this matter the right to maliciously
prosecute your petitioner in direct violation to their oath of office, and in
overt and conspired violation to the concise rule of law as defined and mandated
by the Constitution of the United States (1787-1791), and the Constitution for
the state of NORTH DAKOTA?
14.) Have the respondents in this matter the
right to falsely imprison your petitioner in direct violation to their oath of
office, and in overt and conspired violation to the concise rule of law as
defined and mandated by the Constitution of the United States (1787-1791), and
Constitution for the state of NORTH DAKOTA?
15.) Have the respondents the enumerated authority to prosecute an
action without grand jury indictment against your petitioner in direct insolence
and arrogance to the respondent's oath of office, and in direct violation to the
concise rule of law as enumerated and mandated by the Constitution of the United
States (1787-1791), and the Constitution for the state of NORTH
16.) Have the respondents the enumerated authority under the
concise rule of law as mandated by the Constitution of the United States
(1787-1791) to arrest your petitioner without a lawful warrant? Without probable
cause? Not supported by affidavits? With no Governor's Warrant? In direct
contravention to their oath's of office and the aforementioned concise rule of
17.) Has the sovereignty of the petitioner been encroached upon,
abrogated, or derogated in favor of legislative powers exercised in excess of
the lawful enumerated limits of the Constitution of the United States
(1787-1791), and the Constitution for the state of NORTH DAKOTA?
When has NORTH DAKOTA and/or respondents agreed to the foundational precepts of
feminism over the concise rule of law as established and enumerated by the
Constitution for the state of NORTH DAKOTA, and/or the Constitution for the
united States (1787-1791) and your petitioner's natural born, common law,
constitutional, and/or civil rights?
19.) When has NORTH DAKOTA and/or
respondents agreed to the foundational precepts of socialism (through the
embodiment of feminism) over the concise rule of law as established and
enumerated by the Constitution for the United States (1787-1791) and your
petitioner's natural born, common law, constitutional, and/or civil
20.) Can Respondents be bought off by Federal funding; State
funding, and/or third party funding(s); whose sole intent is to impress an
oppression against "we the people" in order that they may get financial
remunerations from or by or through direct or indirect Title 42 U.S.C. Section
651-666 "Title IV-D" welfare funding?
21.) Has the common law
jurisdiction of the original NORTH DAKOTA State Constitution, which was founded
upon the concise principle under Article I, Section 1 that "All men are by
nature free and independent and have certain inalienable rights, among which are
those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and
protecting property; and pursing and obtaining safety and happiness," been
usurped in favor of respondent's acts and/or omissions committed under color of
law and under color of authority?
22.) Why have the courts of the State
of NORTH DAKOTA reneged on and/or abrogated the concise rule of law, which
allows a "lawful excuse" as enumerated by the legal appellation of published
NORTH DAKOTA Penal Code � 270 and as mandated by the concise rule of law as
enumerated in the Constitution of NORTH DAKOTA, as well as the Constitution for
the United States (1787-1791)?
I will not beg for justice and will NOT
sit mute to the people. Until I face a lawful jury, I will be exposing each
person contacted for acts or omissions contrary to your contract of Government
you signed and swore to protect for the years of terror, theft and fraud this
American has suffered. From my arrest until my demands are met in full, I will
be seeking justice. I demand Every cent stolen from me returned in full. I
demand $200,000 from this agency for this massive fraud, and extortion ring YOU
all should never have let happen. I demand your help taking North Dakota back
for all our futures.
I reported a crime Judge Scott Griffith is involved in
to all in your mafia and was ignored All you parasites have eaten up your
host. This whole Government is nothing but a criminal mafia. The system you
pillage us with is so close to collapse. When it finally happens, we all will be
rich. You will be forced to feed, rob and kill each other. There will be
nowhere any of you will be able to hide when it does. What you have all
done to this country is a crime beyond imagination. GO AHEAD, turn me in. You
all are going to be on my website as the most destructive to the people of North
Dakota anyway. You all live off the honest people's earnings and My
Government swore to protect and defend ME-- NOT THE SYSTEM. Make sure everyone
you send knows #2. The people who refuse to do their jobs are listed below. Here
is all I sent. There might be some more evidence http://groups.yahoo.com/group/phproductstaxrevolt/