Date: March 22, 2023 8:55:05 AM
I did not understand the full implications of the
J.A.I.L. movement until going to the Aaron Russo movie premier. I
thought that it was just another radical movement that would just get in the
way of what we are endeavoring to do in the Lawmen. Now I understand the
issues at hand more fully and would urge everyone to become involved in this
activity. We are not only talking about tax issues, we are talking about
every judicial issue that is brought before the courts in our land. We
have known that the entire judicial system has become an exclusive club
(B.A.R. - British Accreditation Registry) that refuses to hold its own members
accountable to the law that they take an oath to uphold.
This seems to be the root of the problem in getting
the government to follow Constitutional Law. Once the "legislating from
the bench" comes to an end and judges become aware that there is an
accountability, then the injustices will diminish exponentially.
We have before us a daunting task, but not one that
has not been faced before and cannot be overcome. It will take ALL of us
to join together to get this done and get it done right. If we fail,
because we did not make every effort, then we leave a very bleak future for
the current and future generations. May God bless us all for our honest
efforts to correct a corrupt system. Our forefathers did it and so can
It amazes me when I think how our forefathers had
such wisdom and forethought and put all of that wisdom in the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights. Today, we have become so lethargic and apathetic in
our daily routine that we have allowed our chosen leaders to destroy the
freedom that so many fought and died for in our history. Then our
leaders have the nerve to use our Constitution and Bill of Rights as a
model for other countries to follow.
I do not know about you, but it pisses me
You also need to visit the J.A.I.L site for additional information.