The Battle Lines are Drawn: J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power
A Power Foreign to Our Constitution
The Nation's Unaccountable Judiciary
Is At Risk
By Barbie, National J.A.I.L.
The nation's independent judiciary is at risk, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said Monday
Judicial independence is under attack from people who don't understand that court rulings must be based on legality instead of popularity,
As a result of bringing Judicial Accountability to the ballot last year, 2006, in the State of South Dakota, former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has traveled the country taking every opportunity she can to condemn and castigate JAIL4Judges as a great concern to her. Her theme is, and has been, that J.A.I.L. (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law) undermines the independence of the judiciary.What Justice O'Connor fails to understand is that J.A.I.L. does not affect in any way the independence of the judiciary. I should know, obviously, since I am the author of the initiative who made very sure of that from the very first day the Lord moved upon my heart in 1995 to write it. I placed into this all-important Initiative the judicial independence wording, "...no petition of misconduct shall be considered by the Special Grand Jury unless the petitioner shall have first attempted to exhaust all judicial remedies available in this State within the immediately preceding six-month period."That phrase is a crown jewel of the J.A.I.L. Initiative that makes it stand apart from all other judicial legislation going all the way back to our Founding Fathers who were seeking some means of instituting judicial accountability without interfering with the decision-making powers of the judiciary.
O'Connor has already been on the circuit during the South Dakota campaign, going around speaking against J.A.I.L. on the premise that in all her years on the bench she has never experienced such a broad negative attitude by society against the judiciary. She lays claim to that bewilderment on people "not liking the decisions that judges make." She then gives an example, bringing up the election in South Dakota where "there was a proposal on the ballot to amend the State's Constitution called jail for judges..." She never explained the J.A.I.L. acronym. She said that this proposal would "punish" judges for decisions they would make, although J.A.I.L. says NOTHING about "decisions." See JNJ dated November 22, 2006, titled "Decisions, Decisions, Decisions!" http://www.jail4judges.org/JNJ_Library/2006/2006-11-22.html.Now this lovely-appearing distinguished lady wouldn't deliberately state to the American people on national television that this proposal provided something thatreally wasn't in that proposal, would she? Did she have a copy of the proposal with her from which she could read aloud to the American people the portion she was discussing? Did the interviewer ask if she had a copy of it, or could provide it? I didn't see any direct reference to the J.A.I.L. Amendment at any time during that interview...As a retired Supreme Court Justice, why wouldn't O'Connor provide evidence of what she was stating to the American people on national television? Her profession consisted of reviewing evidence to prove issues-- ergo, why wouldn't she, by virtue of her profession, automatically realize the importance of providing evidence of her issues regarding J.A.I.L.? Would a retired Supreme Court Justice simply not think of it? or wouldn't it occur to her? This refined professional lady wouldn't allow such irresponsibility to mislead the American people on national television, would she??
A South Dakota ballot initiative, rejected by voters last year, would have stripped judges of their longstanding immunity from lawsuits in response to their rulings, leaving them open to fines and even jail time.
TRAVERSE CITY � States must teach their students more about government or risk losing any future respect for laws and judicial rulings, former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor told a dwindling group of the nation's governors in Traverse City on Monday.
Barb, I agree with this whole heartedly, but don't believe it would turn out as Sandra wants it to. An education denovo (from the beginning) would have to look at the Declaration of Independence which sets the goals for the U.S. Constitution, and the U.S. Constitution removing any doubt that the government derives its power from the consent of the people.
When Justice O'Connor promotes inflicting European laws that sound good upon the American people without their consent, these educated students will have the information they need to chastise and reject her position. This will also expose the dire need for the injection of the will of the people into the judicial process in the form of JAIL.
"The people are the ultimate guardians of their own liberties. In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy . . . Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone." --Thomas Jefferson
It is downright disgusting that O'Connor condemns JAIL while not condemning the judicial criminal conduct JAIL is designed to prevent. And that is the essence of her argument and vitriol--the need for lack of accountability of and promotion of abuse and judicial malpractice by jurists.
Does Ms. O'Conner think that most of us are dumbed-down that we would think that the federal judges operate independently? If they are so independent, then why are the federal judges mandated to follow the sentencing guidelines of Congress? What does Congress have to do with it? Now that is a great question to ponder on.
Matthew Benson
The Arizona Republic
Jul. 24, 2007 12:00 AM
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He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to
our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to
their acts of
pretended legislation. - Declaration of
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
minority keen to set
brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
striking at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau ><)))'>