J.A.I.L. News
Los Angeles,
November 22, 2006
The Inherent Right of ALL People to Alter or Reform Government.
The Right Upon Which All Other Rights Depend
Decisions, Decisions,
Along with "judicial
independence" a word so frequently ranted in the No-on-E campaign
against South Dakota J.A.I.L. was "decisions" --basically three
decisions we
don't like (the "classic" one)
decisions made as
official decision-making
decisions that
are unpopular
And what do they all
have in common, other than "decisions"?
The propaganda about
"decisions" is the headline-fraud bombasted to the public about
J.A.I.L. because it is the lie that will have the most emotional affect
on people, to wit, "J.A.I.L. will allow people to sue judges for
decisions they don't like"
[now, that's a
classic! --that'll get 'em every time! --watch for it at the next
election!] and various perversions of it, "sue judges for
unpopular decisions," or "sue judges for their official
decision-making." This propaganda has been successfully carried
out, despite the fact that nowhere does the
J.A.I.L. Amendment state, or even imply, such a ridiculous proposition.
But people gobble it up like chocolate pudding! The opposition relies
on the gullibility of the People, stating that "despite what the
proponents of the amendment state, or what the amendment itself states,
they really mean... " No matter if the sky looks blue, it's
REALLY bright red, full of blood, and it's FALLING! Stay away from it!
(Yes folks, it's that
This is the same
pattern that the enemy, usually the legal fraternity, uses when
defending government against a pro-se plaintiff. "Despite what
plaintiff states in his complaint, what really happened is... "
"...what he really means is ..." They are able to come in with
propaganda in the courtroom, submitting another and different
"complaint" (their version) rather than a defense to plaintiff's complaint; and
the judge invariably uses the defendant's set of facts as the
controlling facts of the case. Defendant's statement of the case
is (as are all defense
documents) the script followed by the judge as to how he should
rule and what he publishes as the facts of the case in
a published decision, so the public reads a distorted version
of the plaintiff's case, twisted and perverted to conform to the
desired result against the plaintiff. Yet pointing this out to all
appeals courts, with evidence from the record, is for
naught--the propaganda controls.
Taking the fraud to the
Legislature, complete with evidence, amounts to "This is a real
head-scratcher" and "we can't interfere with the judiciary." Taking it
to the Attorney General, the Public-Relations Manager in
Sacramento told us we came to the right place, made copies of key
portions of our paperwork, and told us their office would investigate
the matter and get back to us on an expedited basis. From that point
on, all communication was completely blocked between us and the AG's
office; same thing with the Governor's office. They just can't deal
with truth! But are the People just going to walk away and shrug their
shoulders and say "Aw, shucks!"? Is that the way to see to it that our
rights are protected by our public servants? Yes, People, the
propagandists are your public servants! The People
pay for that propaganda-- in more ways than
There you have
it! We'll find this whenever and wherever the People meet up with
the enemy --the Establishment surrounding the judiciary. Now we're
finding it in the election campaign and voting process-- even to the
point of criminal conduct on the part of the executive and
legislative branches of the South Dakota government rallying to the
protection of the judicial branch. See ample
documentary evidence in JNJ dated Nov. 19th,
titled "J.A.I.L. Didn't Lose, It Wasn't
Honestly Presented to the Voters."
Despite the
propaganda --the only tool available to the enemy-- J.A.I.L. will
continue to provide the truth and support it with evidence. As pointed
out in the above-titled JNJ, the key provision of the amendment
Immunity. No immunity shall extend to any judge of this State for any
deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional
violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material
facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful
conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the
Constitutions of South Dakota or the United States, notwithstanding
Common Law, or any other contrary statute.
As can be seen, that provision lists VIOLATIONS which
are subject to J.A.I.L. scrutiny. There is nothing about DECISIONS. If
it can be extrapolated by any stretch of the imagination that the above
paragraph implies "decisions" made by the judge to proceed with those
acts in violation of law, it is the VIOLATION itself that is of concern, not the DECISION
to commit the
VIOLATION. (See Parable of the Left-Hand
Turn). In truth, a "decision" to violate the law is not a
decision in legal contemplation, since there is no jurisdiction to make
such a "decision." No "decision" can be reached until all legal
procedures are first
properly followed in order
to arrive at a "decision" at the conclusion of the case. J.A.I.L. deals
only with the procedural phase --not
with "decisions."
Again, we see a pattern
here, regarding the false application of the term "decision." The
Rooker-Feldman doctrine says that a litigant may not file a federal
complaint based on a "state court decision" because the federal court
may not interfere with the finality of decisions of state courts. That
makes sense if the term "decision" was properly applied. Usually a case
is brought to federal court under Title 42 because of procedural
violations in state court, such as a violation of due process,
which is a federal violation. Procedural VIOLATIONS do not involve
DECISIONS in state court --yet plaintiffs are routinely closed out from
a federal remedy on the false basis of the state matter amounting to a
"state court DECISION." Even the federal courts flee to the propaganda
that plaintiffs are assailing "state court decisions" they "don't
like." The word VIOLATION is not in their vocabulary and is always
switched to DECISION when the subject-matter deals with judicial
We have arrived at the
next chapter in the life of J.A.I.L. --learning how to recognize and
deal with the propaganda of the enemy to keep the judiciary
"independent" of the People (remember that rant "judicial
independence"?) --that is to keep them unaccountable to the
People. That's another line of propaganda: the judiciary is
"already accountable." The question is, to whom? If the
judiciary is "accountable" only to their cronies and not to the
ALL! Remember that the next time
Contribute to J.A.I.L. at P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, CA 91603
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
is striking at the root." -- Henry David