J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                              November 19, 2006
The Inherent Right of ALL People to Alter or Reform Government.
The Right Upon Which All Other Rights Depend
J.A.I.L. Didn't Lose,
It Wasn't Honestly Presented to the Voters
By Barbie, ACIC, National J.A.I.L.
[email protected]
What percentage of South Dakota voters would be in favor of judges in their state doing any of the following with impunity?  Do they really want their judges to be able to:
  • deliberately violate the law?
  • commit fraud or conspiracy?
  • intentionally violate due process of law?
  • deliberately disregard material facts of a case?
  • perform judicial acts without jurisdiction?
  • block a lawful conclusion of a case? or
  • deliberately violate the Constitutions of South Dakota or the United States?
Deducting 20 percent of voters for government interests from the 90 percent alleged "loss" of Amendment E, would the remaining 70 percent be in favor of their judges getting by with committing even one of the above violations?  Even if NONE of the South Dakota judiciary committed these violations to date, would 70 percent of the S.D. voters ever want it to happen in the future without their being held accountable to the People, in case the system might fail to be a check on such misconduct? --just to be sure of having their inherent rights, and those of their children and grandchildren, protected in the future?  Would even half of the voters think it would be okay and not be necessary to set up a safeguard for their security?
Of all the criticism leveled at Amendment E by the opposition, none of it addressed the key paragraph of the Amendment, to wit:

2. Immunity. No immunity shall extend to any judge of this State for any deliberate violation of law, fraud or conspiracy, intentional violation of due process of law, deliberate disregard of material facts, judicial acts without jurisdiction, blocking of a lawful conclusion of a case, or any deliberate violation of the Constitutions of South Dakota or the United States, notwithstanding Common Law, or any other contrary statute.

All we kept hearing was that judges would be sued by those who DON'T LIKE their decisions, or sued for their official DECISION-MAKING, or sued for making UNPOPULAR DECISIONS. Never did the opposition address the seven violations listed in the Amendment that would be investigated-- not sued. The No-on-E club did criticize the "blocking" violation, pulling out of thin air that Mr. Branson was attacking the summary judgment process. All of you-- take a look at Confronting Head-On The "No-On-E" Club for full information--you'll find it incredible!
No-On-E criticized �2 by saying the following
Judges are already held accountable for the hypothetical transgressions spelled out in this paragraph. This is the part of the amendment that "sets up" government officials, judges and others who are protected by judicial immunity in their official decision-making. It strips them of legal protections for their official decision-making and makes them personally liable to lawsuits from people who have a gripe about those decisions.
What about violations of the Constitution? of due process? fraud or conspiracy? etc. Are judges "already held accountable" for those violations? By whom? Other judges? Bureaucrats? If they are accountable in theory, are they in practice? in reality?
Fraud by Attorney General Larry Long
The most serious official misconduct regarding Amendment E on the ballot was the propaganda appearing at the heading of the measure as the "Attorney General Explanation" fully discussed prior to the election in our JNJ South Dakota 2006 Ballot Contaminated. The South Dakota voters have a cause of action against Long for his misrepresentation of Amendment E right on the ballot itself. The Amendment itself doesn't even appear on the ballot for the voters to read for themselves to compare before actually casting their vote on it. The only thing the voters were allowed to vote "No" or "Yes" on was the "Attorney General Explanation"  --not the Amendment as written. It's a blind vote! Was the J.A.I.L. Amendment honestly presented to the South Dakota voters by that official "explanation" written by the Attorney General who, by the way, is legal counsel for the judiciary? As counsel for the judges, that "explanation" is therefore the voice of the judges. Where is our voice?  Where is even our opportunity to have a voice?
Violation of Election Laws by S.D. Legislature
Another serious violation regarding its influence on Amendment E was also reported before the election in South Dakota Legislature Forfeits Their Public Trust showing that the entire Legislature--not two or three-- all of them, unlawfully used public facilities at taxpayers' expense to write a resolution against a People's initiative! More pre-election information on this subject is found in Rogue Miscreant Legislators.
Finally, on Election Eve, November 6th, Mr. Branson summed it up as follows:
Election Fraud
by the South Dakota Legislature
and What Can Be Done About it
By Ron Branson, [email protected]

The following is taken from the Home Page of www.sd-jail4judges.org.

For background information, read about legislative election fraud in Wisconsin: href="style="TEXT-DECORATION: none" http://www.sd-jail4judges.org/WisconsinScandal.htm"> Wisconsin's biggest legislative election scandal.

Now having been informed of "the biggest political scandal in Wisconsin history," let us turn to an immensely greater political scandal now going on involving all the South Dakota State Legislators. "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." Ezekiel 22:30.

Which legislator among those in the South Dakota Legislature has clean hands in this matter? Which legislator is it that will stand up and blow the whistle on the corruption going on among all the South Dakota legislators? Is there not at least one legislator willing to break rank and step forward to contend for an honest election? Is it true that there is not a single legislator among you that cares about election integrity? that will speak out on this election fraud?

We've all heard that "Two wrongs do not make a right." Well, how about one-hundred and five legislators committing a wrong? The argument that "everyone is doing it," shows how deeply ingrained your evil and corruption goes. Verily, "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil;" Exodus 23:2.

Now we have already pointed out that big oil companies are financing the fight against the passage of Amendment E. What would you think if the oil companies rigged the gas pumps to distort your purchase so that you did not receive an honest gallon for your money? You would be outraged and complain vigorously. But what if there were no forum whatsoever in government to which you could complain, and even the State Attorney General was in on this scam? What is actually happening in this legislative scandal is immensely more serious than not getting a true gallon of gas. Let us explain.

At peril here is one of your most precious rights -

The Voting Process

All elections depend not only upon the actual honesty and integrity of the election, but also upon the perception of honesty and integrity. Any hint of voter fraud is hurtful to the election process, as everyone must believe in the process. If voting is not honest, then, of course, why bother having a voting process at all?

Such charge is now being raised against the government's interference with the current South Dakota election on November 7th. While this challenge to voter fraud is being leveled by the people behind Amendment E, this issue rises far above whether one is either for or against Amendment E, but rather whether the election process itself must be honest. This question leads all of us to ask whether we should be holding elections at all if honesty may be nonchalantly sacrificed on the altar of objective success. (Win at all cost even if election crimes must be committed to do so.)

I was interviewed on Tuesday, October 3, 2006, by NPR out of Washington D.C. doing a story on Amendment E. The interviewer, Nina Totenberg, asked me her final question, "Mr. Branson, all of the government in South Dakota is opposing your Amendment E. Why is this so?" I responded,  "The latest poll shows that the opposition against Amendment E has the support of 19.8% of the voters in South Dakota. It is commonly accepted that governments across the nation consist of approximately 1/5th, or 20%, of any given population, which accounts for the 20% of those in South Dakota opposed to Amendment E. All the rest of the population, less the 13.2% undecided, are in favor of the passage of Amendment E. Statistically speaking then, this shows that Amendment E is about the Government versus the People, and the People versus the Government of South Dakota."  The above being the final question, Ms. Totenberg thanked me and concluded the interview.

This question posed to me by the media raises the question regarding governments campaigning for or against any citizens' measure with taxpayers' dollars in the first place. If the citizens of South Dakota tolerate allowing their state Capitol to be used as a campaign headquarters against their initiatives, it spells the end of the voting process. If the legislature can get away with this on one ballot issue they do not like, then they can, and certainly will, continue this fraud of influence-peddling on other ballot issues. This is but a small step away from the legislature buying votes with the People's own tax dollars, and I predict that that is exactly what will be taking place next, inasmuch as the election process will become as corrupt and evil as the People will tolerate.

What we are saying here is: something extremely serious is at stake in South Dakota. It involves everyone's future in casting votes in honest elections. Once the right of the People to vote in honest elections is displaced, then People may as well surrender their state to communistic fascist-thinking government dictators who do not have to face the voters!

With only four state legislators in Wisconsin giving over their Capitol offices to campaigning, Wisconsin is said to be now reeling with one of the greatest campaign scandals in its history. But now the South Dakota legislature is going the max, a major scandal involving all state legislators! Normally, this criminal conduct would be prosecuted by the State Attorney General, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of South Dakota, but even he is involved in this massive government election scandal. Attorney Gary Zerman had written a letter to Governor Rounds which he forwarded to Mr. Stegmeier, the Proponent of Amendment E, pertaining to this scandal. Be sure to read it.

This criminal scandal far transcends the November election, but will cloud the entire election process in South Dakota for years to come. The entire nation will take notice of what these South Dakota legislators, Attorney General, and judiciary have done. Other state legislators will either choose to condemn the practice, or adopt similar behind-the-scene practices. Should it be the latter, the entire electoral process nationwide will be jeopardized as election fraud becomes a way of life.

Since the implications and risks are so high, it behooves the F.B.I. to move in swiftly and arrest and try government officials statewide before this evil blossoms in other states. "Know ye not  that a little little leaven leaveneth the whole lump?" I Cor.5:6. Toleration of a little election fraud is guaranteed to result in an absolute government corruption -- no ifs, ands, or buts!

It is time for all South Dakotans to rise to the cause and preserve their right to vote.

What Can Be Done About This

Election Fraud In South Dakota?

First, we recommend you pray. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16   "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." Jeremiah 33:3

Secondly, after you have humbly prayed and committed your heart to the Lord in faith, you are advised to compose a criminal affidavit setting forth the particulars as described above, and submit it to your local F.B.I. Office, urging them to open a criminal investigation of State Attorney General Larry Long for seeking to influence an election. In a nutshell, the Attorney General has inverted, through manipulation, the objective of J.A.I.L. from jurors going after judges to criminals going after jurors.  Likewise, name specific State Legislators in their individual capacity for the crime of utilizing their public offices and public funds for campaigning against a state ballot initiative, in violation of South Dakota Codified Law 12-13-16.

To place this misconduct, committed by these legislators, in perspective, it is serious enough that even the President of the United States may be impeached on commission thereof, to wit, "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." U.S. Constitution, Art. II, Sec. 4. (Note the inclusion of misdemeanor crimes.)

Likewise, the South Dakota Constitution, Art. XVI, �3, in pertinent part, states, "Officers subject to Impeachment -- Grounds -- Removal from office -- Criminal prosecution. The Governor and other state [legislative]...officers ... shall be liable to impeachment for ... crimes, corrupt conduct, or malfeasance or misdemeanor in office..."

Therefore, submit an adapted version of your criminal affidavit, which you submitted to the F.B.I., to your local county Grand Jury, demanding a criminal investigation and indictment of the specific legislators you named, preferably your own!

Lastly, again seek God's face and ask Him to plead your cause and show you His Wondrous Works on our behalf. "Thus saith the LORD: Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the LORD." Jeremiah 31:16.

God bless each and every one of you for actively taking a stand for Truth!

It's All About Truth!

Remember, all the above-referenced documentation was written PRIOR to the election and is unaltered!
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