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J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                       November 12, 2022
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J.A.I.L. National
To Be Speaker At
Libertarian State Convention

Ronald Branson, the author/founder and National J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief, has been invited to be one of the speakers at the California Libertarian State Convention taking place Feb. 15-18, 2002 in Santa Maria, California. It will not only be his golden opportunity to address the California Libertarian Party leaders, but also the first step in convincing  the entire National Libertarian Party to get involved in the passage of J.A.I.L. legislation nationwide.

Mr. Branson will present to the Libertarian Party a fresh new approach to accomplishing getting government out of their lives, a message so appreciated by Libertarians nationwide. He expects to recruit a number of new converts to JAIL4Judges, the extended title of his organization which draws its name from their website, (J.A.I.L. actually stands for "Judicial Accountability Initiative Law")Mr. Branson is careful to explain that J.A.I.L., because of its neutrality stance to all political parties, cannot align or play favorites with any party.

While J.A.I.L. already has the unanimous endorsement of the San Bernardino County Libertarian Party,

and the Ohio State J.A.I.L. Chapter is run by Libertarian leader Don Jaynes.

J.A.I.L., which now covers forty-seven states, has representatives from nearly every political party.That's the beautiful thing about J.A.I.L., Mr. Branson says, is that J.A.I.L.'s single-focused goal of judicial accountability of the judiciary is offensive to no party. "After all," he says, "who does not want the judges accountable to the Constitution of this land, and the laws made in pursuance thereof?"

Mr. Branson's theory is that truth, honesty, integrity, the Constitution, and the laws of this land made in pursuance thereof, are neither Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, Independent, or Reform, and that once J.A.I.L. becomes law, all politicians, regardless of party, shall be held to the very same standard: the Constitution they have sworn to uphold and defend.

Mr. Branson argues that once the judiciary is held accountable to the oversight of Citizens' Special Grand Juries across this nation, and the judges are no longer able to escape personal accountability through their judge-made doctrine of judicial immunity, all governments will have to toe the line to the Constitution, from the least unto the greatest.

The Libertarian State Convention will be held at the Santa Maria Inn. It is projected that the Convention will be fully booked by mid-December.

If you would like to be a guest at this convention, you may make your arrangements through

If you have questions about the convention, you may write [email protected].

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Judicial Accountability Initiative Law
Last Revision
31 December, 2001