To All California JAILers:
I anticipate that 2002 will be a good year for J.A.I.L. overall. We
have some good possibilities outside California that may break ice for
J.A.I.L. nationally. The practical reality for California, is that our
state will most likely have to learn from one of the other states who has
taken the step for J.A.I.L. before us. Let me explain.
The public attention of the people in California is on "cruise control,"
with a can of beer in one hand and a remote TV control in the other, and
all eyes glued on the Super Bowl, while the rest of us suffer in oppression
of the knowledge of what's going on.
The fact is, without the finances of somewhere near a million dollars,
we just will not be able to get California J.A.I.L. on the ballot. Now,
the million dollars may seem impossible to gather, however, in our multi-billion
dollar California economy, that sum is small change. It is just that the
right persons have to wake up to the credibility and importance of the
J.A.I.L. cause, such as would happen when J.A.I.L. hits the news as having
passed in another state.
Let's never lose sight that a win in one state is a win for all, including
California. So, for the time being, our overall goal will be finding those
people who will support J.A.I.L. with serious donations, and until those
persons come along our secondary goal is publicity, which is what will
bring forth those supporters. The more wells one digs, the more likely
they are to strike oil. If we knew where to strike oil, we obviously would
dig there.
One thing we can say is that it is a miracle all the people J.A.I.L.
is reaching with essentially no budget. Our message is bounding forth,
and will continue to do so exponentially.
We are in bad need of headquarters where we can have volunteers come
in and assist in reaching the public in a more efficient and timely manner.
It does not have to be a commercial front business, as that is not what
we need. Even an apartment would serve us well. So if any of you JAILers
in the surrounding Los Angeles area have a lead, please let us know. It
would be nice if the public could call and a live person would pick up
the phone and say, "JAIL4Judges - May I help you?"
Overall, I see a bright future for J.A.I.L.
As your JAILer-In-Chief, I wish you a happy New Years.
God bless all of you.
-Ron Branson-
[email protected]
Our Name Says It All!
Let's roll up our sleeves and get business done!