Hello, Nancy Swan. You have asked me if I was present at the Citizen's
Forum on Judicial Accountability this year. No, I was not at the Citizen's Forum
on Judicial Accountability, nor did we have a representative present.
I have knowledge that the Judicial Commissions across this country are
totally worthless and designed to cover for miscreant judges.
original Judicial Commission was created right here in California in 1960, and
from here it spread to all the other 49 states. Prior to the creation
of Judicial Commissions, the judges of this nation were subject to the
People by means of Grand Jury Investigations. In order to block the People from
investigating judges, they devised Judicial Commissions to
"Investigate" judges, and they thereby removed the power of the People to
investigate judges. It was in this manner that all investigations of judges
were placed into the control of other judges.
Here in California, complaints gained strength that argued that since we
now had Judicial Commissions to investigate judges, the judges controlled
the Commission by majority, so a California Initiative was passed that
required there to be one more member on the Commission than there were
controlling judges. However, the odd member for the Commission was
selected by conflicted political hacks. For instance, the State Attorney
General got to pick one of the non-judicial members, but he is the attorney
for the judges. When the People sue the judges for unlawful acts, it is the
Attorney General that comes to their aid. I had a deputy attorney general
personally tell me, Ron, you want us to go after the judges for wrongdoing. We
cannot do that. We have a conflict of interest. We are their attorneys. When you
sue them, we defend them.
We were much better off prior to the development of Judicial Commissions,
for the Grand Juries could then investigate and indict judicial wrongdoing.
The system has now blocked that avenue. This is why we must have JAIL4Judges
because J.A.I.L. is exclusively about Grand Jury investigating judges.
Therefore, the system is afraid J.A.I.L. will not only undo what they have
deceptively set into motion, but make judges more subject to discipline than
ever before. With Judicial Commissions judges are 50% minus one to
vote on judicial misconduct. But with J.A.I.L. only the People will have a vote,
with the judges accountable directly only to the People. There is no other was
this problem of judicial unaccountability can be fixed.
- Ron Branson
P.S. - I'm sorry, but I was not familiar with the Mississippi
judicial bribery case.
I spoke at the Citizen's Forum on Judicial
Accountability on Capital Hill last May. Did you have a representative at
the forum? Do you know about the recent judicial bribery convictions in
Mississippi involving high profile attorneys Paul Minor and Dickie
Scruggs? The Mississippi Commission on Judicial Performance had remained
mute through the five years of investigation, trials, convictions, and
sentencing. It is a watchdog that does not bark. I was one of the
Nancy Swan