Subject: * A Visitor's Impression Of America *
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J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                             November 6, 2005

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A Visitor's Impression Of America
Time and time again we are receiving messages from foreign visitors who express how far America is lagging behind other nations. Here is just the latest.  -Ron Branson

Sun, 06 Nov 2005
From: Bruce Porteous -
[email protected]

Subject: A visitor's impression of America ....

I have just returned [to Europe] from visiting the USA....  What I find in visiting the USA both shocked and alarmed me. I found a nation continuing to sleep-walk towards its own destruction.

The American people have increasingly become "dumbed down" through their media - they are becoming polarized with extremists on both the left and right proclaiming messages of hate and intolerance. Yet the media fails to inform Americans the peril their country is now in - there is a total lack of awareness of the dangers that lie ahead. 

People fail to grasp on the realities of the economic, political and environmental world which the USA must now co-exist in. There appears to a total lack of leadership or understanding in solving America's or the
world's problems.

One of the tragedies resulting from the "brain-washing" of the American people is in deceiving them that they are the greatest nation of earth, that their way of life is the model all nations should follow. The leadership claims that democracy is the form of government all nations should adopt.  America is the "land of freedom," yet the majority of American's are under bondage to an economic system that has enslaved them.

Yet many American's continue to deceive themselves into believing that God is blessing America. While they continue to sing "God Bless America," it is becoming increasingly clear that God is no longer blessing
America.  Rather, America is now being cursed because of its sins.

Why would God curse America when it still proclaims to be a Christian nation?  Clearly God has blessed America in the past - why should these blessing now be withdrawn and the nation be cursed.  The reason why America is being cursed is because of the rejection of the legal code given to us by God through the Bible on how we are to live our lives, and be governed. ....


But cheer up - very good news is on the way for America!  -Ron Branson

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