Subject: * * * Portrait of America's Legal System * * * |
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Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2022 17:23:59 -0700 |
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J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California October 11, 2005
Portrait of America's Legal System As Seen From the Outside
Rigged courts, bribed judges,
phony trials, extortion by lawyers, and over 2 million prisoners in the USA
by Les Sachs, [email protected]
August 30,
Banned in America Blogspot
.... All world citizens
should know how the corrupt USA legal system, is a
danger to every traveler,
visitor, and guest worker from overseas, and to every individual who takes the
risky step of entering upon American territory. Just ask the overseas families
of prisoners who were put to death inside the USA, with their embassies never
even being informed that they were arrested - or the many foreign people serving
hugely long prison terms in America, after they were jailed on flimsy tainted
"evidence" from criminal snitches.
The reality is that the United States
of America, which proclaims itself the "land of freedom," has the most
dishonest, dangerous and crooked legal system of any developed nation. Legal
corruption is covering America like a blanket.
The corruption of the USA
legal system is well-known, but also well-hidden, by the news services of
America's corporate-owned media. The US media companies are afraid both of
reprisal, and of the social revolution that would come from exposing the truth.
Here is what the US media companies know, but are afraid to tell you about
American "justice".
Concentration camps with concrete
America has the largest prison gulag in the entire world -
yes, right there in the USA, the self-proclaimed "land of freedom." The starting
point for understanding anything about the USA, is to digest the fact that just
this one country, the United States of America, has twenty-five percent of ALL
of the prisoners in the entire world.
More than 2 million prisoners -
more than 1 out of every 150 people in America - are behind bars in the American
gulag. This is now the world's biggest system of what are effectively
concentration camps, though most of these prisoners are behind masonry walls and
inside prison buildings. ....
Quite amazingly, Americans and the American
government, continually
criticize the legal systems and so-called
"political" legal proceedings in other countries such as China,
Russia, and even Belgium among many other places. Yet, for example, the
proportion of prisoners is 30 times higher in the USA than in China, even though
China is a country regularly criticized and denounced by the USA
No one imprisons people as readily, or casually, as does
America. As you learn more about America's horrifying legal system, you find out
how easily and carelessly America arrests people, and tosses innocent people
into prison. It is estimated that America has at least 100,000 completely
innocent people in jail, but the statistics of innocence may well run far
higher. The number of people known to be innocent, and yet who were actually
sentenced to death in recent years in America, is already running into the
Of America's more than 2 million prisoners, about 50,000 are
known to be foreign citizens. This proportion might seem small, but remember
that 50,000 prisoners is more than the entire prison population of many other
countries. It only appears as a small percentage, because of America's obsession
with jailing its own people, who have had more time to get caught in America's
web of legal horror.
The USA is extremely casual about the jailing of
foreigners, and not
honouring their rights under international law or
treaties and agreements. Often, foreign citizens have been sentenced to death,
while the USA didn't even bother to notify the foreign government that their
citizens were arrested.
Several other governments are working hard just
to try and obtain even the most primitive judicial rights for their own
nationals, who have been seized and held in abusive conditions by the USA
empire. And yet, the United States of America somehow still brags about its own
legal system, while criticizing other countries. ....
Before you set foot
in America, you should have a clear picture of the terror of America's legal
system - the judges and lawyers and money and bribery, that have made this
system of fear so pervasive. There is not yet enough public media information
about America's domestic legal horrors, horrors which have been rapidly
increasing. And the American public, even the victims of its legal system, have
a hard time realizing why it is so hard to fight legal corruption there.
Theoretically, torture and abuse is totally outlawed by America's
Constitution, but some of the nice words in America's Constitution hold little
power anymore, despite how often people quote them. The Americans who still
believe the Constitution protects them, are mostly those people who haven't yet
dealt with the judges and lawyers of America's corrupt legal
America's Constitution and Bill of Rights are nearly dead, not
just because the judges will no longer enforce them, but even more because
America's lawyers will not even fight for them. The two American "political
parties" are not fighting for them, either, and America's news media are also
very passive. If you look at America in depth, you can see there has been a
widespread moral collapse in America's legal and political structures. This
means that America's legal system has become largely a tool of government
terror, and of bribery for the rich and the powerful. The average person is just
fodder for the meat-grinder of America's courts.
America's lies and
sleazy arguments to make excuses for torture, or to deny people the rights of
the Geneva convention, or holding people for many years without charges, are
also just an extension of the deviousness in America's domestic legal system.
Inside America, neither its laws nor its Constitution nor the facts nor evidence
nor anything else, no longer have real authority inside the American
All that's left is what American lawyers and judges call "the
game." As part of playing this game, USA lawyers and judges just twist words
around, in order to produce any excuse, however flimsy, to achieve their
objective, whether that be to jail an innocent person, or give the verdict that
was sought by the big company that paid the big bribe through its law
It is an endlessly devious manipulation of words and phrases to get
the desired result, just devious falsehood and lies backed by the naked power of
the judges. The only "real" part is the power that the judges and lawyers hold
in America, to jail you and take away your property. The words of the law don't
protect you in the USA, because American judges and lawyers have no scruples
about bending them to mean the opposite of what they say.
lawyers are controlled by the judges, and don't really work for you - that's why
they sell you out to the government, or to the big companies that pay
There's some very special aspects about the way American lawyers
controlled by American judges, which is central to why America's legal
corruption is so much worse than any other advanced nation. Even if you are
paying an American lawyer huge amounts of money, he or she doesn't really work
for you, and in fact may sell you down the river to the
American lawyers are directly under the thumb of the judges.
... Lawyers who try to fight the system can find themselves not only
dis-barred, but also criminally charged and jailed, and no other lawyer will
help them. It is a horribly crooked system in America. ....
So American
lawyers are afraid to do things in court, that the judges don't want them to do.
America's army of nearly 1 million lawyers, is almost totally under the control
of a few thousand judges, with their entrenched culture of bribery and fraud and
miscarriage of justice. ....
So a totally unique factor in USA legal
corruption is the amazingly
dishonest profession of American lawyers, these
lawyers who "play the
game" with America�s judges and politicians and
police. It is a savage culture of legal fraud, where lawyers work with judges to
rob and terrify people, especially ... all those who dare to question the
system. ....
You will also find, in the American legal system, that you
essentially have no recourse whatsoever against wrongdoing by your own lawyer. A
lawyer can sell you out, betray you, steal your money, engage in malpractice,
help out the other side, hide the evidence that proved you were right, or commit
felony crime against you, and there is nothing you can do about it, so long as
the lawyer made the judge happy, and the judge got his cut of any money the
lawyer stole from you.
Innocent and being
arrested - they don't like to admit a mistake in America
The police and prosecutors in America have no concern at all whether
have arrested someone who is innocent. They just don't care. When a crime is
committed, they try to arrest somebody, anybody, just to say they got the bad
guy. And they never like to admit they made a mistake. Once they arrest you,
they will try to make up and plant false evidence, to help try and convict you.
A common trick is to take other criminals they know, who are facing jail on
other charges, and get those criminals to be false witnesses against you. The
cops justify this kind of thing by saying to themselves, "Well, if you didn't
commit this crime, you probably committed some other crime we don't know
If they do arrest you in America, they like to pile on all sorts
of criminal charges. The idea is to charge you with 10 crimes, because it makes
you sound bad, and maybe convict you on 3 of them or you will accept a plea
bargain on 1 or 2 of them. Any kind of guilty plea, and they call it a success,
even though you were totally innocent. For the police and prosecutors, it's all
a kind of sporting game, so they can bring about their "high conviction rate."
and big corporations, vs. everybody else
The only people who
really can expect some fairness in American courts are multi-millionaires
and big corporations. Nobody else really matters to American judges and
There is a huge amount of bribery in America, perhaps even more
than in the courts of any other country in the world. Even some American
ex-judges have admitted the near-universality of bribery there. Nearly all
bribes are given to the judges by lawyers; this is considered the safe way to
bribe a judge. Bribery is rarely spoken about, just understood. Rich people pay
huge amounts of money to law firms with connections, the lawyers walk around
with a certain amount of cash in their jacket, and they pass it to the judges in
their quiet moments together. It is mostly all cash of course. Sometimes the
bribery is blatantly obvious, because of the other crimes that
lawyers and
judges commit in broad daylight together. In the courtrooms you can see the
judges being extremely friendly to their rich lawyer friends who pay big
As an average person, there's no real way to out-bribe a big
corporation, regardless of what your lawyer promised you. That's why the big
companies win so often.
American judges are very devious, and use all
sorts of techniques to
prevent a victim from getting justice. Lots of judges
issue gag orders, and bans on freedom of speech, to help prevent other people
from finding out what is going on. Judges set up a trial in all sorts of ways,
giving orders that all sorts of evidence be hidden from a jury, for example. The
judge may declare, for example, that the evidence that proves you are innocent
or right, will not be allowed at the trial.
Jury trials are actually very
rare in America, unlike what you see in the movies. Most cases are settled
through some deal or extortion or intimidation, before there is an actual trial.
If there is a jury trial, they tend to stack the jury with un-educated idiots
who will tend to believe whatever lies they are told by the judge and the
government. If you are trying to fight a rich person in court, the judge might
let the fancy lawyers for the rich person say anything they want, while he tells
you to shut up as soon as you start
talking. The judges have a thousand ways
to rig a legal proceeding, to benefit rich people or the government.
no wonder so many innocent people go to prison. With the fundamental brutality
and harshness of life in America, American citizens are confused and fearful,
and gullible to propaganda. So, a jury in a courtroom, these people who tend to
be poorly educated, will tend to go along with any lies presented by government
prosecutors. In this environment of fear, the feeling of safety for the jury,
comes from following the "strong" government in sending various "suspected
criminals" to jail.
Yes, there are appeals courts, but these are just
more judges, who are often friends with the lower court judge who originally
sold you out. The appeals judges tend to go along with the lower court judge,
unless you have suddenly acquired some politically powerful backing on your
Americans love to talk about "taking it all the way to the Supreme
Court!", but this is a nearly empty hope. The U.S. Supreme Court simply refuses
to consider most cases that are presented to it. .... You can find no end of
documented horror about American judges behaving like criminal
and it is getting worse all the time.
In the Hollywood version, there are
brave lawyers who will fight for your rights, to win justice for you in the
American courts. In reality, you can't find an American lawyer brave enough to
fight judicial corruption, even if you are innocent and the judge's friends have
threatened to murder you, or to send you to jail for the rest of your life. The
lawyers who used to be brave, were destroyed or intimidated, and nearly all
American lawyers now submit themselves to the culture of corruption and bribery,
and betraying and abandoning the people who need legal help. .... Even the
lawyers who don't want to be wicked themselves, are too timid to really fight
the system. At a certain point, nearly all American lawyers will hold back and
abandon their clients, because they are trying to survive themselves and avoid
revenge by the judges.
In the Hollywood version, the average person is
also helped by the
"brave investigative reporter" at some newspaper or
station, who shows great courage in exposing the truth, and
powerful wrongdoing to face justice. However, the brave
"investigative reporter" in America is now as fictional and non-
existent as the "brave lawyer" who will fight for your rights. This
especially true on any topic pertaining to corruption by judges
and lawyers.
America is the land of fear, as
regards the legal system and the culture of corruption. Everyone involved with
the USA legal system is afraid, very afraid, of stepping on the wrong toes. Even
American judges themselves get driven out of office, if they don't participate
in the bribery culture.
No recourse against crime and fraud by
judges and lawyers in America
In reality, there is almost
nothing you can do against misconduct, and even open felony crime, committed
against you by American judges and lawyers. All of the official complaint
procedures you find on the internet, or at the courthouse or in the law books,
turn out to be a joke, a farce and a fraud.
Complaints about lawyers in
America, usually go to the "Bar," which is itself run by the judges who are
involved in bribery with the lawyers. And complaints about judges go to other
judges, their friends.
Nearly all the complaints about lawyers and judges
- tens of thousands of them - are kept secret. Nearly all are dismissed or
ignored. They are generally only used if the judges or politicians want to
specially destroy someone - some radical minority lawyer, someone who is not
playing the bribery game, somebody who has dared to expose wrongdoing.
Otherwise, even criminal acts by lawyers and judges get a smiling
You will almost certainly not find any lawyers to help you sue
another lawyer for wrongdoing. They are too scared of revenge by the judges.
Even the lawyers who are broke and unemployed and desperate for work, are too
scared to sue another lawyer. (Special caution: Lawyers may make false promises
to you about suing another lawyer, cash your checks and steal your money, and
then refuse to help you. And then you will have another lawyer who wronged you.)
It's getting worse and
worse in America all the time. As the judges and lawyers can get away with
committing crimes, they are getting more open and blatant, committing felony
crimes in broad daylight, because they know no one will stop them or bring them
to account. ....
The growing American
No one should ever again be fooled by USA propaganda about being the
"land of freedom". Those who are thinking of traveling to, visiting, or working in America, should think again. It might not be worth the risk of being in a country that has one of the most crooked legal systems in the world.
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