Subject: * * * It's Time To Ante-Up * * *
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:41:49 -0700
To: ""

J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                                     July 21, 2005

It's Time To Ante-Up
(By Jake Morgan - [email protected])
----- Original Message -----
From: Henry Morgan
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 5:21 PM
Subject: FW: * * * Getting J.A.I.L. Officially On The Map * * *

"My kind of loyalty was to one's country, not to its institutions or its officeholders. The country is the real thing, the substantial thing, the eternal thing; it is the thing to watch over, and care for, and be loyal to; institutions are extraneous, they are its mere clothing, and clothing can wear out, become ragged, cease to be comfortable, cease to protect the body from winter, disease, and death."   --- Mark Twain

[Samuel Langhornne Clemens] (1835-1910)


"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.  There may even be a worse case.  You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves."   
                                                        -- Winston Churchill


OK folks,
It's time to ante-up.  You love America, right? You love freedom, right?  You're willing to fight for it when the chips are down, right? Well the chips are down right now.  You know what you have to do.  Now's the time!  Dig deep! Send all the money you can muster to South Dakota J.A.I.L..  Send it before you forward this message.  Send it before you delete this message.  The time is now. South Dakota needs your help now.
There have been people working on this tirelessly for more than 20 years.  There is a team of volunteers in South Dakota.  Much like the minutemen of 1776, they have done all of the preliminary work to save YOUR freedom.  They have given up their time and labor unstintingly.  They have set the stage.  All is ready.  But now they need YOUR help.  Send a dollar, send $10.00,  send $25.00,  send $100.00, or $1000.00 or $100,000.00.  We're going up against an entrenched tyranny with mega bucks.  You know what kind of money it takes to run a successful political campaign.  There will not likely be any large corporate contributers in this fight - at least not on our side.  It's going to be up to us, the little people, the grass roots, to do this. If you are reading the below message, go to the South Dakota J.A.I.L web site and give 'em some dough.
Why should you contribute to an effort in another state?  Because, just as what happened at Lexington and Concord eventually touched the lives of every single person in the too will what happens in South Dakota in the 2006 election, affect us all.  It is OUR country, and OUR freedom that are at stake here.  Send Money!  As much as you can!  So that we, and our kids, can know real freedom once again in America.
Send Money!  Send it now!
Email: [email protected]
Telephone:  (605) 231-1418
Send your financial support to:
P.O. Box 412
Tea, SD.  57064

Getting J.A.I.L. Officially
On The Map
Now is the time to really do something meaningful for this country. Now is your chance to make Judicial Accountability to the People a reality, not just theory. This may be our last opportunity to do so. Your help is needed both physically in helping to collect signatures in South Dakota (anyone over 18 from any state may do so), and financially. Bill Stegmeier, the SD JAILer-In-Chief, stated:
As we approach election, the enemy will intensify its smear campaign.
Once we succeed in getting this Amendment on the ballot, and the closer we get to election, the more money we will need to promote the Amendment, and to defend ourselves from being accused of such acts as wanting to cause children to go hungry, (and uninsured), acid rain, nuclear winter, and the inevitable breakdown of our South Dakota justice system to the point of anarchy, rape, pillage, and mandatory viewing of MTV. What's my point?  We need MONEY!  Lots of it.
The following is an elaborate promotional for the South Dakota J.A.I.L. campaign written by Henry "Jake" Morgan, [email protected].
Please take the time to read all of it. It means the difference between restoring our freedom under the intended Constitutional Republic, or remaining as slaves under a despotic power that has overtaken this country. Which will you have?  It's going to take ALL of us, People! The race is on to our goal of winning South Dakota J.A.I.L. in 2006!

American History In The Making
By: Henry "Jake" Morgan, [email protected]
The passage of J.A.I.L. in South Dakota will mark the beginning of the end of tyranny as we know it in this country.  It starts the new history of the regaining of our Liberty and Freedom. SDJA is American history in the making.
Click here:

Welcome to the SDJA Web Site

"Reform never comes from government; it must always come from the People."
-- Attorney Gary Zerman, Lt. CIC, National J.A.I.L.

SDJA's mission is to get the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) on the November 2006 ballot and approved by the People as an amendment to the South Dakota State Constitution.

Why do we need the J.A.I.L Amendment?

In America, no one is supposed to be above the law; however, judges have declared themselves to be above the law through their self-made doctrine of "Judicial Immunity."

In America, individuals should not be able to write laws; however, judges decide all issues in their courtrooms and their decisions become cited as "case law." The result is that laws become what judges interpret them to be -- regardless of the state or federal Constitution. This is known as "Judicial Activism."

We believe that South Dakota citizens want common-sense limits on Judicial Immunity and want to eliminate Judicial Activism. We also believe that the SD J.A.I.L Amendment is the best way for the citizens of South Dakota to maintain and preserve the integrity of South Dakota courts.

What will the J.A.I.L. Amendment do?

Simply put, J.A.I.L. will make the Judicial Branch of government answerable and accountable to an entity other than itself.

The passage of the South Dakota J.A.I.L. will insure an honorable and accountable judiciary today and for future generations. Most importantly, passing the J.A.I.L. Amendment in South Dakota will inspire citizens from other states to restore integrity and accountability to the entire Judicial Branch of government. It all begins here in South Dakota -- With your support!

Show YOUR support for Judicial Accountability

Simply click on the links on the right-hand side of the page to learn more about the Amendment, and learn how to lend your support to our cause.

"The blessings of a free government can only be maintained by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles."
-- Article VI, 27, South Dakota Constitution

We believe that you will agree and will do all in your power to support the South Dakota J.A.I.L. Amendment.

I hope that you will agree and do all in your power, in every way possible, to support the South Dakota J.A.I.L. effort.
It may be the last, best opportunity we will have this lifetime to restore/preserve real Liberty/Freedom for ourselves and future generations ..... without bloodshed.
I urge you to give this post your undivided attention - to the point where you fully understand what is being proposed, and you fully grasp the importance of this effort.
I urge you, once you fully understand what is at stake here - to act accordingly.
The Founders pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor when they signed the Declaration of Independence.
If you have pondered at all the frightening slide of our nation away from liberty and towards a bigger and bigger, uglier and uglier, concentration of Police State power in Washington DC, and the increasing arrogance of government generally, .......the veritable shredding of the Bill of Rights in the path of an out-of-control, steamroller government..... and asked yourself, "What can I do?" will find the answer to that question in the below article, "One Glaring Deficiency."
If all you want to do is read about and lament our situation......
don't read any further....because this post will just make you uncomfortable.  It makes what I think is an incontrovertible argument, establishes an obligation that you cannot, in good conscience, refuse..... for swift, serious action....... by each of us.....including YOU.
The first shot fired in the American Revolution beginning the skirmishes between British Regulars and our Minutemen at Lexington and Concord has often been characterized by historians as, "The Shot Heard 'Round The World."
It has often been said that "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance."  But "vigilance" is absolutely worthless absent a willingness to act  ..... should it become necessary.
I believe that it is now necessary. The crisis is upon us.
This action, if successful, will place a shot across the bow of tyranny in America as historically significant as that first
 "Shot Heard 'Round the World."
I believe that Freedom for you, your kids, your grandkids and this planet......for generations to come hangs in the balance.
Are you in?
For Freedom,

The below article, "One Glaring Deficiency" was originally sent out as a J.A.I.L. News Journal on March 17, 2005. It is now posted as part of our promotion of the South Dakota J.A.I.L. campaign, and the article is slightly adapted to address the South Dakota J.A.I.L. effort. Our appreciation once again to Mr. Morgan for his excellent literary work on behalf of J.A.I.L.  

By Henry Jake Morgan, [email protected]


 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

                                                           -- Thomas Jefferson 

If government can selectively ignore provisions of the Constitution as it pleases, the People, to whom the government belongs, can never clearly assess whether any parts of the Constitution may need adjustment. It was for this reason that Public Officers were required by the Constitution to take an Oath to faithfully obey it.
By ignoring portions of the Constitution, politicians effectively destroy "government by the People" and in its place inject their personal passions and prejudices, thereby muddying the waters
making it impossible for the People to effectively govern.

Their (politicians') contention that they actually constitute a legitimate government because they follow the Constitution --sometimes, to some degree, in some of its particulars-- is a lie-- to mask the fact of the lawless, treasonous, rebellious coup de etat' they have effected, and to keep the People believing that they own (and therefore will continue to support and pay for) "their" government.

The Constitution was crafted as a unified whole, with the intention to create a limited servant government, to perform 17 specific tasks --and nothing else!

The government, created by the Constitution, was crafted with the intention that all of its parts and functions were necessarily interdependent requiring, like the parts of a fine watch, ALL parts to function properly in order to create a nearly perfect whole. The severe limitations placed upon government played no less a part in defining it than the forms and powers it was granted.

By their "selective obedience" to the Constitution, politicians and bureaucrats have effectively taken power, like the host of petty tyrants that they are, and enthroned themselves; effectively replacing "self-government" by the People. Without strict obedience to the Constitution by public servants, no sound judgments can be made by the People as to what parts of it are working, what parts are not, and therefore needful of repair --with one exception.

The very fact that government actors are able to ignore the People's Law, --the Constitution-- selectively and with impunity lays bare ONE GLARING DEFICIENCY.

It should be obvious by now, to any who will look, that the Constitution lacks any effective provision by which the People may handily, efficaciously, and speedily enforce its provisions upon the rebellious actors who, from time to time, occupy the offices of the government that it (the Constitution) establishes.

It is a deficiency so grave that the intention of the Founders and Framers for self-government of and by the People has never, from the very day the Constitution was ratified, EVER come effectively into full flower. We, as a People, since 1789, have only had, when lucky enough to see men of honor in government who took their Oath of Office as their iron bond, the briefest flashes of the kind of liberty, freedom, justice, happiness, and prosperity that were the promise of the Founders' dream.

Yet even though imperfect in execution, this Constitution has provided a framework, a virtual "greenhouse" in which the American People have raised up the greatest nation ever to have graced this planet. And, conversely, to the ever-increasing extent that government actors ignore its (the Constitution's) provisions with impunity, the great nation that grew up girded by its frame has begun to whither and die.

THE ONE GLARING DEFICIENCY in that Constitution has now become obvious and critical of repair, if America is to have any hope of regaining its position as the beacon of liberty, the "shining city on a hill," a light to the world, that it so briefly was.

THAT ONE GREAT DEFICIENCY.....  which more than any other, is at the root of our current public turmoil, distress, national unhappiness;

THAT ONE GREAT DEFICIENCY......  which constitutes the greatest crisis of our times, is the simple lack of any truly effective mechanism in the Constitution by which the People can readily discipline government actors, who ignore the Constitution's mandates and prohibitions and, thereby, grant themselves, in an orgy of blatant, continuous, and ever-expanding usurpation, powers nowhere granted in it.

The Founders' dreams of "self government", "government of laws - not men", "government of, by and for the People"  are crashing, dying, on the shoals of this one deficiency.

I believe the solution is at hand.

A corrective Amendment has been proposed. It is, in my opinion, as well crafted in its language and in its substance as any devised by the Founders and Framers.

It provides an efficient mechanism by which the People can readily enforce Their Law (the Constitution).

If it is adopted, the People will be able to enforce the Constitution upon Their Government, and thereby

(a) for the first time in our history, be fully and truly in control;

(b) and, for the first time, be able to see the Constitution operate --unhindered by political exigencies-- and thereby be able to ascertain whether any other part of it is wanting of correction.

Until The Constitution Is Brought Fully Into Enforcement, No Valid Decision Can Be Made As To Whether Or Not It Needs To Be "alter[ed] or abolish[ed]."

I hope you will examine the South Dakota J.A.I.L. Amendment closely. I believe you will, upon examination, find it to be of the highest necessity to accomplish. And I hope that you will join the effort to make it a reality in whatever way, small or great, that you are able.

I believe that our future happiness, and that of our children, and all future generations, --perhaps even the future of the entire world-- hangs in the balance. This is, seen in its proper light, no less momentous a crisis than the War for Independence, which gave us birth.

I urge you to examine the South Dakota J.A.I.L. Amendment to your own satisfaction at:  and having done so, to add the weight of your will, and of whatever means you can bring to bear, to the effort for its adoption as an Amendment to South Dakota's State Constitution, and eventually to all fifty states, then as federal legislation or an Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America.

The Founders and Framers struck a mighty blow for liberty. We have enjoyed the incredible fruits of their legacy.  But now the torch of liberty is in OUR hands.  It is OUR responsibility now.

We must forge perfect their dream!

We must not drop the torch.

---- Henry "Jake" Morgan
[email protected]

Let's pull out all the stops to make this happen in South Dakota.  It may be the last and only chance we have.

As Winston Churchill once said:
"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival.  There may even be a worse case.  You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves." 
Look at the South Dakota J.A.I.L. website.
Go to it.
Book mark it.
And go to the right-hand menu to see what you can do to help.
Do it!
Do it now!

J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law -
Contribute to J.A.I.L. at P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, CA 91603
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minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."                         -- Henry David Thoreau    <><

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