Tortured In
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 9:20 AM
Subject: Best wishes for Ron; your experience of torture
Hello. I just wanted to say how sorry I am that Ron [Branson] himself
had a personal experience of torture at the hands of the American police
authorities. ....
Obviously, Ron's experience shows that such threats are
grounded in reality. And now people are dying from torture at the hands of the
American police.
Ron Branson is a true American hero of our
I wish the big deep pockets who are funding various other kinds of
partisan and tame political advocacy organizations, would instead be giving
national funding and prominence to JAIL4Judges.
This non-partisan idea is
so simple and sound, most every American would be in favor of it if they knew
about it. Just about everybody, indeed, except the judges and lawyers, and those
who think they benefit from legal corruption.
Let's hope that the day of
Victory for JAIL4Judges is not far away!
Dr. Les Sachs
An American escaped to the Neitherlands
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2022 5:23 PM
Subject: For Ron and Barbie, a note on Jail
4 Judges; King Alfred and unjust judges
Hello Ron and Barbie. I have added a link to my blog below on
And when I give interviews on my book that is coming out on
federal court fraud and extortion, I look forward to citing JAIL4Judges as a
beautifully simple and powerful idea of reform, an idea that would transform
As you know, I was forced to leave the United States, after a
federal judge staged a fake legal proceeding to ban my freedom of speech, with
the judge even installing two of his buddies to falsely pose as "my
They banned my freedom of speech, and threatened to illegally
jail and murder me, in part to try and keep me quiet about judicial and legal
corruption. I had to escape the USA just to be able to speak out and stay
So I can't be with you there in America until things change. But I
will try to help the Americans I left behind, and JAIL4Judges is one of the most
important things that can change America for the better.
Maybe one day,
not too far away, there will all of a sudden be a great breakthrough. Maybe a
new morning will dawn, and even politicians will suddenly start pretending, that
they were supporting JAIL4Judges all along. ....
Those who can bring
justice to judges, might indeed become the names of legend.
Dr Les Sachs
Ron Branson
By the Grace of the God of Heaven, and to His Glory, we
shall one day conquer America through JAIL4Judges!