To Educate The People, Keep Principles As Simple
As Possible
Even more basic, it is Good versus Evil; the Truth versus the Lie.
We have to try to make it as simple as possible for the uninformed
to learn what must be done and why. And that answer is J.A.I.L. Just review our history and see what is happening to society today.
It all adds up! We need J.A.I.L. --Barbie, J4J
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 01,
2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: * *
J.A.I.L. Will Provide What A Revolution Cannot * *
In your response to Steven
Pattison, you write; "We have to keep in mind that there are only two entities
in American society: The People (represented by de jure government) and The
Enemy of the People
(represented by de facto government). Get rid of all the
clutter in your mind, for that is what it all boils down to. The simpler we keep
it, the easier it will be to figure out. It is the complexities that get in our
way, and that of course is the agenda of the Enemy against the People-- to keep
us confused and frightened; to keep the smoke, dust, and mirrors in constant
commotion to obscure the truth. And think about it-- that's ALL the Enemy has
"going" for it: Just keep the People confused and play on their ignorance of the
truth. And it has been working for over 200 years! To me, that's incredible--
but TRUE."
You should try reading the Elliot Wave Principle. You might
just then understand that there are not two types but four. There are 'the
people', 'the corruptor', 'the corrupted' and 'the sheep' or 'useful idiots' if
you prefer. 'The people' are a very small segment of society. They are those who
understand that there is an issue and are willing to work toward
the problem.
'The people' are greatly outnumbered by those who feed off
the corpse of what was once a republic. By your writing and that of Ron's, I
take it that you have come across 'the corrupted' and 'the sheep' on
occasions. They process your parking tickets, take your taxes, give you
a hard time when you are simply trying to come to the correct information and
are more than willing to take more of what you earn for their own pension
These people include, court clerks and bailiffs, police and I am
not referring to law enforcement, the local municipal clerks and so on. Most, if
any, have never read the code by which they perform their function but they are
more than willing to exercise that power they have over you.
Of course
there are the corrupt judges and politicians that are able to run the system
into the ground with the help of their flock. Then there are 'the corruptors'
who are granted domain over all this by the willingness of the rest of us to
adhere in some fashion to this system, including passing initiatives that will
eventually be enforced by either 'the
corrupted' or 'the sheep' and certainly
not by 'the people'.
Try reading the Elliot Wave, Barbie. You might just
grasp the concept of corruption.
"You may call me to muster
but never to chains, for I will never flinch in the face of tyranny. I will
stand my ground and give my last breath to pass liberty to all those who would
receive it."
Hello Nick:
I looked up the Elliot Wave Principle on Google, and it
is described as people's behavior in financial markets. I'm not into the
financial market, nor is J.A.I.L.
Now-- for purposes of J.A.I.L., we have to keep
principles as simple as possible, otherwise all it does is promote confusion
which we have enough of already. That's the tool of the Enemy-- keeping the
People confused and ignorant. More complex analyses may be correct-- but most
people won't entertain them because they are over the heads of the vast majority
of them. I believe this Elliot Wave Principle is one such complex approach.
Again-- not saying that it is in error, but it is not beneficial if the
People can't understand it, no matter how accurate the principle is. Let's just
say that, for purposes of J.A.I.L., serving a diverse society at all levels of
education, we have to educate the public on a "second grade" level, so to speak,
to reach as many as we can.
Looking at your analysis, you say there are not just
two entities, but four: (1) the People; (2) the Corruptor; (3) the
Corrupted; and (4) the Sheep (useful idiots). You say that the
People "understand that there is an issue and are
willing to work toward rectifying the problem."; that the
Corruptors "are granted
domain over all this by the willingness of the rest of us [i.e., the Sheep] to adhere in some fashion to
this system..."; that the
Corrupted are, from what you list, the employees of the
de facto government who are "jes' doin' their job." [my quote]; and that the
Sheep are the "useful idiots"
as you describe them-- who are the ignorant masses of
Again, I say that for purposes of J.A.I.L. and getting it passed in order for the People to restore de jure government (if we ever had it-- I don't think it could exist without an enforcement clause for the People written into the Constitution; government will not be de jure on its own, but it must be enforced by the People), --sorry for the long parenthetical-- we have to keep our analysis of people versus government as simple as possible-- down to the very basics!
1. The People are made up of both the knowledgeable and the ignorant, rightfully represented by de jure government.
Looking again at your analysis, Nick, the Sheep are part of the People-- often referred to as the "Sheeple." True, there is a very small segment of the People who are knowledgeable of the truth, as opposed to the vast majority of the People being ignorant (willing slaves because of their ignorance, "useful idiots"). We will never reach the point where the majority of People will become knowledgeable of the truth because it isn't taught in the schools, very little in our churches, nor in the media (radio, TV and newspapers/magazines)-- although talk radio exposes a lot of truth in comparison to the rest. We have to depend on the knowledgeable few to stand up and implement the SOLUTION for the sake of the ignorant masses. That's been true throughout history.
I believe that is part of the Law of Nature. For de jure government to function, it must be run by People's representatives selected from the body of knowledgeable People, to represent and protect ALL the People-- even the "idiots." ("[G]overnments are instituted among [knowledgeable] men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed [the rest of the knowledgeable as well as the 'idiots.']")- DOI. I believe that by Nature, there are enough knowledgeable People to act as the "guards" for all the People, including the "idiots." (I use that term only because you did, and perhaps it will better illustrate what I'm trying to explain. They aren't idiots, but victims of an uneducated society.)
It is from that body of knowledgeable
People that are intended to be
engaged in the J.A.I.L. process. Some of our readers
are concerned about there not being a monitoring of who is selected for the
J.A.I.L. process, to make sure they are from that "body." Paragraph (l) of the
initiative/legislation states that each SGJ "shall have exclusive power to
establish rules... to provide internal discipline, and to remove any of its
members on grounds of misconduct." Plus J.A.I.L. will have a rotational
basis for SGJ members-- two off and two on each month, except three in January.
See paragraph (o). That way it'll keep the SGJ with fresh (uncorrupted)
"blood." The SGJ administration will have plenty of discretion regarding
its internal rules, to keep the operation as "clean" as possible.
2. The Corrupted are part of the Corruptor,
both of which makes up de facto
The Corrupted (workers for de facto government) follow orders from the Corruptors (the ones "granted" domain over de facto government).
I'm not sure where you place the
judiciary: "there are the corrupt judges and politicians that are able to
run the system into the ground with the help of their flock." Clearly, judges stand head and shoulders above politicians in the
final analysis. It is the judges that pronounce and sign the
final decision in any matter brought before them for
redress. And it's the judges that must be
ultimately responsible for their decisions-- not members of the Executive or
Legislative branch. Some of our readers tell us that the judges are
under pressure and even threats from lawyers or high
officials in de facto government, or even international pressure, to decide a
certain way in particularly sensitive cases. Well, are judges bound by the
Constitution or by officialdom? Do they take an oath to support and defend
certain officials, or the Constitution?
So Nick, for purposes of J.A.I.L., it is the judges that must be held accountable to the People for any unconstitutional acts and decisions. The final blockage to the pathway to seeking justice through redress of grievances is the "block wall" called "judicial immunity." The dead end is not "lawyer immunity" or "official immunity" because those issues can be brought to court, like everything else, for a final determination-- by whom? Yes-- the judges! If judges can't stand the heat, they should "get out of the judicial kitchen." Once J.A.I.L. is in effect, officials are going to find that their threats and pressures aren't going to work.
Passing the J.A.I.L.
I don't understand your following statement
"Then there are 'the corruptors' who are granted
domain over all this by the willingness of the rest of us to adhere in some
fashion to this system, including passing initiatives that will eventually be
enforced by either 'the corrupted' or 'the sheep' and certainly not by 'the
people'." pertaining to passing initiatives. The J.A.I.L.
initiative is designed to be passed by the People, and it doesn't depend on the
system. Some of our readers say that it does depend on the system, since the
voting process is necessary to pass it. The People will get to that road when we
cross it. If it is through fraud of the system that prevents the passage of
J.A.I.L., the People will take whatever means are necessary to overcome that
fraud. I'm not saying here what that "means" will or should be-- I'm just saying
that the People will not tolerate any more blockages to justice.
In summary, then, I will reiterate: "We have to keep in mind that there are only two entities in
American society: The People (represented by de jure government) and The Enemy
of the People (represented by de facto government). Get rid of all the clutter
in your mind, for that is what it all
boils down to."
Hearkening back to the Declaration of Independence
(DOI), the concern is between the Governed (i.e., the
People) and its Government
(representatives holding
delegated authority from the People). The
Governed is established
by Nature as the sovereign authority among men and is
inherently fixed as such, i.e., a natural entity--
even though the vast majority is ignorant of the truth and a small minority is
aware and knowledgeable of it. That leaves the only variable as
Government which is by Nature
subject to the Governed from which it derives its just powers. Such
government is "de jure" government.
However, it is characteristic of Government, being the
creation of mankind, i.e., an artificial
entity, to lust for more power than authorized, and
unless it is kept under control (leashed) by the Governed, it will stray beyond
its authorized bounds. When it does so, it usurps its power and fraudulently
assumes authority it doesn't have and takes over the Governed under absolute
despotism. Since there was no enforcement clause written into the Constitution
which is the intended ruling document by which the Governed delegated its
authority to Government, the Governed were left without the ability to
enforce the terms of that delegated authority upon Government, allowing
Government to disregard its authority and go its own way. By so doing,
Government has become the antithesis of the protector of the Governed, hence,
the Enemy of the Governed.
That is how and why I have reached the conclusion that
we must be concerned with only two entities: the Governed and the Government,
i.e., the People and, as it has
developed, the Enemy of the People. Even more
basic, it is Good versus Evil; the Truth versus the Lie. We have to try to make
it as simple as possible for the uninformed to learn what must be done and why.
And that answer is J.A.I.L. Just review our
history and see what is happening to society today. It all adds up!
We need J.A.I.L.
To be added or removed, write to
[email protected]
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one
who is
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau <><
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