J.A.I.L. News
1, 2005
Attorney Zerman
Replies to ABA
Inasmuch as the President of the American Bar Association has thought to
defend judges by saying, "...they deserve our respect, not our
scorn," Attorney Gary Zerman, the National J.A.I.L. Lt. Commander-In-Chief,
has respond to him using actual court decisions and cases to show by
evidence that the courts have not earned the respect of the People of this
By way of warning, Zerman's response is neither short, nor milk
for beginners, but rather very strong meat that is the subject for those
desirous of deep study into the subject of judicial immunity. If such
study is not your "cup of tea," then I recommend you simply delete
this email, or save it to a folder, and go on doing what you have been
doing. Remember, this is a conversation from one attorney to
-Ron Branson
Statement of Robert J. Grey Jr.,
American Bar Association
Re: Attacks on the Judiciary in the Terri Schiavo
WASHINGTON, D.C., March 25, 2023 -- The tragic
circumstances of the Terri Schiavo case have elicited strong
feelings from all quarters. While this is completely understandable,
many commentators and observers have crossed the line in using this
tragedy to needlessly, gratuitously and viciously attack the
dedicated men and women who serve as America�s judges. This needs to
Regardless of how one feels about the specific
circumstances of this situation, the role of the judiciary in it is
clear and straightforward. The federal and state judges who have
been assigned this case have been charged with weighing the facts of
the case and the remedies set forth in the law, responsibilities
they have carried out valiantly and with great dignity and
sensitivity to the anguish that all of the participants in this case
have endured.
While it is appropriate for commentators, policymakers
and the broader public to debate the societal challenges and
dilemmas brought to light by Terri Schiavo�s case, there is no need
for personal attacks on the judges in this case. They are not
killers as some have called them, nor are they activists bent on
pushing an ideological agenda. They are simply dedicated public
servants called on to serve as impartial arbiters in a very
difficult case. Instead of maligning them for applying existing law
to the case at hand, even though it may not reflect the current will
of Congress, we should praise them for dispensing even-handed
justice and upholding the independence of the judiciary even under
the most difficult circumstances. These judges deserve our respect,
not our scorn.
For further
information: Contact:
Damien LaVera Phone: 202/662-1094 E-mail: [email protected]
| |
March 31, 2022
Reply to ABA President, Mr. Robert J. Grey, Jr.�s
Statement re Attacks on the Judiciary.
March 31,
Mr. Grey claims - in rather blanket fashion - that
�judges deserve our respect, not our scorn.� A basic rule of life, is
that respect is earned, it is not just given, or presumed as Mr. Grey
claims. As Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis stated: �If we
desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectful.�
are a few examples, why some may not think that some judges warrant our respect,
or trust, well deserve our scorn and even that we should fear
First, is the case of Bradley v. Fisher, 80 U.S. (13 Wall) 335, 20
L. Ed 646 (1872), authored by Justice Stephen Field, that grabbed absolute
judicial immunity for judges � including corrupt and malicious judicial acts
committed by judges, without any reference to a purported Constitutional basis
for doing such. (Article III provides no immunity to the judiciary.) There
Justice Fields claimed that absolute immunity was taken from long-established English common-law
and that this was being done for the �benefit� of the people � not the
judges. Well, the People were never asked, and the smart money says
that if they were asked, they would have said, "NO!"
Further, we
fought a revolution to get out from under the yoke of the English King�s
tyrannical absolute power and the mantra �The king can do no wrong,� not to have
it now replaced by the yoke and tyranny of judges. Cleary, under our
Constitution the absolute immunity power- grab � placing the judges above the
People, turns the principle that the People are sovereign - the masters, and
that the government (all branches) are under, and the servants of, the People �
on its head. Further, that power-grab violates the doctrine of separation
of powers � the so-called checks and
Under our Constitution, the only way judges should get any
immunity (and that would be a limited and qualified) must come from the
legislative branch, and arguably through a Constitutional Amendment.
Article I though, provides no express basis for placing the judges over the
People�s sovereignty and rights either, and in fact the Article has some
prohibitions in Sections 9 & 10: �No Title of Nobility shall be
granted by the United States: �� and �No State shall �-or grant any Title of Nobility.� The sovereign
immunity � �the King can do no wrong� - came from the nobility of his birthright
and title.
One should take a moment here to ponder the profound quote by
Lord Acton: �Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts
absolutely.� Substitute �immunity� in place of �power.� Now
repeat Lord Acton�s quote. Judges sit at the pinnacle of power; federal
judges are appointed (not elected by the People) for life, and they grabbed
absolute immunity for themselves. Power + immunity = abuse by judges and
danger for the People.
Is that the type of judge Mr. Grey wants us to
The facts in Bradley v. Fisher: Joseph Bradley was an
attorney, who successfully defended and obtained a hung jury for his client,
John Suratt, one of the alleged assassins of President Lincoln. George
Fisher was the judge who presided over the trial, which started on June 10, 2022
and concluded on August 10, 1867. After the trial, Fisher unilaterally
issued an order on November 9, 2022 striking Bradley�s name from the rolls of
attorneys that could practice in the court, claiming that on July 2, 2022
Bradley �threatened� Fisher �with personal chastisement for alleged conduct of
the judge during the progress of a criminal trial then pending.� (at
356.) Bradley was shortly returned to the �rolls.� Ex Parte Bradley,
74 U.S. (7 Wallace) 364 (1868). He then sued Judge Fisher for monetary
damages in Bradley v. Fisher.
Judicial retribution by Judge Fisher?
Beyond the issue of whether it is constitutional, is the question: Is
this the foundation, the basis, on which to plant the questionable doctrine of absolute judicial
To his credit, Justice David Davis (joined by Justice Nathan
Clifford) dissented in Bradley and wrote at 357:
�� I dissent from
the rule laid down by the majority of the court, that a judge is exempt from
liability in a case like the present, where it is alleged not only that his
proceeding was in excess of jurisdiction, but that he acted maliciously and
corruptly. If he did so, he is, in my opinion, subject to suit the same as
a private person would be under like circumstances.�
Note: Just four
years before his 1872 Bradley v. Fisher decision, Justice Field authored Randall
v. Brigham, 74 (7 Wallace) 523 (1868). There Justice Field wrote that there
was an exception to judicial immunity when acts are done maliciously or
corruptly. Ironically, Randall, like Bradley, also involved a trial judge
disbarring an attorney from a case before him. Randall likewise is absent
consitutional authority for judicial immunity.
Second, is the case of
Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), a decision written by Justice Holmes.
There Holmes stated at 205: �Carrie Buck is a feeble minded white woman
who was committed to the State Colony above mentioned in due form. She is
the daughter of a feeble minded mother in the same institution, and the mother
of an illegitimate feeble minded child.� In affirming the forced
sterilization of Carrie Buck, Justice Holmes stated: �Three generations of
imbeciles are enough.� (at 207.)
Peter Irons, in �A People�s
History of the SUPREME COURT� (1999) Penguin Books, discussed the Buck v.
Bell case at 252 stating:
�� His [Holmes] opinion reeked of the arrogance
of aristocracy, and could easily have been written by Herbert Spencer. �It
is better for all the world,� Holmes pontificated, �if instead of waiting to
execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their
imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing
their kind.� [P] Five decades later, a journalist who tracked down
Carrie Buck and dug into old records discovered that she had been committed to
Virginia�s �State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble Minded� only because she had
been raped by the eminent
doctor who employed her as a housekeeper. Her daughter, Emma, was a
perfectly normal child, and the �eugenic expert� who recommended her
sterilization was later honored by the German Nazi regime for helping draft its
�Race Hygiene� law, which laid the tracks that ended in the gas chambers of
Auschwitz and other death camps. Holmes knew nothing about the scientific
fallacies of the �eugenic� movement; more important, he did not feel any duty to
look behind the fabricated record in the Buck case.�
Immunity allowed
Justice Holmes to act with impunity while he disregarded basic rights due
Carrie Buck. Clearly, judicial power must be curbed and held
Third, is the case of Stump v. Sparkman, 435 U.S. 349
(1978). There, Judge Harold Stump was sued by fifteen-year-old Linda Kay
(Spitler) Sparkman, because without her knowledge or consent she was sterilized,
AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT� brought by the mother-Ora Spitler McFarlin�s attorney
and signed an order for the sterilization. The �petition� claimed she
Linda was �somewhat retarded.� Linda Spitler never appeared in court,
never had counsel, never had a chance to appeal, and never even knew what
happened - as she was falsely told she was going to the hospital to have
her appendix removed.
Justice Byron White (joined by Chief Justice Burger
and Associate Justices Blackmun, Renquist and Stevens) wrote Stump v. Sparkman,
which reversed the appellate court�s denial, and upheld the federal trial
court�s grant of absolute judicial immunity for Judge Stump. Justice
White�s decision is absent of any Constitutional authority for the
immunity. Mr. Grey, is Justice White the type of judge you are referring
to, who deserves our respect? and those justices who joined him? How
about Judge Stump?
How can one have respect for any "judge" who could
support and write such an obscene decision, upholding such perverse imperial
judicial power, while sanctioning the desecration of the fundamental
Constitutional rights of citizens. These judges did not protect the
Constitution � they trashed it. These judges did not protect Linda
(Spitler) Sparkman�s rights � they trashed them. This is the dark legacy
of Bradley v. Fisher.
To their credit, Justice Stewart (joined by
Justices Marshall and Powell) dissented. At p.365 Justice Stewart
�� and I think that what Judge Stump did on July 9, 1971, was
beyond the pale of anything that could sensibly be called a judicial act.�
[continued at 369:] �The petitioners� brief speaks of �an aura of deism
which surrounds the bench �� Though the rhetoric may be overblown, I do
not quarrel with it. But if aura there be, it is hardly protected by
exonerating from liability such lawless conduct as took place here. And if
intimidation would serve to deter its recurrence, that would surely be in the
public interest. (ftnt. 9 omitted.)�
Aura of deism? Such lawless
conduct? Mr. Grey, is this the type of judging we are to
The underlying appellate decision Sparkman v. McFarlin, 552 F.2d
172 (7th Cir. 1977), a 3/0 opinion by Judges Swygert (joined by Judges Wood
and East), held Judge Stump did not have immunity and did not have
jurisdiction to sterilize young Linda Spitler. At p.174 Judge Swygert
��Although this grant of judicial power is broad, we cannot accept
assertion that it cloaks an Indiana Circuit Court judge with blanket
immunity. He may not arbitrarily order or approve anything presented
to him in the form of an affidavit or petition.�
At p.176 Judge Swygert
held that to order sterilization under the circumstances here:
would be sanctioning tyranny from the bench. There are actions of
purported judicial character that a judge, even when exercising general
jurisdiction, is not empowered to take. (ftnt, 7 - omitted). � [P]
Finally, the petition and order were never filed in court. This kind of
purported justice does not fall within the categories of cases at law or in
Never filed in court? We would be sanctioning tyranny from the bench?
Tyranny � that is exactly what the Supreme Court justices committed
in Stump v. Sparkman when they reversed Judges Swygert, Wood and East
giving immunity to Judge Stump..
Fourth, is the case of Pierson v. Ray,
386 U.S. 547 (1967), an 8/1 decision written by Chief Justice Warren, that
affirmed immunity for judges under section 1983 civil rights statute that
imposed liability on �Every person who, under color of [law] � subjects or
causes � any citizen of the United States � to the deprivation of any rights �
secured by the constitution and laws ��. The decision is absent of
any Constitutional basis/authority for absolute judicial immunity.
To his
credit, Justice Douglas wrote in his lone dissent at 559:
�� The court�s
ruling is not justified by the admitted need for a vigorous and independent
judiciary, is not commanded by the common-law doctrine of judicial immunity, and
does not follow from inexorably from our prior decisions. � [P] To most, �every
person� would mean every person, not every person except judges.�
[Continuing at 562:] The position that Congress did not intend to change
the common-law rule of judicial immunity ignores the fact that every member of
Congress who spoke on the issue assumed that the words of the statute meant what
they said and judges would be liable. � [P] The section�s purpose was to provide
redress for the deprivation of civil rights. It was recognized that
certain members of the judiciary were instruments of oppression and were
partially responsible for the wrongs to be remedied. The parade of cases
coming to this Court shows that a similar condition now obtains in some of the
States. Some states courts have been instruments of suppression of civil
[Continuing at 565:] �The argument that the actions of
officials must not be subjected to judicial scrutiny because to do so would have
an inhibiting effect on their work, is but a more sophisticated manner of saying
�The King can do no wrong.� (ftnt. 5 omitted.) Chief Justice Cockburn long
ago disposed of the argument that liability would deter judges: �I can not
believe that judges � would fail to discharge their duty faithfully and
fearlessly according to their oaths and consciences � from any fear of exposing
themselves to actions at law. I am persuaded that the number of such
actions would be infinitely small and would be easily disposed of. While,
on the other hand, I can easily conceive cases in which judicial opportunity
might be so perverted and abused for the purpose of injustice as that, on sound
principles, the authors of such wrong ought to be responsible to the parties
wronged.� Dawkins v Lord Paulet, LR 5 QB 94, 110 (C.J. Cockburn,
[Concluding at 566 Douglas wrote:] �� What
about the judge who conspires with local law enforcement officers to �railroad�
a dissenter? What about the judge who knowingly turns a trial into a
�kangaroo� court? Or one who knowingly flouts the Constitution in order to
obtain a conviction? ��
What about judges like that Mr. Grey?
Should we give them absolute judicial immunity? Should we respect
them? More important Mr. Grey, what about the citizens who�s rights those
judges trampled?
A look at what some legal commentaries have said on the
issue is helpful here. In �Liability of Judicial Officers Under Section
1983� 79 Yale L.J. 322 (1969), it is written at p.322:
�� This Note
contends that the congressional intent of Section 1983 and the policies
underlying this exemption do not support a grant of judicial immunity, but
rather argue for judicial liability under an actual malice standard. (ftnt. 3
omitted.) [Continuing at 337:] [P] But whatever the long term
results of imposing liability, there is no adequate rationale�in history or
policy�for altogether exempting judicial officers from liability under section
1983. ��
Note, absent from �Liability of Judicial Officers Under Section
1983� are the questions of whether the Court ever had the constitutional
authority/power to give itself immunity and whether that would violate the
doctrine of separation of powers.
In �Immunity of Federal and State
Judges from Civil Suit�Time for Qualified Immunity?� 27 Case Western L. Rev. 727
(1977), Douglas K. Barth wrote at p.741:
�The Court�s decision in Bradley
and Pierson firmly entrench the judiciary�s immunity from either tort or section
1983 suits. Even so, the four policy reasons typically recited to support
judicial immunity demonstrate the doctrine�s inherent fallacies. (ftnt. 82
Note: Mr. Barth�s article was written just prior to the
Supreme Court�s Stump v. Sparkman decision, thus the Court clearly ignored
his criticism of the doctrine�s inherent fallacies. Absent from Mr.
Barth�s paper are the questions of whether the Court ever had the constitutional
authority/power to give itself immunity and whether that would violate the
doctrine of separation of powers.
In �Stump v. Sparkman: The
Doctrine of Judicial Immunity,� 64 Virginia L.Rev. 833 (1978), Irene Merker
Rosenberg wrote at 833:
�Ever since the Supreme Court�s ruling in 1967
that state judges acting within their jurisdiction are absolutely immune
from suit for damages under section 1983, (ftnt.1 omitted) legal commentators
have persistently condemned this unqualified exemption. (ftnt.2
omitted.) In Stump v. Sparkman, (ftnt.3 omitted) the Court gave its
response to these critiques by not only reaffirming but also apparently
expanding the immunity doctrine, thus facilitating the use of still another
mechanism for federal courts to avoid the merits of constitutional claims.
(ftnt.4 omitted.)
[Continuing at 856:] �That these judges will be
deterred by proceedings against them in criminal courts or before judicial
disciplinary committees is no answer. (ftnt.93 omitted.) The possibility
that a district attorney will prosecute a judge for misconduct other than
crass, monetary schemes is remote, (ftnt.94 omitted) and judicial qualifications
commissions are less than renowned for their prosecutorial zeal. (ftnt.95
omitted.) Finally, the electorate cannot always be depended upon to oust
judges who have trampled individual rights. (fntn.96
[Concluding at 858:] �� It is understandable that the
Justices would wish to construct a protective umbrella considerably broader that
strict necessity would mandate to assure coverage of all the
deserving. It is quite another matter, however, to stretch that
umbrella so that it also
covers Daumier caricatures in judicial robes on
their way to a masquerade ball.�
Note: Absent from Ms. Rosenberg�s
paper are the questions of whether the Court ever had the constitutional
authority/power to give itself immunity and whether that would violate the
doctrine of separation of powers.
In �Stump v. Sparkman and the History
of Judicial Immunity,� (1980) Duke L.J. 879, No.5, J. Randolph Block wrote at
�� The availability of appellate correction of error is,
therefore, absolutely central to the logic of judicial immunity. For
this reason, judicial immunity should not be available when, as in Sparkman,
the actions complained of prevented the complainant from seeking normal
correction of error.�
Mr. Block misses the point here, immunity in fact
was available/granted to Judge Stump � not by the 7th Circuit, Sparkman v.
McFarlin, 552 F.2d 172, who correctly denied him such - but it was given to him
by the U.S. Supreme Court - which reversed! This clearly demonstrates that
the Courts, the judges, the judiciary - look out for themselves - instead
of fiercely protecting and upholding the Constitution and the sovereignty and
rights of the People. The government (here the judges) win, the People
lose, our sovereignty is inverted. Clearly the courts cannot be trusted
and their powers must be curbed.
In �Suing Judges: History and
Theory� 31 South Carolina L.Rev. 201 (1980) Jay M. Feinman and Roy S. Cohen
wrote at p.203:
�We conclude that statements such as that in Bradley are
inadequate history at two levels, reflecting judicial misunderstanding of both
what the law was and how and why it developed. Actually, English law began
with a position of general judicial liability and developed only limited
exceptions on ground irrelevant to a discussion of judicial liability
today. When the English law was received in the United States, this
limited immunity was expanded significantly, notably by James Kent, to limit
liability, and throughout the nineteenth century a mixed pattern of judicial
liability and immunity existed in America. In Bradley, Justice Field
provided a confused reformation of the law, which led to a further limitation of
liability. At no point, however, were the advantages and disadvantages of
judicial immunity fairly examined. Because the case for immunity is
inconclusive and unpersuasive on historical grounds, we also examine the issue
on policy grounds; our analysis proceeds from a thorough review of the case law
and literature. We conclude that immunity is indefensible on policy
grounds as well ��
[Continuing at 205:] �Most of the major judicial
liability cases use the common-law origins of judicial immunity as a
justification for the doctrine. For example, as noted above, Bradley
v. Fisher, the case principally relied on by the Court in Stump, used
extensive discussion of English case law to show the authority of the rule and
to support its continued application. [P] In this section, we
demonstrate that these conclusions about English law simply are incorrect.
A careful analysis of English law shows that the basic rule was one of
liability, that no simple rule of immunity ever existed, and that applications
to American law of those instances in which immunity was granted have been
inappropriate. In sum, the English law provides little support for a rule
of absolute judicial immunity.�
[Continuing at 279:] �� It is our
belief that the decision in Stump should be rejected as too protective of
judicial prerogative because it violates a basic tenet of the legal process �
the right of review � when there would be little cost to the legal system from
imposing liability.
[P] Thus, Justice Powell�s emphasis on the importance is
persuasive to us. The majority�s conclusion, whatever the strengths and
weaknesses of the process that produced it, is simply undesirable.
Note: Absent from Mr. Feinman�s and Mr. Cohen�s paper, are the
questions of whether the Court ever had the constitutional authority/power to
give itself immunity and whether that would violate the doctrine of separation
of powers.
In �FEDERAL JURISDICTION� (3rd Ed) Aspen Law & Business,
Aspen Publishers, Professor Erwin Chemerinsky wrote at p.495:
numerous specific cases � ranging from the scope of judicial immunity (ftnt.6
omitted) to the availability of punitive damages (ftnt.7 omitted) � the Court
has focused extensively on the common law of immunities as it existed when
section 1983 was adopted. This historical approach is subject to
substantial criticism. First, it assumes that the common law was clear
about the nature of the immunity to be accorded to particular government
officers. Yet usually there was great divergence among the states and
there was no firmly established rules. For instance, the Court has
emphasized the common law immunity to suits for damages under section 1983.
(ftnt.8 omitted.) However, in 1871 only thirteen of thirty-seven states
accorded judges such immunities for suits. (ftnt.9 omitted.) In fact, in
adopting section 1983, many members of Congress were particularly concerned
about unconstitutional conduct by judges. (ftnt.10
[Continuing at 496:] �Additionally, even if common law
principle were clear and discoverable, their relevance to modern doctrines is
questionable. The fundamental premises of tort law have changed
dramatically over the past 130 years, as have views about the Constitution and
individual rights. Undoubtedly many officers occupy far different
positions that they did in 1871. Furthermore, there is strong argument
that common law tort immunities have little relevance in determining the scope
of responsibility for constitutional violations. Some suggest that the
Court should abandon the immunity inquiry and leave the entire matter of
immunities to the legislature. (ftnt.14 omitted.) Others would prefer a
more functional approach to determining the nature of immunities. (ftnt.15
omitted.) Nonetheless, for now, the starting point in the Court�s analysis
of immunity remains the common law of 1871.�
Wrong! The starting
point then, now, and always - is the Constitution!
Article III does not grant the judiciary immunity. Maybe that is why
Justice Field did not mention the Constitution in Bradley. The Supreme
Court has thereafter ignored that there is no Constitutional
authority/basis for absolute judicial immunity. Judges giving judges
absolute immunity � over and above the rights of the People - violates the
sovereignty of the People, the Constitution and separation of powers.
Absolute immunity sets a dangerous precedent, laying the ground-work for
further trampling of the rights of citizens, and further acts
elevating government over the People.
Beyond the protection judges
gave themselves with immunity, is the problem that judges protect themselves
further regarding complaints to judicial agencies/commissions about judicial
misconduct. For example, an August 7, 2022 Associated Press article by
Anne Gearan �Self-policing Federal Judges Rarely Impose Penalties," reports in
pertinent part:
�Federal judges usually police one another�s behavior,
but they rarely meet out punishment. Of 766 ethical complaints lodged last
year, [2001] only 1 resulted in a penalty. � In the single case last year in
which the judge was punished, the penalty was a private censure and no details,
not even the judge�s name were released. The system encourages lenient
treatment, American University law professor Paul Rice said Tuesday. �They
have an obligation to police themselves, and of course that is the problem,� he
said. Judges sit on the boards that review allegations of ethical
misconduct and are loath to punish a colleague, Rice said.�
More recent,
a January 18, 2023 pg.B1 LA Times article �Judge May Face Sanctions � Federal
Jurist Improperly took over case, Judicial Panel says� reported:
�A veteran federal
judge faces disciplinary proceedings after he improperly seized control of a bankruptcy case in an effort to protect a woman whose probation he had decided
to oversee personally. � Penalties for district Judge Manuel L. Real, 79 who has
been a controversial member of the federal judiciary in Los Angeles since 1966,
could range from a private reprimand to loss of the authority to hear cases. �
The proceeding in the case have largely taken place out of the public eye.
The judicial council of the 9th Circuit � handed down its ruling on Real in
mid-December, but the decision has never been formally published and has not
been placed on the court website. � Legal experts say the council�s ruling means
that some sort of penalty against Real is highly likely. That alone
would make his case rare. More than 99% of the complaints filed against
federal judges around the county are dismissed out of hand. The 9th
Circuit council has reprimanded only two jurists in the last decade, while
rejecting hundreds of complaints, according to official records. Beyond
that, Real�s opponents say, the case provides a textbook example of the way a
federal judge � holder of a lifetime appointment � can abuse his power on behalf
of an individual he favors. � In 1984, Real fined [attorney Stephen] Yagman
$250,000, a penalty that was later dismissed on appeal. The judge said the
lawyer had filed a libel suit in bad faith. Yagman retorted by saying Real
suffered from �mental disorders� and compared him to Tomas de Torquemada, leader
of the Spanish Inquisition. � �Taking a case for the purpose of affecting the
result is the antithesis of impartial judging,� said Stephen Gillers, vice dean
of the New York University Law School and author of a legal ethics
textbook. �These alleged transgressions deserved serious attention,� he
said. USC law professor Erwin Chemerinsky agreed, �I think it is important
for the 9th Circuit to say a judge should not behave this way.��
that 99% dismissed out of hand? Textbook example of the way a federal
judge can abuse his power? A judge should not behave this way? Why
does the judiciary allow this to happen, Mr. Grey? How can anyone have
respect for this, Mr. Grey?
Finally, and even worse, is the failure of
both the House and the Senate to see that bad federal judges are removed impeached and convicted. As pointed out in U.S. v. Hastings,, 881 F.2d
706, 709 (11th Cir. 1982) there had only been 9 impeachments of federal judges
up to that time, with only 3 convictions. That is only 9 judges over 191
years. Post Hastings, federal District Court judge (Nevada) Harry
Claiborne was impeached and removed by the Senate in 1986 (while in prison, on
his 1984 conviction for tax evasion). Claiborne claimed he was the victim
of a federal vendetta.
The failure to impeach has not been because federal judges have been
angels. A clear example, is the case of Judge Andrew Hauk, Central District
California. He �retired� (went on Senior Status) in 1982, due to numerous
reversals �in scolding language� of his trial decisions because of bias and
�intemperate and unpredictable behavior.� Rather than impeach or force
Hauk to resign, areas of law were taken away from him. How does that
protect the people and create respect for the judiciary? See �Circuit
Slams Hauk, Takes Him Off Case,� August 31, 2022 p.1 LA Daily Journal, �Panel to
Probe Actions of Federal Judge,� August 16, 2022 p.A4 LA Times, ��Penitent� Hauk
Will Not Hear Certain Cases�, September 22, 2022 p.1 LA Daily Journal, and �Questions About a Judge,� March 28, 1995, p.B12 LA Times editorial. The
people will no longer have to fear Congress not doing its duty, or fear Judge
Hauk. He died on November 9, 2022 at the age of 91.
Another example
is Judge James Ware, Northern District California. He was a shoe-in for
elevation to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal, having already been confirmed by
the Senate Judiciary Committee, when a tragic story - as to why he became an
attorney, then a judge, that he had been telling in speeches and interviews for
several years, beginning in 1973, was discovered to be a lie. Although
Ware withdrew his own nomination to the appellate bench, he was
nor forced to resign and
remains a district court
judge, and at times has even had special assignments sitting as a justice on the
federal appellate court.
The story was about 13-year-old Virgil Ware
being shot and killed while riding on the handlebars of his
brother James Ware's bike in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 by white
racists. The story was true � Virgil was in fact shot and killed.
The �lie� was that the Judge was not the brother, not that James
Ware. In telling the tragic tale, Ware would tell crowds the murder of his
teen-age bother �made him hungry for justice.� See �Judge Lied About Civil
Rights Death,� November 7, 1997, pg. News-18 Daily News, �Embattled Judge Ware
Cancels Calendar After Media Maelstrom,� November 10, 1997, pg.4 LA Daily
Journal, �A Judge Compromised,� November 11, 1997, pg.6 LA Daily Journal
editorial, �IF THE TRUTH BE TOLD - Judge James Ware�s �Lack Of Honesty� Should
cost Him the Bench,� November 25, 1997, pg.6 LA Daily Journal commentary piece
and �Judge Censured For Lying About Childhood Event � Ware Receives First Such
Reprimand From 9th Circuit Council,� August 19, 1998, pg.1 LA Daily
Journal. See also Kimes v. Stone, 84 F.3d 1121 (9th Cir. 1996) where Ware
was the presiding USDC trial judge, reversed for dismissing a civil rights case
against a judge (Stone) and attorneys accused of conspiring to steal an estate
by manipulating court proceedings. Ware determined Judge Stone had
�absolute immunity� and that the attorneys conduct was �privileged�. The
appellate court affirmed on judicial immunity, but reversed on
Not mentioned was that before Ware became a federal
judge, he was a
colleague of Judge Stone on the Santa Clara
Superior Court.
Another example is the case of San Jose
federal Judge Robert P. Aguilar, Northern District. As reported in �U.S.
Drops Case Against Judge Who Resigns � Tried Twice on Charges of Disclosing a
Wiretap and Trying to Sway Fellow Jurists,� June 25, 2022 pg.A3, LA Times, the
federal government dropped its 7-year prosecution of Aguilar � the
federal judge ever indicted in California � in exchange for his immediate
resignation. A January federal appeals court decision �overturn[ed]
Aguilar�s sole remaining conviction, for disclosing wiretap information,�
In the agreement, Aguilar �...acknowledged disclosing wiretap information, but
did not admit criminal wrongdoing.�
One Court attempted to deal honestly
with the problem. In Lo v. Los Angeles County Superior Court, (1998) 67
Cal.App.4th 1045, a former criminal party sued the trial judge (George W.
Trammell, III, who presided over her case, then later allegedly coerced sex from
her) and the County and State on employer liability. Reversing the trial
court ruling that sustained a County/State demurrer, the Court
�We decline to burden this opinion with the myriad other cases,
in California and other jurisdictions, in the intervening 25 years
chronicling sexual abuse by judges. We decline to find an abuse of
judicial power for personal gratification so unusual and startling to shield
defendants from respondeat superior liability."
" The cases are
rife with judicial abuses of power motivated by arrogance as well as sexual
abuse. (See Cannon v. Commission on Judicial Qualifications (1975) 14
Cal.3d 678.) Abuse of power can be motivated by greed, arrogance,
sexuality, or any other improper motive. Our Constitutional system of
checks and balances was designed to protect us against the Founder�s
expectations that unchecked power would lead to rampant abuse. They
considered abuse of power so common as to design an entire system of government
to expressly check it."
On February 19, 1999, the California Supreme Court
issued an order decertifying the above appellate opinion, directing it not
be published in the Official Appellate Reports. The LA County
DA refused to bring criminal charges against Trammell. (See �L.A.
County�s Dual Standard of Justice Marches On,� by Charles L. Lindner, January
11, 1998, p.M6, LA Times.) The California Attorney General, in like fashion
refused. Eventually the U.S. Attorney�s Office brought charges against
Trammell; he pled guilty to two counts of mail fraud on October 1, 2000.
(See �Judge Trammell Gets 27-Month Prison Sentence � Trading Leniency for Sexual
Favors Was Abuse of Position,� February 1, 2001, pg.1, LA Daily
But the sad truth is that the �checks and balances� �
�separation of power,� despite the grand efforts of our Founding Fathers, simply
have not worked well in holding the judiciary accountable. The
case of Bracey v. Gramley, 420 U.S. 899 (1997) is a blatant testament to that.
In Bracey, Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote:
�Petitioner William Bracey was
tried, convicted and sentenced to death before then-judge Thomas J. Maloney
for his role in an execution-style triple murder (ftnt. omitted.)
Maloney was later convicted of taking bribes from defendants in criminal
cases. Although he was not bribed in this case, he �fixed� other murder
cases during and around the time of petitioner�s trial. Petitioner
contends that Maloney therefore had an interest in a conviction here, to deflect
suspicion that he was taking bribes in other cases, and that this interest
violated the fair-trial guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment�s due Process
Clause. We hold that petitioner has made a sufficient factual showing to
establish �good cause� � for discovery �"
�Maloney was one of many
dishonest judges exposed and convicted through �Operation Greylord,� a
labyrinthine federal investigation of judicial corruption in Chicago. See
United States v. Maloney, 71 F.3d 645 (CA7 1995), cert. Denied, 519 U.S. ___
(1996); see generally J. Tuohy & R. Warden, �Greylord � Justice, Chicago
Style (1989). Maloney served as a judge from 1977 until he retired in
1990, and it appears he has the dubious distinction of being the only Illinois
judge ever convicted of fixing a murder case. (ftnt. omitted.) Before he
was appointed to the bench, Maloney was a criminal defense attorney with close
ties to organized crime, who often paid off judges in criminal cases.
App.54-66; 81F.3d 684 (CA7 1996) (Rovner J., dissenting) (�[B]y the time
Maloney ascended to the bench in 1997, he was well groomed in the art of
judicial corruption�). Once a judge, Maloney exploited many of the
relationships and connections he had developed while bribing judges to solicit
bribes for himself. For example, Lucius Robinson, a bailiff through whom
Maloney had bribed judges while in practice, and Robert McGee, one of
Maloney�s former associates, both served as �bag men,� or intermediaries,
between Maloney and lawyers looking for a fix. Two such lawyers, Robert J.
Cooley and William A. Swano, were key witnesses against Maloney at this
trial. Maloney, supra, at 650-652.�
I rest my case Mr. Grey.
There is good reason not to respect our Courts � the works of the judiciary
itself. The judiciary has placed themselves above the People, above
the Constitution, and above the law, instead of being the guardians of the
Constitution and the guardians of our liberty.
That is its fundamental
duty! The purpose of the law is to be the vehicle to deliver
justice. The first purpose listed in the Preamble to our Constitution is
to �Establish Justice.� The judicially created and judicially upheld
doctrine of absolute judicial immunity - has been the vehicle of �
There is equally good reason
not to respect the
Congress and the Executive branches, as they have also not defended the
Constitution and our liberty from the attacks by the judiciary. Why have
they sat idly by, or done worse, when the judiciary made its power-grab for
absolute immunity in violation of separation of powers. See �WITHOUT
MERIT: The Empty Promise of Judicial Discipline,� (1997) Vol.4, No.1,
Massachusetts School of Law, The Long Term View, p.90, at
Grey, you and the ABA can continue to defend the indefensible. The People
will not, as recent books show: �Men in Black: How the Supreme Court
is Destroying America,� by Mark Levin, �The SUPREMACISTS: The Tyranny of
Judges and How to Stop It,� by Phyllis Schlafly, �Constitutional Chaos:
What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws,� by Judge (retired) Andrew
Napolitano, �Coercing Virtue: The Worldwide Rule of Judges,� by
Robert H. Bork, �Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Just
About Everything,� by Gene Healy, and �Against Leviathan: Government Power
and A Free Society,� by Robert Higgs.
Mr. Grey, instead, one would
wish that you and the ABA, would join in
combating the �Rule of Judges,�
and join in defending the Constitution. But frankly, like the disrespect
and distrust of the judiciary, that situation largely equally (and probably to a
greater extent) afflicts the ABA and the attorney population in general.
To be a judge, one must almost always be an attorney, (thus the judiciary
is exclusively lawyers); and the legislature and executive branches are
inordinately held/staffed by lawyers. Judges and lawyers are an
oligarchy, and we now have a government - of the judges/lawyers, for the
judges/lawyers and by the judges/lawyers.
There is a constant clamor about "threats" to the independence of the
judiciary, from the judiciary, and the cheerleading ABA and state Bar
Associations. Fact is, the threats are grossly exaggerated. Fact is, the
judiciary is all powerful and plenty able to defend itself - against any threat.
Fact is, the judiciary has never been that independent and has
always been quite political - because being the third branch of
government, by definition, is political by nature. We have been fooled long
enough. More important, is that the judiciary has become too independent
- independent from the dictates of the Constitution, and independent from,
above, and beyond - the People, who duty it is to serve. Judicial
independent is not the problem - judicial accountability is!
To conclude Mr. Grey, the abuse continues - it is manifest. See
following four (4) current/pending cases that clearly demonstrate
blatant judicial/government corruption.
1. Robert Schultz, et.al. v. IRS, et. al., Case No.
04CV01211, D.C.
Federal Distict Court � asking the
question: Is the right to petition dead? The lawsuit to restore
Constitutional order. See
U.S. v. Sassower, DC Superior Court, Case No. M-411303 (appeal
pending), involving the wrongful arrest,
prosecution, conviction and
incarceration of Ms. Sassower
on a bogus charge of �Disruption of Congress.� She simply, politely and
respectfully, attempted to testify in a public Senate Judiciary Committee
Confirmation Hearing. See
article �Day 151 of the Elena Sassower Incarceration in Washington, D.C.,� by
reporter John F. Bailey, November 25, 2004, and, The Village Voice, February 1,
2005, article �The Scourge of Her Conviction � Activist Elena Sassower Annoyed
Congress, Her Trial Judge, and Defenders of Free Speech � All the Way to Jail,�
Huminski v.Corsones, et. al., Docket Nos. 02-6201 (L), 02-6150 (XAP), 02-6199
(XAP), 03-6059 (CON), decided 10-7-04, (2nd Cir. 2004) and 386 F3d, 116, (2nd
Cir 205), involving judicial retribution against Scott Huminski
for protesting about improper treatment from Judge Corsones and other
officials. Corsones and others, without
any basis, issued a bogus
order that barred Huminski from
every courthouse and their grounds
in Vermont.
After the fact, Corsones fabricated that the
basis for the order was that she "...thought Humiski may have had
a bomb in his van." See
www.firstamendmentcenter.org/news, �2nd
Circuit: Vermont Gadfly Wrongly Barred From Courthouse,� October 8,
2004, A.P. article.
4. Forte v. Albov, et. al., Case No. M
54914, Superior Court of California, County of Monterey - a legal malpractice
case. Below is a court reporter�s transcript of a Motion to Quash the
deposition subpoena Forte served on Ms. Stephanie Crabb (a realtor, involved in
a prior case with Forte). Forte desired to take Ms. Crabb�s deposition,
after a document previously requested, but not provided, or listed on privilege
logs, was later inadvertently provided/discovered. Forte believed the
document was intentionally withheld, and during earlier testimony, Ms. Crabb
perjured herself, at the direction of her attorney.
The attorney bringing
the Motion, Dennis McCarthy, represented Ms. Crabb in the prior litigation and
the Motion asked the court to sanction Forte. Forte opposed the Motion,
per California law giving him a clear right to take the depositon, and sought
sanctions against Crabb/McCarthy. Originally, the Motion was assigned to
be heard by Judge Fields; just prior to the hearing Forte called Field�s clerk
and is advised the Motion is now assigned to Judge O�Farrell � Forte�s nemesis,
who had just been reversed by the appellate court for wrongly dismissing a prior
case of Forte�s.
DECEMBER 19, 2022 -
* *
* *
The transcript continues, see
http://www.attorneybusters.com/. Forte was
grabbed by the bailiff, handcuffed, taken from court and put in a holding
cell. He was later brought back into court for a direct contempt hearing
(which are required to take place immediately � to restore the integrity of the
court and its business). However, Forte was left to sit handcuffed in the
jury box, while Judge O�Farrell heard other matters. The judge then took a
break and left the bench, before taking up Forte�s purported direct
Clearly any justification for �direct� contempt had long
passed and
California law and due process now required Forte�s purported
contempt be assigned to another judge for hearing, as clearly Judge O�Farrell
was �personally embroiled� � conflicted. See Little v. Kern County
Superior Court, 294 F.3d 1075 (9th Cir. 2002). Further,
California law mandates that a peremptory challenge (CCP section 170.6) must be
filed before the hearing begins, and once filed, the judge immediately loses
jurisdiction. Nonetheless, the judge proceeded, found Forte in direct
contempt, and sentenced him to the remainder of the day in jail (transferred
from court to Salinas jail).
Forte later checked
the court file; it was absent any
documentation showing transfer of the case from Judge Fields, or that he had in
fact had disqualified himself. In initial litigation, Forte was
represented by counsel, who told him the Monterey judges were a �Good Ole Boy�s
Club,� that routinely �manipulated hearing and trial dates and fixed cases� for
well connected law firms. For further information, see
For Common Sense, Liberty, and Justice,
Gary L. Zerman, Atorney