Subject: Getting California off the ground-- possible?? |
From: VictoryUSA |
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2022 07:37:22 -0800 |
To: "Angela Stark" |
----- Original Message -----From: [email protected]Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2022 6:02 PMSubject: Perspective on the prospects for getting J.A.I.L. on the California ballotTo: California JAILersPerspective Regarding Getting J.A.I.L. on the California BallotHi Marv:This is Barbie responding. I'm sending this to the California JAILers and a few others as well. First, on behalf of J.A.I.L. we thank you for all the hard work you've been doing over the past several years as the California "bloodhound" sniffing out and actually FINDING so many secret hiding places and information not available to the general public. We realize how much talent it must take to be able to do that and hit the mark so often. You have uncovered a lot of valuable information especially for the People of California. And, as we all know, California is a huge field for dirty money, power, and corruption. And I think that L.A. County is the seat of California corruption, along with San Francisco and Sacramento as co-henchmen. Yes Marv, you're in a fertile field of corruption, with the judicial system at the helm.Oh, how much we would have liked to have California be the first to pass J.A.I.L., and we did try when it was known in 1995 as JRA, the Judicial Reform Act of 1996. (Ron reminds me that we actually attempted three times). We found out that we just can't get the required signatures without financing professional signature gatherers. We tried it with volunteers in 1995-1996 and managed to collect about 5,000, with Ron collecting about half of them himself. So many Californians said they would volunteer, but it is mostly said than done. Their hearts were in it, but not their feet.If we had enough people to gather the million signatures required in California in order to end up with the approximate 700,000 valid ones, there would be no problem getting them. The people of California are readily willing and able to sign on with eagerness and excitement, knowing how much J.A.I.L. is needed here. We sure don't have a selling job in California. We HAVE the potential signatures and even the votes-- if only we had the number of petition circulators that we need.We have 58 counties in California. One million divided by 58 comes to a little over 17,000 signatures for each county. However, the most populated areas, such as Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and Sacramento would have to carry the lion's share. In fact, with a real concerted effort, we should be able to count on those four areas alone at 250,000 signatures each if we had the volunteers available to do it. Ron managed to collect about 2,500 in L.A. County (with some from Ventura, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties)-- if we had a hundred people like Ron in each of the four big counties (by population), we could do it here. But there aren't many like Ron, admittedly. He went out daily having three clipboards going constantly. He also drove around the entire state distributing blank petitions to potential volunteers (that was before we got the internet).Said another way, California has 150 days to collect a million signatures (counting the cushion). Just considering the four larger counties, to collect 2,500 signatures in 125 days (allowing a 25-day cushion for counting, putting together and mailing to Sacramento) would require 20 signatures per day each for 100 volunteers, or 40 signatures per day for 50 volunteers in each of the four counties. Now that isn't even counting the mid-size counties, and there are about five of them (San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, Ventura, and Fresno-- plus maybe even Kern and Contra Costa). If we reduced the number of signatures per day in the larger counties to 15/day for 100 volunteers/ea. county, that would leave 250,000 left for the rest of the state (i.e., 54 counties) and considering just the five mid-size counties, that would be 50,000 each county and 400 per day for 125 days, and at 15 signatures per day would require 26+ volunteers in each of the mid-size counties.An average of 15 signatures per day for 125 days would be about 2 signatures per hour on an 8-hour day-- if volunteers worked every day. Figuring they would work five days per week or less, they would have to average more than 15 per day. At 2 signatures per hour for a 5-day, 40-hr week, for 18 weeks (125 days) at 80 signatures per week would require about 35 volunteers in each of the mid-size counties to collect 50,000 signatures.All of these figures are averages. I think it's where we have to start when considering the feasibility of gathering signatures without the funds to finance it professionally. Ten years ago we were told that it would cost about a dollar per signature. We don't know what it would be today. But a million dollars among California J.A.I.L. supporters is not feasible based on the poor financial posture we've been experiencing for the past ten years. So we would have to consider the all-volunteer basis. Ron is convinced that we don't have enough people behind J.A.I.L. to muster the required number of volunteers, so he's not even considering it. He thinks I'm wasting my time going through all these calculations. Maybe I am, but it puts the prospects for California into perspective.I don't pretend to be a mathematician, so I can't swear to my figures above. It's all based on a million signatures required (counting the cushion), 58 counties in California, and 150 days max to turn in the signed petitions. We should allow a cushion of time for processing the signed petitions. We have been told by the "professionals" that they could get all the required signatures just in Los Angeles and Orange Counties alone and they could do it in 60 days! Maybe some of you who are better at numbers can figure it more accurately than I did. I'm not using a calculator- just my head and a pad of paper. It would be good to have a calculation of what would be required in California on a volunteer basis by some of you more qualified to do so. Hopefully I would be pleasantly surprised.I'm glad you asked "What do you have going in California?" considering what we're planning to do in South Dakota, because the answer is "Nothing" based on what we're faced with here as far as numbers go. In South Dakota, all they need are 33,000 good signatures (perhaps collecting 50k for a cushion) and they have 18 months to collect them!-- a far cry from what we need in California.I also like the suggestion in your last paragraph, to wit:Jail4Judges should have some sort of library site where non-judges
and non-lawyers can build a library of facts to fight these enemy
of the PEOPLE. Knowledge is indeed power and the JUDGES
and their PRIVATE LAWYERS should all be exposed and lose
all of their immunityYes, Marv, that would be nice. But until we have a staff and a headquarters facility to work with, there are a lot of things we just can't do. Maybe one day we'll have that, but meanwhile it's only a dream.I hope this provides some enlightenment to the California JAILers regarding the prospects of getting J.A.I.L. on our ballot. As I said Ron thinks I'm wasting my time-- and it did take a lot of time-- however, in light of our coming effort in South Dakota, I think California JAILers should be aware of what we're faced with here. Realistically, I think J.A.I.L. will have to pass in a few of the smaller states before any of California's millionaires are willing to let loose of their money here. I'm sure California J.A.I.L. could be completely sponsored by just one person. There are many "Darryl Issas" out there. It could be done very easily-- it depends on how badly Californians with a few bux want to realize judicial accountability here. The millionaires, being able to "buy justice," aren't hurt enough to be motivated to sponsor J.A.I.L. The real victims are the little guys.Thanks for your encouragement re South Dakota. J.A.I.L. is a real possibility there.-Barbie-
----- Original Message -----From: [email protected]Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2022 1:35 AMSubject: Re: South Dakota Amendment A Goes Down In FlamesNice going on your election results in South Dakota. Here in California,
Judge James P. Gray from Orange County was soundly defeated
by Barbara Boxer. Gray took a leave of absence to run for office -
and my preference is that he should just leave. We should send ALL
OF OUR JUDGES to South Dakota.
What do you have going in California?
Are you aware of the fact that Judge Gary Klausner - who was
the corrupt judge at 111 N. Hill Street is now a federal judge
at the ROYBAL BUILDING in downtown Los Angeles?
Did you know that Judge S. James Otero, who was the Presiding
Judge of Glendale, is now a federal judge at 312 N. Spring Street
in Downtown Los Angeles!
There is something very amazing that the FBI is not properly
investigating judges who move from the STATE SECTOR
I have been researching the FEDERAL BUILDING at 312 N. Spring
Street, and I found secretive TAX ASSESSOR records that show the
building is owned by the UNITED STATES POST OFFICE. Is
this not incredible?
I have never filed a federal case, but the UNITED STATES POST
OFFICE owning a court and then acting as agent for proof of
service is an amazing issue as far as I am concerned.
Jail4Judges should have some sort of library site where non-judges
and non-lawyers can build a library of facts to fight these enemy
of the PEOPLE. Knowledge is indeed power and the JUDGES
and their PRIVATE LAWYERS should all be exposed and lose
all of their immunity.
To JNJ Library Index for All Years