J.A.I.L. News
July 3, 2022
Why Grand Juries Do Not
(By Ron Branson - J.A.I.L. Founder
& CIC)
The other day, while sitting in a restaurant, Barbie
said to me, "Look, someone left a newspaper," and she handed me the Sunday Los
Angeles Times. As I took it, out fell a center section entitled, "Civil Grand
Jury - Los Angeles County 2003-2004. Final Report - June 24, 2004."
Ironically, this "Final Report" is only published once a year, and
here it was in my hand as if the Lord wanted me to see it. I left the
entire paper at the restaurant and took only this report. I already knew I had
in my hands the makin's for a very good J.A.I.L. News Journal.
I should give a little background about myself.
Going back to the early 80's I have had a keen interest in the
Los Angeles County Grand Jury. Due to certain connections I had within the
Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office, I was invited before the Los
Angeles County Grand Jury by the Jury Foreman. I
brought educational books and materials that I deemed knowledgeable
for them to read. Armed with person knowledge, I can speak about the Los
Angeles County Grand Jury independent of this Report.
My intent of writing here is to address Grand Jury
operations across the country, as their operations are generally the same
nationwide. I realize that while here speaking about the Los Angeles County
Grand, some may say that this is not the way our Grand Jury works. I have
no problem with that, but I can tell you that most all Grand Juries are more
similar than most people will ever care to admit.
This Report opens with a words from the
current past Grand Jury Foreman addressing all the residents of the County
of Los Angeles. I here cite to only a few words.
"The 2003-2004 Los Angeles County Civil Grand Jury is
pleased to present its Final Report for your review.... My thanks to the
other members of the jury for making my job as foreperson easier by virtue of
their willingness to overcome personal desires and work for the common
good. The Civil Grand Jury would like to thank Judge David Wesley,
Supervising Judge of the Criminal Division of the Superior Court, for his
guidance in our endeavors and Judge Terry Green, the Assistant Supervising
Judge, who acted in Judge Wesley's stead when necessary."
This Report then goes on to praise various other
political figures within government, "Our thanks to the Board of
Supervisors, County officers, and departments and representatives of all
government agencies ..."
This Report is signed by the out-going foreperson,
William A. Sullivan.
Following the foreperson's comments is a "Message From
The Court, by Judge David Wesley." I quote from Judge Wesley, "The Civil
Grand Jury is the only truly independent investigative body in Los Angeles
County." But what follows shows this Civil Grand Jury is anything
but independent. Judge Wesley tells us, "The Superior Court Judges will
review the applications of [Grand Jury] candidates and select potential grand
jurors." He also tells us, "Of the 23 grand jurors selected, one person
with leadership and organizational skills is designated as foreperson by the
presiding judge..." Within the Report we are told, "The Supervising Judge also
oversees the activities of the Civil Grand Jury..." and, "Each year prior to
March 1st every Superior Court Judge may nominate two persons deemed qualified
to serve as Civil Grand Jurors. .... These individuals are investigated by the
Sheriff's Department."
Ah, we now have learned that the Los Angeles County
Civil Grand Jury is hand-picked by the judges, their foreperson is selected
by the presiding judge, and the Supervising Judge oversees the Grand Jury. Yes,
folks, it is judges both coming and going when it comes to the Grand Jury. It is
virtually a hand-picked committee by the judges, for the judges, and of the
judges, and they even oversee it. But hang on to your hats, there is more
shocking news forthcoming about these judges before I lower the
boom in this Report.) I'm saving the best for last.
We all know that Grand Jurors are autonomous, that
is, they can think for themselves, act for themselves, and they can follow
corruption no matter where it goes - right? There is no one within their
territorial jurisdiction that is beyond their reach. At least that is what
we have thought. But wait a minute. We are told in this report, "The Civil
Grand Jury cannot investigate the Judiciary." What's that? Judges are the only
branch of government within its territorial jurisdiction that is off-limits
to them. Let me quote that again, "The Civil Grand Jury cannot investigate
the Judiciary." Notwithstanding anything these judges do, this Grand
Jury cannot investigate them, for they have no jurisdiction, and these
judges enjoy immunity regardless of how corrupt they become.
Now this brings me to one of my occasions
years ago in which I filed an affidavit with the Los Angeles County
Grand Jury supporting probable cause for violations of the California Penal
Code. I received a letter back from the County Grand Jury stating that they did
not have jurisdiction to investigate judges. They advised me to take the matter
to the Commission on Judicial Performance. (This was back in the early nineties
when the County Grand Jury, as has been for the last 100 years, handled both
civil and criminal matters. It was split between Civil and Criminal in the year
Over the years, I have had many experiences in dealing
with the Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP). It is a total sham and a
front organization to cover for miscreant judges. I have even had
the CJP tell me that they do not deal with criminal matters when I brought acts
of criminal conduct to them. I have taken matters from the Commission, who told
me they had no jurisdiction, directly to the State Attorney General's
Office, only to have then agree that I had a sound criminal act by the judge
complained of, but then later they closed me out and even refused to talk
to me. One AG Deputy told me in the elevator, "Mr. Branson, you want us to
go after these judges. We cannot do that. We are their attorneys. We want to
keep in their good graces with these judges because we bring actions on behalf
of the state into their courts, and we want them to rule in our favor. And here
you are asking us to prosecute them."
Now let's recap what we have just learned. The Los
Angeles County Grand Jury has no jurisdiction over judges, we must take
complaints against judges to the CJP. The CJP tells us they do
not have jurisdiction over criminal acts of judges, we must go to the
State Attorney General. The Attorney General tells us they have a
conflict of interest, and will not prosecute. But wait a minute, haven't we all
heard, "No one is above the law!" I am sorry to have to disappoint
you, but I am here to tell you by personal experience, judges are
indeed free to violated the law with impunity.
Yes, folks, we do actually have a government; "Of
the Judges, By the Judges, and For the Judges" from top to bottom, and in every
area. I've been everywhere within the government to call judges to account,
including Congress multiple times. And even if you go after them civilly,
which I have done numerous times, they will always be dismissed
on "judicial immunity." You just cannot sue them, and that is so even if
what they did was in complete absence of all jurisdiction. I know, I know,
some are going to write me and say, "Ron, here is what the law says, and
it says they have no immunity if what they did was outside and
beyond their jurisdiction. Yes, so it does say. But just try to get another
judge to enforce it. And why should he? He enjoys full and complete immunity
himself, and he likes it, and wants to keep it that way. If he rules
against his fellow judge, then he will be ruled against when he is sued.
Judges protect their Club jealously. "I'll cover your assets, and you cover
mine." I have gone through the gamut many times, folks. Please don't tell
me what the law says. I stand by my statement that judges are absolutely
above the law both criminally and civilly by practice. (I emphasize
"by practice.")
And now, for the exciting conclusion of this Report. I
said that I was saving the best part until last. Here we go. Let's see how
many of you are sharp enough to figure out where I are going with this. I will
even give you a clue. We have already established that judges are entirely
immune from investigation by this Grand Jury, so now lets turn to the complaints
that have been submitted to the Grand Jury over the past year of 2003-2004.
Besides "Miscellaneous," guess who gets the grand prize for the most number of
complaints generated. If you have not already guessed, yes, it is the judiciary.
Most complaints filed before the Los Angeles County Grand Jury are
about Judges. 13% of the complaints to this Grand Jury is asking for an
investigation of the judges, and that is more than cops, than jails, than
politicians, than the medical industry, more than anything else. That tells us
something is wrong with this picture.
But is it not the Judges who hand-pick
the Grand Jury, who select their foreperson, who oversees them, and who
are immune from investigation. Based upon these statistics, it is the
judges who are the most in need of investigation, who are the most in need of
accountable, who are the most secretive, and who are the most likely to be
So, back to my title, "Why Grand Juries Do Not Work."
It is so easy to see why J.A.I.L., with its safeguards that are just the
opposite of most all the concepts that operate County Grand
Juries, will totally upset the apple cart of the entire system when passed,
for it will create a shining example of what a Grand Jury aught to be
doing, and it will surely influence all Grand Juries throughout this nation,
dictating that changes must be forthcoming. And when that happens, all
governments everywhere will flea for cover or take early retirement, for they
will see the dark storm-clouds rolling with its threatening bolts of
lightening. As we have said many times, "J.A.I.L. is the only
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"Give me your
wealth, and I will give you America" - Ron Branson
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau