My experience in Vermont was very similar to Ron Branson's
experience in California. When I tried to file a complaint against a judge,
I was told to attend the judicial conduct hearings, which occur every 6 years. I
did attend, and was given all of 3 minutes to speak in a room crowded with
lawyers anxious to take the podium and praise the fine judges. I was the last
speaker. After I spoke for my 3 minutes, there was stunned silence. The only
thing that happened after that was the moderator declaring the hearing
I then attended a session of the legislative committee on
judicial performance. I entered a room with several legislators who spoke of
administrative things. When I thought I might have my chance to speak, the
meeting was adjourned.
I went to the office of the AG to speak to him directly. I was
told he would not meet with me, but I could write a letter.
I wrote a letter outlining my grievances. The letter was
forwarded to the judicial conduct board. I received a letter saying they would
look into my complaint. Weeks went by, and no one contacted me to see my
evidence or to speak with me. Then I received another letter telling me that a
determination had been made that there was no evidence of wrongdoing, case
closed. But no one had spoken to me. I didn't' understand.
Then I decided to go ahead and sue the judge in federal court.
He was provided a lawyer by the state. I was not provided a lawyer. The
law firm that represented him now has one of the founding partners sitting on
the US Congress (he ran on a platform of looking out for the little
The lawsuit was filed, and his defense was, "I'm immune."
They filed a motion to dismiss, and guess what? Dismissed. I filed a motion to
reinstate and guess what? Denied. I filed an appeal to the Second Circuit Court.
Guess what? Denied. I then appealed to the US Supreme court. Guess what?
Each denial was based upon "absolute judicial immunity." I
tried to point out that the judge helped a lawyer steal a huge sum of money from
me. They didn't care. I tried to point out that the judge violated his sworn
oath of office. They didn't mind.
The week that my case was DISMISSED from the US Supreme court,
I leaned that I was now "under investigation" by 2 state medical boards. This
initiating party of this prosecution can be traced to the same building where
the judge sits on the bench. Paperwork in my possession proved the judge and the
lawyer who took my money both spoke to the prosecutor around the time this
prosecution began.
I am now unemployed. The lawyer referred to above recently
participated in a foreclosure action against my home.
Lawrence Agee, MD
PS. My original case involved a divorce after a 6 month
marriage. The judge ignored my prenuptial agreement. What about my "right to
contract" guaranteed by Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution? Don't
judges take an oath to uphold the Constitution? Is this oath
Why Access to Grand Juries
Are Being Blocked
By Ron Branson - J.A.I.L. CIC
Nancy Lazaryan, I have read of your below frustration, and I need
to bring something to your attention regarding Grand Juries. Back in 1960 the
State of California created what has now become known as the Commission on
Judicial Performance (CJP). This commissions have spread throughout the other
49 states as a "means" of discipling wayward judges.
In creating the CJP the "work" of the Grand Juries was "transferred" to
the CJP. Prior to the creation of the CJP Grand Juries had the power to
investigate all political figures. However, since then, the one and only
governmental entity that cannot now be investigated by the Grand Jury is the
I filed an affidavit for criminal conduct of a certain judge with the
Los Angeles County Grand Jury. I thereafter received a letter from the Grand
Jury stating that they did not have jurisdiction over the matter, and that I
would have to go to the Commission on Judicial
Indeed I did go personally to San Francisco, and was told that they are
not a prosecuting agency, but deal only with ethical matters, and that I would
have to go to the State Attorney General's Office. I drove from S.F. to the
State Attorney General's Office in Sacramento where I was told they I would
have to go to S.F. to the CJP. I told them that I just came from them
and they sent me here.
Eventually they allowed me to see a Virgil Chapman, their P.R. man, who
photocopied my evidence and told me that this evidence needs to be acted upon
post haste.
After a passage of time hearing nothing, I called to follow up. They
made unmistaken acts to block my calls and told me they could no do
Here is what I found out. The State Attorney General is defense counsel
for the California judges, and could not prosecute. Bottom line, there exists
no forum in which the People may file a criminal affidavit against a judge
which may be investigated.
This is why you cannot gain access to the Grand Jury. It is also why I
wrote into the J.A.I.L. Initiative that the Special Grand Jury created by the
Initiative shall not be subject to the laws imposed upon Grand Juries.
J.A.I.L. returns the power back into the hands of the People in the form of a
Special Grand Jury.
- Ron Branson