The District 18 Democratic legislator is term-limited out of the state's Senate.
During a phone interview from Pierre Wednesday, Moore said an amendment issue on this year's ballot is the driving force behind his decision.
"Up until two weeks ago, I was absolutely certain I was not going to run again," Moore said. "But these J.A.I.L.-birds have got me lathered up. I want Amendment E killed."
Amendment E, or the Judicial Accountability Law, would allow citizens to sue the state's judges.
"The only way I can speak to that issue, I feel, is if I'm running for the Legislature," Moore said. "I'll have the ability to speak with different people about what Amendment E will do to South Dakota. It's the most preposterous thing I've ever seen, and I want to be a part of that process.
"I'll probably be campaigning more against Amendment E than I will for myself," he said. "That's how strongly I feel about it."
Moore has served in the Legislature for 16 years -- eight in the Senate and eight in the House.
He said his decision to run again was also spurred by the number of people who asked him to seek re-election.
"I guess I'll sit around the Legislature as long as voters will let me sit around here -- and as long as I want to sit around here," Moore said.
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