Your Own State's Website
Your state may have its own website officially recognized by National J.A.I.L. and linked to from its national site or hosted free of charge by J.A.I.L. In the later case you will have FTP access to your state's section of the national website. The request must be made to Ron Branson by your state's Jailer-In-Chief. If your site has its own URL and host, this URL must be included in the request. If Ron approves it the request will be forwarded to National Jail's Webmaster who will put the link on the State Map Page. If you wish your site to be hosted by National J.A.I.L the email address of the state's webmaster must be included in the request. If Ron approves, the National Jail's Webmaster will set up an account and email the username, password, and other FTP information to your webmaster. Once your state's site is finished and fully uploaded National Jail's Webmaster will link to it from the State Map Page. The technical details of how to author webpages are covered in any of the books on HTML such as this one and on the web at W3C and W3 Schools. Amaya is a free open source web page editor. As with any web page editor it will still be necessary to know HTML. Filezilla is a free open source File Transfer Protocol program. GIMP is a free image editor program. |