Psychology Behind J.A.I.L. T-shirt Design
The reason for having just J.A.I.L. on the back, and nothing else, is to arouse curiosity --which it does. It is very effective to have people come to us, asking "what does it mean?" When they do, it gives us a very good opportunity to hand them one or several of our J.A.I.L. business cards (which we have run out of when we shipped your shirts) which explains it and gives the website for them to check out for themselves. We try to give them at least a couple cards and tell them to pass it along to a friend, and they are generally happy to accept more than one. Sometimes they even ask for a "handful."By creating that kind of curiosity, it makes a deeper impression, and they're more apt to check out the website and follow through making contact with us. If we do everything for them, spelling everything out on the shirt, it doesn't have near the impact-- it's just another group, and forgotten. Also, having people come up to you and ask questions, makes THEM exercise some initiative in finding out about us. That's what we want.
When we're at a restaurant, for instance, and someone approaches us and we hand them a J.A.I.L. card and start explaining what we're about, pretty soon a crowd gathers, because they want to hear too-- they're curious as well, and when someone "breaks the ice" and comes forward, then others join. It's a great psychological tool. The point is, it makes a greater impact on people generally.
And the other reason we just have J.A.I.L. on the back is that we are mocking the other alphabet agencies-- IRS, CIA, FBI, ATF, etc. -- using their colors, navy blue with yellow-gold lettering. We want people to start recognizing J.A.I.L. on sight, just as they do FBI, or IRS. Yes-- we have even been mistaken as some kind of police agency!
We want people to know that we aren't just another "group" out there trying to climb up Mt. Everest, with the Establishment chuckling in their beards "Oh, you poor fools." We want people to know that we have as much confidence as the FBI does when they wear their shirts and jackets-- that J.A.I.L. has as much right to be "out there" as they do, even though we're not paid for by taxpayers. That in fact, J.A.I.L. is MORE IMPORTANT than all of them, because it is the ONLY organization that will put all the rest of them in check by the people-- through judicial accountability.
We want people to know that J.A.I.L. doesn't have to apologize to the general public for our acronym-- that we aren't afraid of people thinking "it looks like a convict" or similar idea, because soon people are going to KNOW what J.A.I.L. is on sight. Most that we run into are intrigued by the acronym-- they know that it is an acronym because of the periods between the letters. There'll be those who will criticize it without checking it out-- but in time, they'll find out too by sheer "popularity." In fact, people think the fact that the acronym "spells" jail is great, because of the subliminal suggestion of "jailing judges" even though that's not really our prime objective. But it's "food for thought" and people are "hungry" for that kind of "food."
We also like the "intimidation" factor that J.A.I.L. portrays-- showing a sort of boldness to the public that J.A.I.L. indeed has a message that is directed at the judiciary, and indirectly at law enforcement and government authority in general. We know that it has that intimidation factor flowing through the judicial system.
About six months ago Ron and I attended a hearing re Nick Jesson (who is running for Governor by the way) from Orange County whose home and business were raided by the FTB (Franchise Tax Board).
There were four of us wearing the J.A.I.L. T-shirts at the hearing. We purposely sat in the middle of the audience, about 3 rows back, and in from the aisle-- so as not to be too obvious. None of us made facial gestures or body language, but sat quietly throughout, listening to the proceeding.
To the surprise of all of us, when the proceeding was over, the judge said
"Before we close this proceeding, I would like to state on the record that there are several in attendance in this courtroom wearing t-shirts that say www dot something about throwing judges in jail dot com. I would like it known on the record that this group sends thousands of emails all across the country, but that I don't read any of them. (then looking at defense counsel) I don't know what connection you or your client have with this group, but just understand that it's not going to affect my decision one way or another."
What that did was tell us that the judge WAS intimidated, just by us being there, attending the court proceeding. And you can believe that he indeed HAS READ our emails, just as the judges in the next courtroom, and the next, those upstairs, down the hall, etc. This was at the Fullerton Courthouse in Orange County. We've never been there before, nor have we ever heard of that judge (Judge James Marion). If that wasn't so, why would he have said anything at all? And putting it "on the record" to try to intimidate us-- well, of course all he did was make a fool of himself and make us more confident that wearing the J.A.I.L. t-shirts to court is indeed an effective ploy and good advertisement. In fact, this incident became the topic of a J.A.I.L. News Journal which was sent out to thousands of people all across the country. (We wonder if he read that too.)The point is, we don't have to "act up" to get attention. Being quiet and orderly, wearing the t-shirts proudly, but with dignified and respectable conduct-- not a lot of laughing, boisterous talking, or wild body language-- gets the message out that we want. The more mild-manner and unobtrusive we are when wearing the J.A.I.L. t-shirts (especially in enemy territory), the more our confidence is exhibited, particularly TO the enemy. It's like using "reverse psychology." It's VERY effective in advertising J.A.I.L. the way we want it shown-- confident, strong, dignified, intelligent, righteous, principled.
It is so very important that people understand the psychology behind the t-shirt design. It isn't the first impression that counts-- it's the LASTING impression that matters. That's another reason why it's navy blue with yellow-gold lettering --it gives the appearance of "authority" and not just fashion or recreation. We want people to remember J.A.I.L. as an authority on taking back control in this country under a system of law, and not of men.
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