J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles,
August 21, 2022
J.A.I.L. Is That "Light"
Our thanks to Douglas
John, Fitzgerald, a recent subscriber to the JNJ list, for showing his
interest in J.A.I.L. by making his suggestion on how to improve our
methods of promoting J.A.I.L. We appreciate his taking the time to do
so. Below his original message is Barbie's response to Doug which is
self-explanatory. It is true, as Doug says, that we are to bring
light of judicial corruption to public scrutiny. J.A.I.L. is
that light.
* * *
Original Message -----
Saturday, August 09, 2022 9:41 PM
Dear Ron,
As one who has spent his entire business
career motivating and promoting causes, I am qualified to tell you that
what you are attempting to do is a fabulously complicated goal
requiring supreme organizational skills which are severely lacking in
the fact you are recruiting common folks and directing others to folks
who are lost as to how to effectively organize an area. This
is not a critical message.... simply a professional observation.
My qualifications include a lifetime of buying and using electronic
media to both inform and motivate the public to react.
You need to redirect your efforts from
attempting to create another political faction in the already fractured
political landscape. Instead I recommend that you focus all your
attention on selectively focusing on a corrupt judge and removing
him. Advertise the fact of the removal and ask for examples of
judicial corruption from those experiencing the wrath of the
corruption. Bringing light on the subject (judge) and his
corruption to the scrutiny of the general public will result in
publicity that you will have for free that you never could afford to
purchase. Your effect will be greater, your voice will be
louder, and the results will be guaranteed.
Bringing light - lots of light to the
situation will bring the desired result. Use your resources to do
super sleuthing on the intended target and you'll become a much more
effective force.
Publicity will be free bringing light to
the table...
Good luck
(Barbie's response):
Dear Doug:
Thank you very much for taking the
time to offer your sincere and professional suggestion in the interest
of helping the J.A.I.L. cause. We appreciate your concern.
This is Barbie responding, since
your message came in on my computer and Ron isn't available at
the moment. However, I'll be able to address what you have suggested
The main reason your suggestion is
not conducive to the J.A.I.L. agenda and mission is that your idea must
be implemented within the existing judicial system. ["Instead I recommend that you focus all your
attention on selectively focusing on a corrupt judge and removing
him."] The only way that could be
done at this time is through the judicial system-- other judges. That
does not solve the root problem we're faced with. The entire judicial
system is corrupt, despite the fact that there may be an occasional
case here and there that may have been adjudicated according to
constitutional mandates. And if there are any such cases, they are few
and far between (if they exist at all).
The objective
of J.A.I.L. is to create a forum operated by the People-- not by
government-- in which to hold judges accountable under constitutional
standards. Operating on an independent turf
(jurisdiction, if you will) from any government entity is a necessary
ingredient for J.A.I.L. to carry out its intended function.
To explain this concept more clearly, the
Declaration of Independence acknowledges the fact that all men (people)
are born with certain unalienable rights; and that in order to protect
the free exercise of those rights, the people have to create a
government empowered to carry out that protection by
guaranteeing that free exercise, deriving such power from
the "protectees," if you will, (the recipients of the protection).
The government is there to serve and protect the
people (in reality-- and not just a slogan on police cars).
In the creation of government in this
country, the people established the Constitution setting forth the particulars defining their consent under and
within which government was to function. This was and is an
elaborate scheme authorizing the means by which government was to
protect and guarantee the free exercise of the people's natural rights.
But what means were provided in the Constitution for the people to
protect and guarantee the enforcement of the
terms of their consent set forth therein? NONE!
That fatal omission from the Constitution
spelled the inevitable demise of the free exercise of rights that
the people were born with, and accordingly they lost those rights by
default --by failing to act in establishing a constitutional means by
which they (the people) could enforce government
obedience to those terms of consent. It was clearly in their own
interest that the people do so, and by their failure to protect their
own interests, the people have been the losers. Regarding rights-- "Use
them or lose them" which has borne out as truth.
The people (now the posterity), are reaping
what they have sown-- a non-enforceable Constitution that
is merely words on paper sealed under glass. Accordingly our American
way of life has been turned on its head-- government has arbitrarily
usurped power to become master over the people who have become its
slaves, without recourse for the people. By nature, the people are
sovereign and government the servant; however the means by which the
people may exercise their sovereignty over government are non-existent.
We are witnessing the chaotic
result of that situation now, and it shall only get worse
under present circumstances.
After spending eighteen years trying to get
justice with several cases in the judicial system, and getting
senselessly chewed up by the system without reason, Mr. Branson had to
sit back and take a good look at what was happening. Taking everything
into consideration over the past several years of constant dead-ends
and stone-walling in trying to get his cases addressed in court
according to the facts as he clearly presented them in black and white
and the law(s) applicable to those facts, he realized that the problem
was systemic.
Mr. Branson turned to the California
Constitution and found Article II, Section 1 which states "All
political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for
their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to
alter or reform it when the public good may require." He then
realized that the problem had to be taken directly to the people
--by-passing the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary--
because government IS the problem. It was then that J.A.I.L. was
conceived (originally called "The Judicial Reform Act of 1996.")
In a nutshell, J.A.I.L. is designed for the
purpose of filling that gap in the Constitution. J.A.I.L. will
work through the states by amending their Constitutions to provide a
means by which the people can enforce the terms of the U.S.
Constitution on government through holding state judges accountable to
those terms. J.A.I.L. is not designed to change the judicial system
itself, only to provide that unique means by which the people
can enforce obedience of the system (judges) to the
terms set forth in the U.S. Constitution and existing laws in pursuance
thereof. J.A.I.L. restores the ability of the people to
exercise its sovereign power over government, as was the original
intent of the Founding Fathers. This enforcement will be done through
the judiciary which is the capstone, ultimate authority, of government
Restoring sovereign power to the people is
the only way we can restore our Constitutional Republic. J.A.I.L. is
the only measure providing that need. Without J.A.I.L., nothing else
will matter because we will continue to live in chaos and tyranny.
J.A.I.L. is the "light" that is needed.
Ron Branson
"Those who say it cannot be done
should not interfere with those of us who are doing
--S. Hickman
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." --
Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau <><