Notice: §104.185 - A person who knowingly signs a petition or petitions for a candidate, a minor political party, or an issue more than one time commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in §775.082 or §775.083.
STREET ADDRESS________________________________________________________ CITY________________________________________ ZIP________________________ COUNTY__________________________________________ VOTER REGISTRATION NUMBER____________________________ (OR) DATE OF BIRTH____________________________ BALLOT TITLE: The Judicial Accountability Amendment (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law). (§101.161, F.S.) BALLOT SUMMARY: We, the People of Florida, find the doctrine of judicial immunity has been greatly abused, and when judges abuse their power, the People are obligated - it is their duty - to correct that injury for the benefit of themselves and their posterity. In order to ensure judicial accountability and domestic tranquility, we hereby amend under Article I, Article V of our Constitution with these provisions, which shall be known as "The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law Amendment." (§101.161, F.S.) FULL TEXT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT: Full text of this amendment is printed and continued on the accompanying four pages. (RULE 1S-2.009) IS THIS A CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR VOTER REGISTRATION? ____YES ____NO