David Donley
P.O. Box 4634
White River Jct., VT 05001
e-mail; [email protected]
The below is the Dean FOIA letter with the newspaper
articles,..., detailing the complete lack of
accountability and some of the all - to - many abuses
the legal community has perpetrated upon unsuspecting
Vermonters. This can be used as a reference to
various articles and insight into Vermont's
political/legal system.
Dean met this with "executive privilege". I employed this in my case to get the case dismissed and record expunged. The articles and documents aren't with it but one can get some insight into the state of Vermont's judiciary by it.
I can't make it but pledge support in every other way I can until I can change my circumstances, in SOLIDARITY,
December 07, 2022
Governor Howard Dean Pavilion Office Building Montpelier, Vermont 05609
Dear Governor Dean:
The purpose of this letter is to request, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and Vermont’s access to Public Records Act, the following information:
1) At the 1992 Democratic National Convention you gave a speech endorsing Clinton, asserting you were a Doctor (Josef Mengele was a Dr., and so is Howard Delozier who raped a fifteen year old girl in his office and never lost his license to practice in Vermont despite all the publicity, during your administration, copy att.), and you knew Clinton was going to effect medical care reforms. A March 8, 2023 BFP article titled, “Dean aides work outside Vt.,” (copy att.) informs that you sent several aides to Washington to work with Hillary Clinton on her health policy task force. One of the major findings of their study was that before we can effect medical reforms we would first have to effect “tort” reform as it was all the frivolous medical malpractice lawsuits that were driving costs up! Since then the issue died. That is, until the 2000 Democratic Convention where you once again got up and purported that now Gore was going to effect medical reforms. An article of 9-21-00, in the Washington Times (copy att.), informs that Gore has been linked with soliciting $100,000 campaign donations from rich trial lawyers in exchange for a presidential veto of “tort reform.” (I’ll bet “there’s no controlling legal authority” is good for that one too. )
2.) How many tax dollars has the Attorney General’s office spent defending you in suits that were contrary to the “Public Welfare,” like the one reported in the Oct. 29, 1994 Burlington Free press (BFP) article, “Citizens’ group sues NYNEX, Dean, others,” (copy att.). Which reported, “A citizens’ group has filed a class action suit against Vermont’s largest telephone company, Gov. Dean and others...it wants 54 million dollars for overcharges...the Public Service Board recently ordered NYNEX to pay $12 Million to its Vermont customers...People are getting shafted in this by the entire government...in addition to Dean the suit named Attorney General Jeffrey Amestoy, Public Service Commissioner Richard Sedano, the Department of Public Service and the Public Service Board...Dean was named in the lawsuit because he intervened on behalf of NYNEX and took a $1,000 campaign donation from the company.”
3) In an Associated Press article posted in the Valley News dated Dec.19, 1998 (copy att.), “Dean, Utilities Like It; Activists See Flaws” the public is informed, “Jenny Carter of the Vermont Public Research Interest Group said ‘The most disappointing aspect of this report is that it seems that the utilities are protected, their shareholders are protected and their creditors are protected. But there are no ... protections for ratepayers.’”
4.) A Rutland Daily Herald report of Nov. 27,1994 titled, “How Vt. Was Sold On Hydro-Quebec,” (copy att.)reports, “The Hydro-Quebec purchase also sheds some light into the decision making process at the highest levels of Vermont’s government and business, an often overlapping world of lawyers, lobbyists and corporate executives...Robert Sherman and Stephen Kimbell, Hydro-Quebec lobbyists in Vermont...Governor Dean called on friends to help him...among those advisers were Kimbell and Sherman, Paul Poirier, a lobbyist with Green Mountain Power, and William Gilbert, a lobbyist with CVPS... Later Dean picked David Wilson (a former lobbyist for GMP)as his administration secretary, ...Ben Ptashnik (D), a Norwich businessman,... paid $500 to attend a Democratic party fundraiser and set at a table with Dean in an attempt to persuade the governor to consider the contract’s full economic impact on ratepayers...Ptashnik said the governor was sitting with Sherman and Kimball at the dinner, ‘It was clear they had decided the issue for him,’....”
5.) A 1992 A.P. article published in the Valley News entitled, “Lawyer Complaints Overwhelm System” points out that lawyer complaints had increased 75% but the office responsible is able to investigate only a fraction of the charges. Quoting board spokesperson Wendy Collins, “Despite the rise in the public’s concern the PCB is able to devote full investigations to only a small percentage of the complaints it receives...of the 261 complaints filed last year, 70% were not pursued after an initial screening. Under present funding bar counsel is able to investigate about 60 cases a year and bring formal charges in no more than 20 cases a year...Most cases are closed without a formal investigation...The Professional Conduct Board is neither designed nor funded to operate as a consumer assistance program. It will never be able to address each complainant’s concerns.”
Flanagan reiterated the self-preserving babble “ I share your concern about the general lack of responsiveness to the public’s needs demonstrated by Vermont’s licensing and disciplinary bodies. I also agree that more accountability and oversight are required to ensure that those bodies carry out the functions entrusted to them by the public in a more efficient and effective manner...” Milne’s response via his Deputy John Howland (former reporter now Deputy spinner to Flanagan) gets the spin Dr. award “Just so you understand our personal (rather than official) frame of reference regarding Joe Palmisano... Palmisano was convicted of embezzeling the proceeds from the sale of the family pharmacy that Jim ran for years in Barre. Jim’s mother was the victim... So that’s what I meant when I wrote you, ‘with regard to your comments on what would have happened had Mr. Palmisano been dealt with earlier, you won’t get any argument from us...let me return to our ‘official’ position...we don’t know much more about what these three regulators (JCB, PCB, and MPB) do than what we read in the newspapers, we are not prepared to criticize their performance...We agree all three should have independent oversight...We also feel the extreme secrecy involved in the discipline of lawyers is not in the public’s best interest...beyond that we have neither the information, nor the ability or authority to gather the information....”(copy att.). As I asserted to you, “I am sure you are aware of the fact that many Vermonters are harmed by unscrupulous, overcharging, and incompetent lawyers in this state. Valid complaints are routinely dismissed with no action taken by the Boards policing the legal profession. I know from having worked with many groups in this state that many people do not lodge complaints for fear of retaliation...Results of family court proceedings demonstrate the contempt Vermont‘s judiciary has for legislative intent, more educated experts opinion and the public welfare” This is not idle rhetoric, it is verifiable fact. None of you will acknowledge it however, as you have encouraged, facilitated and benefited from the “lack of accountability” within the legal system and Government in general.
There are many other means of collecting evidence to demonstrate the multiple maladministrations of justice in this state such as reviewing published and especially unpublished cases (particularly appellants printed cases), the PCB’s yearly reports to the Vermont State Supreme Court, which demonstrate year after year the boards have reported the court failed to provide adequate funding for the investigative or prosecutorial functions of the board despite the steady increase in complaints about lawyers. Other feeble excuses include “lack of case law”; wonder why that is? Lack of case law doesn’t prevent them from finding technicalities to reverse jury tried murder convictions, that is if the murderer can afford to belly up to the bar and buy an expensive criminal defense lawyer. The Judicial Conduct Board does not even keep records (one of the concerns voiced by the DemocRATS of your executive branch regarding the MPB) the att. copy of response from the JCB chair attests to this. It goes beyond negligence to gross criminal negligence. These boards are designed to protect the image of the profession not the Public as such the Vermont State Supreme court has allowed many Vermonters to be harmed by their unethical, unscrupulous and incompetent brethren. There is more allegiance to the Fraternity than to any oaths swearing to “uphold the Constitution.”
There are many sources of information that would demonstrate the bias, prejudice, negligence, malevolence and political activism of Vermont’s Bar Association and Supreme court including Periodicals, Law Reviews, Bar Journals, correspondence, public records, cases, articles by authoritative sources, statements, committees organized by the bar, (to lobby for legislation that benefits the Vt. Bar often to the detriment of the “general welfare”, to prosecute Pro Se litigants, to protect the Vt. Bars monopoly on the courts,....) But if one were to rely on newspaper accounts, as John Howland jr. purports is the only source of information, than I would have to conclude that it is only because today’s newspaper is tomorrows trash that nothing is done. As there have been an abundance of newspaper articles indicting Vermont’s Judiciary. If the newspaper accounts regarding the corruption in Vermont’s courts were posted on a web site so that people could see the deliberate indifference to the public welfare; they would be insisting that the articles of impeachment for Constitutional Treason, (that were killed in committee last session) against that black robed gang of five injustices (appointed mostly by you) be revived, redrafted and acted on by the full legislature. You, your Court, your Party, are living testimony to the proverbial saying “Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Senator Illuzzi’s case provides good insight into many facets of Vermont’s judiciary. Their values, lack of concern for the public welfare, abuse of process and public funds for their own agenda, their retaliatory nature, dedication to the fraternity rather than constitution, contempt for legislative intent.... That so many within the legislature and executive branch are aware of the many abuses and nothing is done to correct the situation is a sad commentary on the state of the State. Are you all in collusion? Or, have the executive and legislative branches been thoroughly intimidated by Vermont’s “High” Court, “Star Chamber.”?
The PCB received many complaints from former clients and opposing counsel to Illuzzi but they never recommended anything more than a verbal reprimand or three-month suspension. That is until Illuzzi wrote a legitimate letter of complaint to the JCB on behalf of his constituents regarding Judge David Suntag’s habit of forcing Vermonters from Essex and Orleans counties to travel to Orange county to have their cases heard (in a more convenient location for the judge). Illuzzi, in response to his constituents’ complaints, asked the judge to hear the cases in the county from which they came, which is what the law calls for anyway. Reason would dictate that it is more economically feasible for one man to travel 100 miles one way than for both the parties, their lawyers, and witnesses to travel and thus lose many more hours of pay (in lost wages and cost to lawyers) but, the reasonable man standard does not prevail in Vermont’s Judiciary. When reason and pleading failed Illuzzi drafted legislation stating simply, “No Essex Family Court cases shall be heard at any other location except Guildhall.” When Suntag still obnoxiously refused to consider the people being adversely affected Illuzzi wrote the JCB in secrecy (as prescribed by the rules) asking that he be compelled to obey the law. For that he was retaliated against and disbarred (copy of John McClaughry editorial att. relevant pleadings happily supplied upon request). In her pleadings against Illuzzi Shelley Hill noted there was no case law interpreting the family law statute and other judges had transferred cases out of Guildhall but Illuzzi did not make complaints about them. Concern for the public welfare might have prompted her to inquire of the other judges, contempt for legislative intent and the public welfare allowed her argument for interpretive case law. Despite many letters of support from various legislators informing the boards of what their “legislative intent” was, and letters from Speaker of the House Ralph Wright and lifelong member of the VBA John Bloomer expressing their concern for the retaliatory actions of the boards; the prosecution of Illuzzi continued and resulted in his disbarment for life. Pleadings in that case demonstrate you and members of your administration had personal knowledge of that case. Illuzzi has his license to practice today because he took his case to Federal District Court in Burlington and began exposing the corruption in Vermont’s Judiciary and the “Star Chamber” quality of the Vermont State Supreme Court. Rather than suffer any more exposure of the corruption in Vermont’s High court the injustices decided to allow Illuzzi his license back.
A January 28, 2023 A.P. article published in the Barre Times Argus titled by the quote of attorney David Kelley, “Illuzzi investigation Absolutely Despicable,” informs how, “the PCB hounded Illuzzi while ignoring serious violations by others...his attorney David Kelley informs how the board interviewed 143 potential witnesses, asking several of them if they knew if he had ever molested children, despite the lack of evidence to support that line of questioning...meanwhile alleged (later proven) embezzlement by a Manchester lawyer with ties to two former chairs of the board went uninvestigated for many months ...Kelley questioned whether the board was operating under ‘double standards, or any standards...Kelley said ...that many lawyers were afraid to testify before the panel for fear that their criticism would prompt retaliation...No one wants to trouble trouble if trouble isn’t troubling them...William Hunter also spoke in an interview of a climate of fear...”
In the Oct. 13, 1996 edition of the Rutland Daily Herald is an article “Probe the Conduct Board,” declaring, “The case of Manchester lawyer Gerald Cantini raises questions about whether the PCB plays favorites as it pursues its investigations. Cantini has been accused of hiding income, taking money from a client’s trust account, conflict of interests...Complaints eventually found their way to the PCB... former chairman of the board, J. Eric Anderson, who was an officemate of Cantini’s, knew about the allegations earlier but failed to report him. The chairwoman who succeeded Anderson, Deborah Banse was the lawyer representing Cantini in a divorce. Despite this association, she signed a letter dismissing a previous complaint against him...Staff workers employed by Cantini who reported shady doings say the only reason Anderson eventually filed a complaint was...the staff threatened to make the complaint themselves if he didn’t...The issue is larger than the Cantini case. Other cases have raised questions about whether the board has misplaced priorities.”
“Lawyer sued for 4th time in three years,” an article in the August 8, 2022 edition of the BFP points out that Cantini had been sued for malpractice four times since 1993. Two of the cases were resolved in out of court settlements another was still pending when Cantini incurred his fourth, “A Winhall man ...cheated out of his house and 10 acres...The suit filed in Bennington... by Ernest Salo alleges that Cantini secretly restructured a real estate deal that caused Salo to lose his property....” Cantini was under investigation by the PCB when Salo filed his suit.
Sunday December 10, 2022 the BFP published an article, “Board Slow to act on Palmisano” declaring, “We know what a piece of work Palmisano turned out to be. We know he fleeced 100 investors and clients out of $8million, pleaded guilty to a 44-count federal indictment... For 17 months after Vest filed his complaint with the secrecy-enshrouded Professional Conduct Board, the panel did nothing - nada. Only after...other victims filed complaints with the board in early 1994 did it finally yank his license...Even today the board has taken no formal action on Vest’s complaint. Instead the matter remains on ‘pending’ status, according to board lawyer Shelley Hill, ‘it’s still on the docket awaiting action,’ she said declining further comment...hardly comforting news to Vest... as he sees it, there’s no excuse for the board’s inaction. Even his malpractice suit against Palmisano...moved along faster... ‘Maybe it was too late for me’ he said of his case before the board. ‘But I felt like if the board had acted, somebody else’s interests could have been protected.’...Someone like Coleman and Luvia Mitchell of Randolph, for instance. In November 1992, they went to Palmisano seeking help...trusting him with their life savings... they never saw $100,00 of their money again...Or someone like Mark Mattote of Williamstown, who hired Palmisano to handle his divorce case and saw $137,000 his ex-wife was supposed to get during 1993 disappear into thin air. There’s nothing ‘pending’ about what they’ve suffered. It’s permanent.”
“ Between Life and Death” a November 28, 2022 article in the BFP tells, “ The Ronald Comeau described in court papers did not seem to be the person reporters saw lying in a hospital bed. Expecting a ‘vegetable’ they saw a man. ‘Helpless and hopeless,’ a Bennington Probate Court judge wrote of Comeau’s condition.”... ‘Very slightly above a persistent vegetative state,’ the judge wrote on Nov. 9. ‘He appears to be experiencing pain, terror, suffering and horror...There is no possibility of recovery or improvement in Comeau’s condition.’... Ten days later, reporters saw a man sitting in bed, gesturing with his arms, questioning their presence and responding to his family. In those ten days, Comeau’s feeding tube had been unhooked (at his guardian's request and with the court’s permission) to allow him to die, then had been reinstalled on an appeal by two clergymen. Rev. Michael McHugh found Comeau’s father... Has Comeau’s condition changed dramatically? Or was it wrongly characterized in court?...Vermonter’s can legitimately ask why neither the hospital, the courts nor the guardians were as determined as McHugh in seeking Comeau’s family....” Cross referencing to the “Illuzzi Investigation ‘Absolutely Despicable’” article, “McHugh told the bar association panel that the board (PCB) dismissed a complaint he had filed against Bennington lawyer Terrance Wolfe, who ‘by his own admission, ...did not walk the two blocks to the hospital to meet with his client’ which would have allowed him to see Comeau wasn’t comatose... Wolf refused to comment...Both Kelly and McHugh said the board’s actions should be more open to public scrutiny... To allow public review of inaction as well as action....”
As reported in a Dec. 1, 1993 RDH article, “Dean: Death Choice Private,” your reaction was typically Dean. As with anyone that has questioned your policies, agenda, or defense of the status quo, “Dean defended the motives of the (lazy, my emphasis) court-appointed guardian and the Bennington hospital in the case of Ronald Comeau, and he attacked those who questioned their motives...Dean criticized those who were suggesting ... the decision... was prompted by a desire to sell various organs... ‘The last thing I want is the state of Vermont telling me what’s going to happen to the people I love, ... This is a decision that needed to be made between the patient, the family and the doctor....” So why did you criticize the people responsible for contacting the family?
6.) An October 4, 2022 BFP article, “Dean Ahead in fund Raising” informs of your fund raising efforts in Boston and Rhode Island quoting you, “To have it on hand as a marketing tool it solidifies a voter’s support...They feel like they’ve bought in.”
7.) A BFP article of October 17,1996, “Paying for power” made a good point, “Governor Howard Dean inadvertently made the perfect argument recently for reforming the way political campaigns are funded. ‘Big donors don’t buy influence,’ the governor said, but ‘do get access, there’s no question about that...to get me to return their phone calls.’ The heftiest campaign checks come from outside Vermont.”
An October 2, 2022 RDH report, “He’s a Lock in But Funds Still Roll Right In” details, “Howard Dean is raking in out-of-state money from lawyers, lobbyists, pharmaceutical companies, labor unions, real estate developers, Republicans and anyone else with enough cash to buy access or perhaps influence in the governors office. The out-of-state special interests tend to put big money... Of the $267,270 Dean has raised...71 percent came from out-of-state contributors...the donor list reads like a yellow pages of corporate America...”
8.) In a BFP article dated May 3, 2000, titled “The Judge’s Error” the people of Vermont are informed a judicial appointment of yours, Pat Zimmerman (of whom there were many legitimate complaints made to the Professional Conduct Board and your office prior to her appointment) barred a Vermont citizen from “all lands and property under control of the Supreme Court...including the Rutland District Court, parking areas and lands.” Simply because the man, Scott Huminski, had a sign on his van stating “Judge Corsones: Butcher of the Constitution.” (No doubt the real reason was Mr. Huminski was doing his own legal work Pro se and as such not paying into the monopoly the legal fraternity has on the courts. Pro Se litigants are targets of the Vermont Bar Association’s “Committee on Unauthorized Practice of Law.” That and the fact lawyers subverted the intent of the first amendment in regard to their fraternity ‘faction’ a long time ago. ) The article goes on to declare “It is Huminski’s constitutional right to express his view...it is the court’s responsibility to ...deliver justice in an impartial manner, and to be unmoved by such trivial things as six-word signs... Equally troubling was the sentiment of the assistant attorney general defending the court order: ‘when there’s speech that impugns the integrity of the judicial system, that speech can be regulated.’ The case should prove educational for those who have forgotten the link between free expression and effective democracy. Unfortunately, at least one judge seems to be in need of this instruction.” Rather than recognize a citizens right to free speech the Attorney Generals office is fighting this case in the second circuit court of appeals!!!!!
Most of Vermont Supported that law - Amestoy declined to appeal the decision or insist the public good be weighed against the monetary interests. It was not the first time Vermonters saw Amestoy opt for the special interests over the people’s rights or welfare. While he was commissioner of the Dept. of Labor and Industry there was strong evidence that Amestoy’s office was giving Staco Inc. advance notice of health and safety inspections of the mercury contaminated thermometer plant. An October 26, 2022 article in the RDH (copy att.) informs, “employees had at least a day or two prior knowledge of state inspections.” Staco was finally shut down, “by the Health Dept. after inspections showed 110 workers, their families and homes, as well as the Poultney sewer system, had been contaminated with Mercury from the plant.” I wonder how Amestoy would have acted had someone in his family been exposed to Staco’s carcinogens and toxins.
A BFP article of May 12, 2022 “Amestoy’s Inaction Questioned” informs “18 months after Vermonters first learned about the dark side of Barre lawyer Joseph C. Palmisano’s business dealings, they’re still waiting for the state’s top prosecutor to dip his toe into the biggest white-collar crime case these hills have ever seen. Instead, Amestoy seems content to leave the driving in this case to U.S. Attorney and the Federal Courts...Meanwhile, in state court the scorecard reads zero criminal indictments on a plethora of basic embezzlement or larceny claims involving Big Joe...that leaves lawyers like Eric Parker a former asst. attorney general under Amestoy who represents some of Palmisano’s bigger victims, wondering what’s up... ‘Simply based on the vast sums of money stolen and the numerous victims, there appears to be no reason why this criminal’s violation of state statutes should not also give rise to state charges.’ Parker wrote Amestoy’s criminal division chief, Suzanne Young, in late March...Parker also questioned the propriety of Amestoy’s approving the hiring of a former law partner of Palmisano’s, Mike Zimmerman, as a part-time assistant attorney general last year, just after Amestoy made the decision to let the feds take the lead... ‘I am concerned that his presence as an employee of your office may have influenced the decision not to take action in connection with this case’...In a blistering set of responses by Young and, last week, Amestoy, Parker is raked over the coals for having the gall to criticize his former employer. Young called Parker’s remarks ‘unprofessional and ill advised’ Amestoy’s letter went even further, saying he was insulted that such an allegation ‘from a lawyer who served in this office and who I formerly counted as a friend...nonetheless I now have the benefit of your view of my character. I shall keep it in mind.’ And from that perspective Amestoy’s performance has hardly been reassuring.”
9.) In the civil suit contesting the validity of the Civil Unions Bill lodged in Vermont’s Washington County Superior Court, “Brady and Others v. Dean, Obuchowski, Schumlin, Sorrell” Docket # 308-5-00 filed May 24, 2022 and recently dismissed there were over twenty some odd parties signed on in opposition to you and your legislation. I know the main issue has been the fact that several legislators in the house took bets on the outcome of the pending vote and Obuchowski knew but did nothing about it.
10.) Have you read the letter by, Oreste V. Valsangiacomo Sr., a Democrat and member of the Vermont House of Representatives (copy att.), posted on the internet Nov. 1, 2000, (as the Barre Times Argus would not print it) in which Mr. Valsangiacomo details your involvement with advancing the Homosexual agenda in this state beginning in November of 1993, “during a private meeting of 12 Democrats and several homosexuals at the home of the Chair of the State Democratic committee...this is reported by the homosexual newspaper ‘Out in the Mountains’...Dean expressed support...to solicit names for openings on more than 250 boards and commissions within the state for gays and lesbians to be appointed... Dean asked for a meeting with ‘Outright Vt.’ to discuss their work with gay and lesbian youth offering leadership...The homosexual agenda was introduced to Vermont by an article in Playboy magazine entitled “Taking Over Vermont”. This article became the blueprint for the homosexual movement in Vermont...Dean appointed Lippert a state Rep. from Hinesburg to fill a vacancy...Lippert is the founder and President of “Outright Vermont”, a homosexual organization approved by Gov. Dean to educate our school children about “diversity”. Gov. Dean has been working since 1993 with the homosexual community...”?
Whenever I see politicians like you or President Clinton pointing your finger at the rest of America telling us we need more prisons I am reminded of the proverb, “He who points a finger has three pointing back.” We already imprison more of a percentage of our population than any other country in the world. We don’t need more prisons we need more accountability in government. To create respect for the law we must first make the law respectable. Prosecute some of the high profile crooked politicians, judges and lawyers and people will better respect the law. People know the “System” is corrupt. The result is voter apathy, cynicism, contempt, and a profusion of groups forming in direct response to the government abuses. A key word search on the Internet of “Legal Reform” will bring one to the top 5% most frequented sites on the net. Sites like “overlawyered.com”, “Legal Ethics and Reform”, “The Legal Reform Movement In America”, “People before Lawyers”, “American Family Law Association”, “JAIL 4 JUDGES”, “Lawsuit Abuse who Pays?” ..... The sheer volume of such related sites and numbers viewing those sites indicate the level of discontent and concern in the American Populace. On line petitions such as “A Modern American Declaration of Liberty” at http://PetitionOnline.com/usdeclar/petiton.html are an example of grass roots efforts to wrestle control of government back from the lawyers and special interests.
Two thirds of all the lawyers in the world live and practice in the U.S.. They dominate every branch of government and have subverted the intent of the constitution by giving themselves protections, immunities, privileges, and access to the state and federal coffers in direct violation of the U.S. constitution. Little wonder our own government is the biggest source of misinformation, disinformation, and false information. Lawyers are indeed the “Faction” we were warned of in the Federalist Papers. I only hope America will wake up and realize the sagacity of the “NO LAWYER VOTE” before it is too late.
Recommended Books ( for insight to Vermont’s Political agenda): “Who Stole Feminism - Women who Betrayed Women” by Christina Hoff Sommers.
“With Justice for None - Destroying a Great American Myth” by Gerry Spence (considered one of the best U.S. trial lawyers).
APT QUOTES FOR TODAY: “ A threat to Justice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere.” - Martin Luther King, jr . “Justice delayed is justice denied” - William Blackstone.
Robert Kennedy had an insightful twist on that, “Justice Delayed is Democracy denied.”
“ If there were recalls on incompetent Lawyers as there are for defective automobiles, the recall rate would be phenomenal.” Former Chief Justice Warren Burger who also declared, “Half the trial lawyers in the U.S. are either incompetent, dishonest or both.”
“ American society is steadily becoming more racially and economically polarized. Many poor and minority Americans are convinced, with good reason, that the basic system of justice and law enforcement is not fair..., As was the case when racial segregation was the law, it is time for America’s legal system to reform itself. Unfortunately, reform voices are muted.” - Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter in a December 7, 2022 article for the N.Y. Times Special Features edition.
“If the bar is to state quite honestly the measure of its participation in public life, it must admit that law-trained persons maintain a complete monopoly over one branch of government, and a considerable effective control over the other two.” - Esther Lucile Brown.
“It is lawyers who run our civilization for us - our governments, our businesses, our private lives... We cannot buy a home or rent an apartment, we cannot get married or try to get divorced, we cannot leave our property to our children without calling on the lawyers to guide us. To guide us, incidentally, through a maze of confusing gestures and formalities that lawyers have created... The legal trade, in short is nothing but a high class racket.” - Fred Rodell, Professor of Law, Yale University.
“The number of lawyers employed by the Federal government has grown rapidly over the years and appears to be continuing to increase. Between 1954 and 1970, the number of self - employed lawyers in the U.S. increased by 19% while the number of lawyers in the Federal government increased by 108% and the number employed by state government increased by 167%.” - Richard L. Abel.
“The better the society, the less law there will be. In heaven there will be no law...In hell there will be nothing but law, and due process will be meticulously observed.” - Grant Gilmore, Age of American Law.