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Constitution and By-Laws
Constitution & By-Laws of National J.A.I.L.
Identification & Terminology:
 The term "J.A.I.L." shall stand for "Judicial Accountability Initiative Law," but as it relates to Congress and non-initiative states, it shall mean "Judicial Accountability & Integrity Legislation." "J.A.I.L." is copyrighted in Washington, D.C. The terms "he", "his" and "him" shall refer to either male or female.

Foundation of J.A.I.L.:
 After years of frustration with the legal system, Ronald Branson authored the original text of J.A.I.L. in April of 1995 which he then titled "The Judicial Reform Act of 1996," ("J.R.A.") On November 30, 2022 he filed J.R.A. with the California Secretary of State. In 1997 the Initiative was re-titled as indicated in the preceding paragraph.

 J.A.I.L. shall have a single objective and focus. That objective shall be solely and exclusively the establishment of a system of judicial accountability to the People through creating independent citizens' bodies of "Special Grand Juries" in each and every state in the Union, and over every federal judge through Federal J.A.I.L. Legislation to Congress. 

 In order to carry out its objective, J.A.I.L. has established a ten-rank national chain of command. While J.A.I.L.'s objective seeks a new American Revolution, it shall promote that Revolution only through non-violent political means. It abhors and forbids truculent behavior. The ten ranks of J.A.I.L. command shall be:

J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief:
The J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief (CIC) is vested with ultimate authority over all affairs of J.A.I.L. nationally. The J.A.I.L. Commander-In-Chief shall appoint and delegate authority to its national leadership. He shall have the authority to appoint JAILers-In-Chief over every state, to declare vacancies, and to fill state positions at his discretion until such time as the state has established an open and fair election process for all JAILers at stated times and means, which times and means shall be established in their states' Constitution and By-Laws.  No state Constitution & By-Laws (hereinafter, "C & B-Ls") shall be in conflict with the National J.A.I.L. Constitution & By-Laws. 

Lieutenant Commander-In-Chief:
The Lieutenant Commander-In-Chief (Lt. CIC) shall assist in carrying out the will and desires of the Commander-In-Chief, and shall be the Chair of the Associate Commanders-In-Chief. He shall serve as the Commander-In-Chief in the absence, incapacity, or demise of the Commander-In-Chief; and shall continue in that capacity until such time as an election of a new Commander-In-Chief takes place by vote of the Associate Commanders-In-Chief and the Lt. Commander-In-Chief, which election shall be noticed for and held on the first Tuesday of November of even-numbered years, or as soon thereafter as possible.

Associate Commanders-In-Chief:
The Associate Commanders-In-Chief (ACIC) shall be appointed by the Commander-In-Chief, and shall serve National J.A.I.L. at his pleasure. The CIC may appoint as many ACICs as he deems necessary to carry out the mission of National J.A.I.L. Administration.  They shall serve as Cabinet Members of National J.A.I.L., and may be removed by the CIC at his will. Except for contractual issues, an ACIC shall have the authority, in the first instance, to speak for the CIC; however, such decision may be appealed to the Lt. CIC, who may amend or reverse such decision. Ultimate appeal may be had to the CIC. Upon a twenty-day notice to all affected, and by a majority vote, the ACICs  shall have sole power of impeachment over any and all positions within J.A.I.L. The CIC may not remove an Associate Commander-In-Chief during such impending impeachment process. The Lt. Commander-In-Chief shall have a tie-breaking vote among the ACICs on issues other than impeachment. 

The JAILer-In-Chief (JIC) is the Chief Executive Officer in a state. Except as otherwise established in the states' C & B-Ls regarding elections, he shall appoint all leaders within the state, declare vacancies, and fill positions at his discretion. He shall attend to his responsibility of faithfully carrying out the advancement of the objective of J.A.I.L. within his state. He shall cause to be sent a copy of  the state's C & B-Ls to the CIC upon its implementation. Every JAILer-In-Chief shall post an open state of the state progress report to his states' JAILers at large, and shall submit the same to the CIC sometime during the third quarter (July through September) of each year. 

Lt. JAILer-In-Chief:
The Lt. JAILer-In-Chief (Lt. JIC) shall assist in carrying out the will and desires of the JAILer-In-Chief, and shall be the Chair of the Associate JAILers-In-Chief. He may vote with the AJICs only in the case of a tie. He shall serve as the JAILer-In-Chief in the absence, incapacity, or demise of the JAILer-In-Chief until such time as an election takes place for that purpose as established by the state's C & B-Ls.

Associate JAILers-In-Chief:
The Associate JAILers-In-Chief (AJIC) shall be appointed by the JAILer-In-Chief who may appoint as many Associate JAILers-In-Chief as he deems necessary to carry out his authority. They shall serve at his pleasure and may be removed at his will. Unless the state's Constitution and By-laws shall express otherwise, with the exception of contractual issues, an AJIC may speak with the authority of the JIC; however, such decision may be appealed first to the Lt. JIC, and finally to the JIC, either of whom may amend or reverse the standing decision.

J.A.I.L. Warden:
Subject to the state's JAILer-In-Chief, J.A.I.L. Wardens shall be in charge over all J.A.I.L. affairs of their respective counties, which assembly shall be known as J.A.I.L. Cells, (or "Cells" for short) throughout the state. The Warden should practice to be very aggressive in attracting media attention, giving media interviews, initiating barbeques, directing fundraising events, holding demonstrations, initiating public court appearances, and presiding at J.A.I.L. Cell meetings over the county's JAILers. During the months of March and September the Wardens shall seek to assure that everyone has posted their semi-annual support to National J.A.I.L. as set forth in "National J.A.I.L. Support" below. (The J.A.I.L Warden's position is the most basic outreach and public of all J.A.I.L. leadership positions. They are the backbone of J.A.I.L.'s Revolutionary Victory for America!)

(In exceptional cases of extremely large population such as Los Angeles County having the population exceeding forty-two states, or of enormity of geographical size, such as San Bernardino County covering a width of about two-hundred miles, such counties may be broken up into electoral districts such as State Assembly Districts, each electoral district being treated as a separate county with a separate J.A.I.L. Warden for each district.)

Lieutenant Warden:
The Lieutenant Warden shall assist in carrying out the will and desires of the J.A.I.L. Warden.  He shall serve as the Warden in the absence, incapacity, or demise of the Warden. He shall be the Chair of the Associate Wardens.

Associate Warden:
The Associate Warden shall serve as the staff of the Warden of his county and at the Warden's pleasure. The Warden may appoint as many Associate Wardens as he shall deem necessary for carrying out his duties as described in subparagraph 7 above.

"JAILer" shall have a dual meaning. (A) As JAILer applies to the chain of command, it refers to a member holding no formal J.A.I.L. leadership position. As such, "JAILers" are the ground foot-soldiers of J.A.I.L. They are what makes J.A.I.L. actually happen. (B) Apart from leadership consideration, all J.A.I.L. members shall be referred to generically as "JAILers." 

 It shall be the policy of J.A.I.L. to encourage JAILers to aspire to higher positions of authority consistent with the state's C & B-Ls by seeking to excel by appointments, elections or requesting the scepter from the holder thereof in pursuit of improving the quality and aggressiveness of J.A.I.L.'s leadership.

 J.A.I.L. shall remain racially and gender neutral. While it is acknowledged that J.A.I.L. has many JAILers holding different religious and anti-religious values, J.A.I.L. is not a religious organization or movement. It adopts or supports no religious position, or political party. It has but a single goal of judicial accountability-- nothing more, and nothing less! 

National J.A.I.L. Support:
 Thomas Paine said in 1777, "Those who expect to reap the blessing of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." Likewise, should we expect to achieve Victory in America without supporting it, we seek something that has never been, nor shall ever be. From the founder's personal viewpoint, J.A.I.L. is a cause worthy of half your tithe. He would love to see everyone purpose in their heart to donate 5% of all their worldly gain they have been entrusted with to J.A.I.L. Notwithstanding this fact, J.A.I.L. hereby imposes a National J.A.I.L. semi-annual support in the amount of ten ($10) dollars on each and every JAILer payable during the months of March and September of each year. Such support shall be handled on the honor system. It is hoped that this miniscule amount of ten dollars will inspire JAILers to donate more by writing a 2, 3, or 4 in front of the zero instead of the 1, or to add a zero to the 10 according as they have been blessed by J.A.I.L.'s outreach. J.A.I.L. has become the hope of the future for so very many, and certainly worthy of your financial support! Such support shall be made payable to "J.A.I.L." and sent to: P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, Ca. 91603.

J.A.I.L. Colors:
 The official J.A.I.L. colors shall be Yellow-Gold on Navy Blue.

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Ron Branson, JAILer-In-Chief

U.S. Postal Service Address:
P.O. Box 207
N. Hollywood
California 91603


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California Counties



Judicial Accountability Initiative Law
Last Revision
31 December, 2001