To All JAILers & News
Behind the scenes, some of us legal minds have been
working on our next move in respect to the unlawful Resolution, HCR 1004
"passed" by the South Dakota Legislature.
Yesterday, Friday March 3, we finally launched our
first missile via first class mail, to all of the homes of the Senators and
Representatives of South Dakota.
Due to the letter being fourteen pages, this has
to be sent by attachment. Also appended hereto is the South Dakota
Legislative Resolution to which the letter responds.
The objective now is to give this letter publicity.
Forward it on to as many contacts and media sources as you have. They will be
very interested in following this.
-Ron Branson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2023 10:38 AM
Subject: SD J.A.I.L news
The attached letter was mailed to the home
address of all 105 SD state legislators yesterday, March 3rd. Also
attached is the legislature's unlawful resolution that they passed opposing the
South Dakota Judicial Accountability "Amendment E", which is on the November 7th
2006 SD ballot for the voters to decide. (The Amendment can be read at )
There will soon be a news release put out to
all 139 SD newspapers addressing the illicit actions of the
legislature in passing their bogus resolution and the fact that they have now
been put on notice that we will hold them accountable for their inappropriate
(illegal) actions, just like we are proposing to do with the judges.
Hmm. Seems our SD legislators also have a problem with the "A"
word. They, like the judges of this state had better get used to
it. That goes as well for the prosecuting attorneys and right down to
the slimy lawyers of this state.
Amendment E has them all scared
poopless! Once judges are held accountable, they'll all have to fall in
line. Spread the word!
"To consider judges as the ultimate arbiters of
all constitutional questions is a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which
would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy".
-- Thomas Jefferson