Dear J.A.I.L. subscribers:

I was going through some of our older emails (we're running about a month behind) and came across this open letter to a judge, put out by the Idaho Observer. I agree with Jackie Junti of W.G.E.N., that's one of the best newspapers out there. They wrote up a magnificent article on J.A.I.L. a while ago. But as I read this open letter, it was as if I were writing it myself. I'm not acquainted with Mark Alan (but wish I were), however the general gist of the letter really says it like it is. How many of you in your fifties, or more, remember when as a child, you could run up to a policeman with a big smile and he would actually stoop down and hug you and maybe even give you a sucker out of his pocket?

I'll never forget this particular Chicago police officer who was on my school route. He knew all the kids and they all knew him as "Officer Joe." In eighth grade (the final grade in grammar school then), I became a patrol girl. The girls took patrol duty on Fridays, giving the boys a day off. My corner was next to the last farthest one from school, about eight blocks away. When call-in time came, especially on cold winter mornings, Officer Joe would pick us "far ones" up in his warm squad car (that's what we called them) and drive us to school, after we had stood on the corner in the freezing cold for about a half hour or so. Officer Joe had a smile as warm as the inside of his squad car. (As a matter of fact, Officer Joe greatly resembled our Dennis Hatcher, head of Georgia JAIL whom we met last New Years when he was here.) We had a chance to thaw out in Officer Joe's squad car before going to school. Dennis' smile, too, will warm anyone who sees him.

But it was like that with our relationship to all police officers we would see. I remember they would wave to us as they slowly drove by on patrol, even though we didn't know them personally, they were our friends in uniform. Even my mom would wave at them when we went shopping. We're talking about the City of Chicago, the south side! Not some nice, quiet bedroom community with rolling lawns and manicured gardens.

There's another instance I'll never forget-- I was five years old. I went with my mom to our local hardware store where we went all the time. This time she was in a hurry and pulled up in front of the store, facing the wrong way, and we hurried in. A few minutes later a police officer came in with a clipboard in his hand walking toward my mom. He didn't even have to say anything, and all of a sudden my mom said "Oh, I'm so sorry officer, I didn't mean to do it, I was just in such a hurry..." and I was so scared, I started to cry and asked the officer "Are you going to take my mommy to jail?"

The officer stooped down to my level, tipped his hat back on his head, looked me in the eyes and said "Your mommy is much too pretty to go to jail, don't you think?" and he smiled and winked at me, and looked at my mom and she said "I'm leaving right away, thank you officer." The officer then gave us a salute and left. Can you imagine a scenario like that happening today? I'll bet a lot of you younger folks find it hard to believe.

The below open letter tells the story. Police officers of today are trained to be "gestapo" types. It's just too bad that there aren't more "Mark Alans" out there who can see the damage being done to society by the current training tactics, creating a real war machine out of our police force-- the WE against THEM attitude-- the "I'm jus' doin' ma job" attitude. (They "do their job" all over on the People, and don't even use toilet paper!)

I've been told that officers have the attitude that people on the street are automatically "the enemy" and they have to decide which ones they will "sort out" for their attention to "bring them to justice." (The police represent the "justice" side, of course.) After the Rodney King beating here in L.A., have any of you heard or read transcripts of police radio calls during that time era contained in the Christopher Report? Police communicate back and forth, calling people animals and worse, laughing and chuckling "Wanna have some excitement tonight?" That's about it!

And why does this go on? Because it CAN! Because COURTS routinely cover-up for the police, giving them the green light to keep it up! When Ron was arrested and jailed, he said he was going to sue and the officer sneered back "Go ahead and sue. I've been sued before and no one got a dime!" He's right, and now we know why! We have our corrupt courts to thank for police misconduct and all the rest of government corruption. If the courts would straighten up, so would the rest of them. J.A.I.L. is the answer!

If you've already seen the below letter, read it over again and think about it.
Thanks to Terry O'Donnell and the Idaho Observer... and
thanks to Mark Alan!

-Barbie- [email protected]

Subject: Open Letter to Magistate Judge Cynthia
Imbrogno Re: The arrest of Mark Alan, (Rabenold)
Idaho Observer:
March 2001
Open Letter to Magistate Judge Cynthia Imbrogno
The arrest of Mark Alan (Rabenold)

Federal Judge Imbrogno, this is going to be an open letter to you and to the people of Washington State.

It has come to my attention that Mark Alan (Rabenold) of Okanogan County is now being declared a danger to the community. I just have to ask, declared by whom?

I don't claim to know all of Mark's ideas and cannot say they are right or wrong, but I need to let you know what I do know of the man. Last year while having lunch in a local drive-in, Mark came in and sat down next to us. We got into a conversation and I asked him about a rumor I had heard about his past employment as a police officer and was it true, and if true, why did he quit the force. Mark told us about being on the local city police force, and the requirement of going to the Washington State Patrol Academy to be a commissioned officer, of which he attended.

Mark told us about a class he was attending at the academy where the instructor was (as a standard matter of procedure) instructing the class on how to harass and detain any citizen any time, anywhere, for no reason what ever. In class, Mark said he challenged the instructor about creating a legal issue with a private citizen where none was and that he thought this action by a police officer was totally wrong.

The instructor's response was to bark at him in front of the class with "Do you wanna be a cop, or do you wanna be a lawyer?" Realizing what was going on in law enforcement training, at this point, Mark told us that he responded with "I sure as hell don't want to be your kind of cop" he then stood up, left the class and went home. The very next day, he quit the city police force.

Now I think we had better chew on that for about five minutes or so. Every policeman who is a commissioned officer has been required to be trained by the state to know how to harass people they don't like, or maybe to just to shore up their arrest record they know what to do to achieve a given arrest goal. The main goal in law enforcement seems to be promoting the image of the agency, their own promotions, pad that old retirement. Make the points whenever possible, often regardless of who gets hurt. Many in law enforcement just call this a "Tool" that is sometimes needed to bring in the bad guys. I'm sorry Judge Imbrogno; I just don't buy it!

The people of Okanogan County have no fear of Mark Alan, what they do fear, and with damn good reason, is law enforcement that no longer respects our civil liberties under our state and federal constitutions. They fear that they could be charged with a phony crime and they will be simply wiped out financially as they cannot afford a lawyer. As they simply cannot trust a court appointed lawyer because these lawyers have only one function, plea bargain or lose for the victim, not to mention the back room star chamber wheelin-an-a-dealing.

The court rules are so twisted and confusing that no man on this planet can stay on top of them. I have to ask what chance does the everyday citizen have in your court or any other court for that matter. You very well know the answer to this question. NONE!

Authorities lie, and or exaggerate all the time. I am 52 years old. Over the years I have seen some authorities make up things to hassle people that they simply just did not like, and it happens all the time, and we all know it.

To show you just how just how much fear people have of this government we have today. Many people of the Okanogan told me "don't you dare write to the judge and newspaper, they will put your name on a list and then you will end up in jail". Well heck Judge, you tell me, am I going on a list? I choose not to live in fear, so here is the letter I was told by many not to send.

We all know what kind of men the U.S. marshals have on their team -- look what they did to Sammy Weaver, their own Marshal Deagan. They blew off a little boy's arm at the elbow, then shot this little boy in the back, shot one of their own in the back, blamed someone else for their screw ups -- then lied about it in court. Then they cover each other's butts at all costs. Now that's teamwork at the lowest level. Those people along with Vicky Weaver, died at the hands of adrenaline junkies with badges looking for revenge, for what boiled down to nothing more than a failure to buy $200 permit/tax fee from the B.A.T.F.

By the way Judge Imbrogno, could you tell the people of Okanogan County why the U.S. Marshal's Service, about 20 years ago dropped from their oath of office the part about supporting the U.S. Constitution? -- Not that this little detail could be important or anything.

As to the assault with a deadly weapon charge, heck, if two men I don't know came up to my car and demanded I open my door, to get away fast, I too would punch the gas all the way to the floor. If some nut tries to commit suicide by jumping in front of a moving car, well, if he's that stupid, maybe his gene pool (natural selection don't you know) should come to an end. We can not charge a man with assault by using his car when all he was trying to do was to get away from a possible robbery or worse. Mark was only acting in self-defense in trying to get away from possible harm. Anyone, anytime could approach Mark on the street and talk to him, this whole thing smells (the stench is overbearing) of a setup to create a crime with which to jail Mark on a trumped up charge, after all, the authorities are all government-trained experts at doing just that.

Mark Alan is no threat to the community, whoever says otherwise, is lying, or being fooled by a liar. Mark is a family man with six children and a home. He is not going to run away to avoid a valid prosecution, Mark Alan (Rabenold) is a man of his word, unlike, I regret to say, many who are currently employed in law enforcement. At this point I should add, there are many decent people in law enforcement who do a damn fine job and I sure don't want to take away from that, but we all had better look very close to what is going on in our country before it has gone too far to recover.

Terry O'Donnell
Oroville, Washington
The Idaho Observer
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Phone: 208-255-2307
Email: [email protected]

