Date: Saturday, December 01, 2022 12:06 PM
A Judges's Arrogance in the face of "proven" judicial crimes
(Florida JAILer, John Schestag, would like your comments/advice)
Hello friends.......
Yesterday, Nov. 29, I filed several emergency motions citing judicial and prosecutorial misconduct and clear violations of judicial canons of Florida law and other violations of the Florida Bar......
I had requested that the Chief Judge investigate the "proof" I had of these violations of Judicial Canons and the Federal Constitutional guarantee to due process.
Today, I went to court and confronted this same judge and two county prosecutors who were obviously quite angry with me in that I also cited these crimes to Florida House Speaker Tom Feeney and the Chief Judge of Florida's Sixth Circuit.
The judge kept me as the last case with the courtroom cleared and failed to inquire, "Is the Defense ready for trial?" Instead, he immediately took testimony from the prosecution's sole witness and I've learned not to interrupt the judge with "Defense Objects! your Honor".... or all hell is doled out with contempt of court, monetary sanctions, a night in jail, etc.
When the prosecution rested on these two cases at bar, (both left over local ordinance cases in the County Court) that were related to my corrupt neighbor, Judge Cope which are both also being tried in two "additional" courts at the "same time"...... Circuit Civil and through another Environmental County Hearing "pseudo court" run by a corrupt "county commissioners" set up.....
.....I then advised the judge that I had filed and formally petitioned the Chief Judge for emergency motions that this County Judge had been caught by myself and two additional witnesses (a bailiff and an attorney) as he was conducting several ex-parte hallway and chambers hearings about these cases with the prosecutor.
I had argued that he had no standing in that he has already seriously violated his judicial canons and his ability to sit on this matter as a neutral jurist. This judge then said he did not have the judicial standing to hear these emergency motions for injunctive relief and the formal accusations of his Judicial Misconduct.....
I fully expected him to then suspend the hearing, pending a ruling on my emergency motions to a higher standing court, probably a civil circuit judge or a special master, etc....
Instead, he quickly said, therefore I find you guilty as charged and if you don't like it you may appeal my judgement within 30 days and he stood up.... "all rise" cries the bailiff he quickly left the bench....!!
Keep in mind, this Judge is nailed down "guilty" of several serious violations of judicial canons and yet he has no fear of breaking these same laws and his oath of admission to the bench, because they are worthless..... (you could see that he really enjoyed rubbing my pro se nose in his judicial corruption.....)
They can and do whatever they want in their courtroom and have no fear of breaking the law..... "especially" if you are Pro Se.
Have any people within J.A.I.L. 4 judges actually filed and won a "Federal Suit" against a sitting Judge or county corruption mob? (The answer to this last question is no. Examples of judges willfully ignoring their own law (i.e. committing Black Collar Crime) abound. This is the very reason why J.A.I.L. 4 judges came into being. -- J.A.I.L. 4 Judges Technical Support.) Everyone tells me to file one immediately and don't bother with a civil suit in the same Sixth Circuit.... which I already know would be a total joke.
Let me know.... Thanks, John Schestag (Florida J.A.I.L.)