Lockheed Martin IMS Corp. IS the Parking Violations Bureau

(Response of J.A.I.L. to a constituent.)


Lockheed is a privately owned aircraft manufacturer based in the San Jose Francisco Bay area. Does that same company have a management contract with the city of Los Angeles, with a for-profit contract? Do they profit from enforcing parking violations? If so, it looks like the corporations are getting way too much power, or the city governance are neglecting their responsibilities.


Dear Charles:

Yes, we have a copy of the contract between the City of L.A. and Lockheed. The division that runs the Parking Violations Bureau is Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation. IMS stands for Information Management Services, their computer data division. I am confident that Lockheed was instrumental in getting Vehicle Code sections 40200-40230 on the books which changed parking violations from criminal to civil. That statutory scheme also allows for "issuing agents" like the City, to contract with private vendors to act as the "processing agent" of parking tickets. Lockheed was the highest bidder by far among three companies being considered. The other two are unknowns. It is clear why Lockheed was chosen by the City to run its Parking Violations Bureau. It's because they have enough financial clout to carry the judges in their hip pocket and be able to get their way by any means if a lawsuit is brought against the City. Lockheed agrees to hold the City harmless from any liability and agrees to handle the defense in court. We have personally seen what that's all about.

We currently are submitting a petition for impeachment to Congress for an extortion plot between the judges and Lockheed against me. The court has refused to supply any evidence to support their judgment, and so legally their judgment is void on its face and ineffective. But I don't know what Lockheed, with its resources, may try to do to enforce the void judgment. I know they'd like to make an "example" of me to the public, but the fact is I'm going to make an example of them on the internet. This scam has got to come out into the open. Lockheed works under the City's name, and so doesn't want it generally known that they're the culprits. The truth eventually comes out, especially when corruption is involved. I hope all these scams using the corrupt power of the courts to push through their agenda-- making money any way they can-- will backfire on them. Yes, Lockheed splits about a hundred million dollars annually with the City of L.A. on parking tickets. Not a bad racket, eh? Lockheed of course pays any legal costs, which they get the court to pass on to the individual suing, like me!

You would also be interested in the fact that Lockheed has a contract with the welfare divisions of various states, to track down fathers who have failed to pay child support. Of course they get paid for this as well. Interesting that Lockheed has moved into such areas. I also ran into Lockheed at a private meeting I crashed where Child "protective" services was trying to get the legislature to allow them to take kids from parents if the parents had problems finding a good job on the WAGES program. In addition at the meeting they were trying to get additional funds for the mental health arena, but could not provide any factual percentages or data to justify their request. Lockheed is sleeping around a lot in some interesting areas. Partly to get in on government money being moved around and "laundered" as the gov't tries to push us to the one world order thing.

Please visit the following website: http://www.cpswatch.com as a lot of groups are sleeping with each other to pilage the people and sap gov't funding.

Sheila Vives

Ron, tell me more about the "ticket" or parking ticket? The city police issue tickets. Rather than City Attorney or DA representing the city in municipal court, the city hires Lockheed to represent them in prosecuting the public?

Most people because of being so busy, rather than fight a ticket just pay the fine. But if they feel the ticket was not warranted then go to court they actually deal with a outside hired legal service rather than with the local law enforcement authority?

Thanks for your response so I clearly understand.

[Mr.] S.

Dear Mr. S:

In California, we have a statutory scheme that covers "Parking Violations." It's Vehicle Code sections 40200-40230. That scheme provides that "issuing agencies" such as the city or county, issues the parking ticket. In Los Angeles, the City has employees working in uniform as "Parking Enforcement Officers" who ticket the cars. They are not the police, nor do they have police powers. They rise no further than, say for example, a City janitor. The statute also provides that the "issuing agency" may also operate as the "processing agency" or they may contract with an outside private vendor as "processing agency."

Los Angeles has elected to contract with Lockheed Martin IMS Corporation, who was the highest bidder by far of three companies, the other two being "unknowns." Lockheed's bid was considerably higher than the next highest bidder. We now understand why L.A. went with Lockheed. I am convinced that Lockheed was instrumental in persuading the California Legislature to design and enact the Vehicle Code statute applicable to parking tickets in which Lockheed would derive a financial interest.

I am also convinced that Lockheed and L.A. City Officials got together and schemed this entire program, together with the California DMV.

The City issues the tickets, and from there the entire process is taken over by Lockheed. Lockheed functions as the "Parking Violations Bureau" of the City of Los Angeles, using the City's official name and seal while being a private business for profit for the benefit of their stockholders. Lockheed operates the payment offices scattered around the City (the City seal is on their door so anyone coming there thinks it's a City office), and handles all mailings of notices, letters, and collections (again with the City's name on the envelopes and forms).

Lockheed is, under the contract, the "processing agent" allowed in the Vehicle Code. The process is not a police, court, or criminal process. It is strictly administrative, as if you have signed a contract or agreement of some kind with the City or Lockheed. The people aren't informed that Lockheed is involved with the parking operation.

I became involved when one day I received in the mail a "Notice of Delinquent Parking Violation" imposing an automatic and immediate "penalty" of $55.00, and demanded payment. No pre-penalty hearing was offered whatsoever. The ticket, upon issuance, became an immediate lien on my vehicle. I was not present at the location when the ticket was issued.

I had heard on TV by an investigative reporter reporting on the Parking Violations Bureau and how tickets are processed, that the agency is run by Lockheed. The reporter even gave the location where Lockheed operates this Bureau, which is 606 S. Olive, 23rd floor, Los Angeles, CA 90014. I checked it out and found that the City had indeed contracted with Lockheed and I obtained a copy of the actual contract through the City Clerk's Office.

Lockheed therein agrees to handle all legal matters regarding their operation and agrees to hold the City harmless of all liability. They pay all legal fees and handle legal representation by the lawfirm representing Lockheed IMS Corporation in Los Angeles. (Their lawfirm is Iverson, Yoakum, Papiano & Hatch, located at 624 S. Grand Ave., 27th floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017.)

I have also learned that Lockheed does this for many cities across the country, not just L.A. In Los Angeles alone, the parking violations brings in about a hundred million dollars plus annually which is split with the City.

After receiving that notice which said that I had so many days in which to "request a hearing" I responded within that time and inquired how I became subject to their administrative procedures. What contract did I sign, and may I have a copy of it? The response I received (from Lockheed) was that my penalty was now $119.00. Further I was informed that I could not renew the registration of my vehicle as long as the penalty was not paid. Lockheed then coordinated with the DMV to stop all future vehicle registrations in my name. To this day, I am unable to register a vehicle in California, which amounts to a life sentence without a hearing.

We of course sued the City, Lockheed and the DMV, and have taken it all the way through the State courts (through the U.S. Supreme Court), and then all the way through the federal courts (again through the U.S. Supreme Court) with no remedy given. It is obvious that Lockheed not only has the City and the DMV under its control, they also appear to have the entire judicial system, both state and federal, at its disposal. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals actually lied on the record, saying that I had "impermissibly collaterally attacked a prior state court judgment" and affirmed the dismissal of my case against Lockheed. I now have a petition to Congress for Articles of Impeachment for Bad Behavior in Office against the four federal judges involved. This matter is on the jail4judges website.

I am a retired LA Sheriff's Sgt. and I agree 100% with the writer of this article in regards to this subject. I remember a time, just before I retired, getting a citation in the LA City while following up on a homicide investigation. It was totally undeserved and I started to contest it but soon realized it would take valuable time away from my duties and money. I was forced to opt out and pay the fine in favor of my responsibilities. It irks me just thinking about it to this day.

Your article, without telling you my entire story, has shed new light on the matter and now it is perfectly clear why I was cited and why I had so much difficulty when I started to ask questions.

If you knew of corruption and abuse by police management I have had personal knowledge of in the last 10 years you would go into a tailspin! This was a one of several reasons I retired.

I admire you and applaud your efforts. Please know that I greatly appreciate your efforts and consider you a true "Patriot" for fighting this corrupt system.

In addition to Homicide I worked some very sensitive positions such a SWAT, et al, and was a personal bodyguard to Sheriff Peter J. Pitchess.

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