J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                              April 16, 2007


The Battle Lines are Drawn:  J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power 

A Power Foreign to Our Constitution


 South Dakota Holds World Record for Per Capita Imprisonment

By Ron Branson - National J.A.I.L. CIC
The State of South Dakota holds the infamous title of being the greatest per capita imprisonment capital in the world. There are many despotic regimes throughout this world that are run by cruel and evil dictators, but whether fascist or communistic, there is no country on earth that has anywhere close to the percentage of its own population incarcerated behind bars than in the United States of America. In fact, there is no close second. It has even been pointed out that the Law Enforcement Growth Industry of America is rivaled by none other than General Motors.
The Law Enforcement Growth Industry of America (LEGIA) touches absolutely every other profession that exists. Cops must maintain their record of arrests to prove they are earning their money, prosecutors compete with one another for the greatest number of convictions, judges are generally former prosecutors, and work to assist their former colleagues in acquiring convictions. Then there is at stake the future financial interests of bailiffs, clerks, bus drivers, mechanics, insurance agents, building contractors, steel manufacturers, guards, gun manufacturers, the food industry, bunkbed makers, plumbers, doctors, nurses, the pharmaceutical industry, shipping industry, television manufacturers, telephone companies, paper industry, printing, computer manufacturers and techs, toiletry supply houses, etc., etc. And this list could go on indefinitely until  absolutely every service and product in civilization is involved, even naming services and products that General Motors would have no need for. Job security dictates that LEGIA shall never ever diminish, but it shall grow and grow and grow until there is a financial collapse. How large can a balloon be blown? How big is BIG? It has gained some two million prisoners in approximately the last twenty years!
Now coming to South Dakota. We have already established that America, as a nation, has the highest percentage of its people behind bars. So now we turn to the fifty states. Among the fifty states, evidence shows that South Dakota is the fastest growing prison state. One would think that South Dakota would be more interested in corn, milk and cattle, not prisons. Nonetheless, the greatest commodity of South Dakota is buying, selling and trading prisoners with other states. It deals in supplying prisoners for the private prison industry which is big business in South Dakota.
When JAIL4Judges first acquired ballot status in South Dakota, we started hearing about J.A.I.L. messing with their prison industry, such as, "J.A.I.L. will be letting prisoners out of prisons to harass the jurors that voted to put them in there."  We were wondering what in the world our opposition was talking about. As a result of trying to find out, I became aware that South Dakota's greatest asset is its prison industry. Then I found out that one of their foremost State Senators owned a catering industry that held a contract with South Dakota for supplying the concessions to all the prisoners in the state. That senator became the foremost verbal opponent to passing Judicial Accountability in South Dakota.
Then I found out that these prisons offer incentives for their prisoners to build more prisons. Then I found out that those prisoners who did not build prisons, are offered incentives to work in manufacturing goods such as cabinets, flooring, printing, etc.  I said to myself, "WOW! They are turning their civilization into a prison-manufacturing industry, and they are afraid that J.A.I.L. will disrupt their massive cash-cow industry by bringing justice to South Dakota!"
Below are excerpts from today's April 16, 2007 Argus Leader news article, in which they can think of a 1001 reasons to justify why South Dakota is number one in prison growth throughout the world.
Prisoner numbers to grow, study says
But state officials say count leveling
Published: April 16, 2007

PIERRE - South Dakota led the nation in prison population growth in 2005, and a new national report said that trend is likely to continue, driven by drug-related crimes, parole violations and a steady rise in women inmates.

It's part of a larger national surge in prison population, the result of a public galvanized by the fear of criminals and lawmakers who have responded with tough sentencing guidelines.

Corrections Secretary Tim Reisch downplayed the study, saying South Dakota's growth has leveled off. More nonviolent prisoners are being paroled, and new programs to help drug addicts are helping to lower parole violation numbers, he said. ....

Growth predictions

The new Pew report, "Public Safety, Public Spending: Forecasting America's Prison Population 2007-2011," is based on long-term trends, and it paints a much different picture.

It predicts South Dakota's prison population growing 23 percent by 2011. The report, called a first-of-its kind projection, forecasts growth of 13 percent during the time period, triple the projected growth of the United States population in general.

By 2011, one in every 178 Americans, more than 1.7 million inmates, will be in prison at projected rates, the report says.

"If you put them all together in one place, the incarcerated population in just five years will outnumber the residents of Atlanta, Baltimore and Denver, combined," it says.

That includes more than 192,000 new inmates, the study says, a population explosion that will require $15 billion in new operating costs and $12.5 billion in new construction costs to handle. ....

Reach Terry Woster at 605-224-2760.


The full story may be read at  http://www.argusleader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070416/NEWS/704160320/1001


Webmaster's Note:
About the prison industrial complex: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison-industrial_complex


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*   *   *

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to

our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to

their acts of pretended legislation.    - Declaration of Independence
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless

minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."  - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who i

striking at the root."   -- Henry David Thoreau                     ><)))'>


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