J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California March 15, 2007
The Battle
Lines are Drawn:
J.A.I.L. versus The Foreign Power
A Power Foreign to Our
The Foreign Power,
How It Came
Barbie, ACIC, National J.A.I.L.
Edited by Ron
Branson, CIC
In a continuing quest to inform the People about J.A.I.L., we discuss more on the Foreign Power that has usurped government and controls the People under absolute despotism. The importance of becoming aware of this Foreign Power (a power foreign to our Constitution) came to light after J.A.I.L. was effectively ousted from the South Dakota 2006 election by keeping the voters ignorant of the truth about the J.A.I.L. Amendment, allowing them to read only the fraudulent misrepresentation of the Amendment propagated on the ballot by the State Attorney General. Only a power foreign to the state and federal Constitutions could such a stunt be pulled off in contravention of the People's right to vote in a clean election, specifically their right to alter their form of government as they deemed necessary for their future security. Where are we when the People are no longer permitted to assert their will by their vote?
Although we currently have proof of its
operation only in South
Dakota, we know that the Foreign Power is not limited
to South
Dakota alone. In fact, one of the emissaries of the
South Dakota Foreign
Power, Attorney Tom
Barnett, the Director of the SD Bar Association, was sent to
Florida to poison the minds of that state's Bar, tutoring them "how to"
in defeating the J.A.I.L. Amendment in the near future, boasting of the propaganda
ploys pulled
off "successfully" in South Dakota.
a result, the People there, and throughout this
nation, must be informed of the truth of the matter so they
can take appropriate action, which is their duty to do, to throw
off such counterfeit
regime. J.A.I.L. is the only way it can be done, and the enemy knows
it-- that's why they are so scared to death of
J.A.I.L. that
they will go to absolutely any lengths to prevent its
passage anywhere in the country,
including bringing in the oil cartels, banking institutions, and
the nation's multi-billion dollar insurance industries, which form a
significant part of that Foreign Power.
After 230 years, J.A.I.L. is history in the
making-- the first opportunity for the People
to establish a means by which they can enforce the terms of the
Constitution, by holding judges accountable under it. J.A.I.L. is the
pioneer movement for this country in bringing about power to the People
to institute a government with just powers derived by consent of the
governed as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, throwing off
that foreign power operating against the People and the laws of
[H]ow a wealthy plutocracy during the
American struggle for independence from Britain devolved into a
criminal cabal. ... Though it is
historically common for a small elite to lead any group, it is
decidedly not "natural" or commendable for an elite to form into a
cabal, "a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn
or usurpation in public affairs." [the definition from Webster's Seventh New
Collegiate Dictionary -j4j]
This "cabal" is the Foreign Power
controlling this
country, which is
the object of the second American Revolution discussed below
from Completing
the American Revolution By Norman D.
In reality there
were two American Revolutions: (1) the revolt against British oppression
by Americans, and (2) the revolt against wealthy American merchants
and financiers by the common people of America.
The second
American Revolution is seldom if ever taught in our schools. Because it
would make clear just what kind of a country this is: a plutocracy--the
rule of the wealthy. And it's this second American Revolution which we
must now complete.
J.A.I.L. is the
only way this second revolution
can be completed and won. Going to arms will not eradicate the
Foreign Power; for even after a
presumed revolution, we would still need the judicial accountability
provisions of J.A.I.L. A physical revolution, at
most may provide a
temporary deterrent, but not an
enduring triumph, an effect which is said of the value of the
Second Amendment, in Parker, et al. v.
District of Columbia, (Case No. 04-7041), (decided March
9, 2007) [Our
thanks to WTPF]:
[Fn.9 portion] With respect to the right to defend oneself against tyranny and oppression, some have argued that the Second Amendment is utterly irrelevant because the arms it protects, even if commonly owned, would be of no use when opposed to the arsenal of the modern state. But as Judge Kozinski has noted, incidents such as the Warsaw ghetto uprising of 1943 provide rather dramatic evidence to the contrary. See Silveira, 328 F.3d at 569-70 (dissenting from the denial of rehearing en banc). The deterrent effect of a well-armed populace is surely more important than the probability of overall success in a full-out armed conflict.
The Pennsylvania
Constitution of 1776 had a popular review of government:
A council of
Censors was to be elected every seven years to review the government's
performance and recommended a new constitutional convention if changes in
its structure or powers were required. The extent of popular control
involved in such a system exceeds that of any American government before
or since. Kenneth M. Dolbeare. Democracy at Risk,
now know why such provision was not picked up by the forthcoming
U.S. Constitution: This [Pennsylvania] constitution is of major importance in American history because
it reveals that the working class had a clear vision of government and
the intelligence and resourcefulness to gain and use political power. By
contrast the later federal Constitution is clearly seen as an elitist
document which empowered the wealthy class.
the American
The makeup of "government" when the Constitution was
established: The wealthy merchant class grew fearful of the working
class's power and made sure that delegates to the first Continental
Congress in Philadelphia in 1774 were selected from the "ablest and
wealthiest men in America." John Jay, later to become the first chief
justice of the Supreme Court, was elected as president. His sentiment was
a forecast of what the Constitution would establish: "The people who own
the country ought to govern it." (supra).
The Federalist Conspiracy - Of the fifty-six men who had signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, only six of those attended the Federal Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 where the specially selected delegates secretly concocted a plutocratic structure of rule. Patrick Henry refused to attend the convention. [Some that did attend] participated in the convention but refused to sign the new constitution because it lacked a Bill of Rights and provided inadequate representation of the people.
In 1787, the vast
majority of American people lived in a community-oriented culture, on
farms or in cities working as artisans and laborers. Their concept of
independence was associated with interdependence and cooperation--all for
the common good. The wealthy
class--shopkeepers, lawyers, bankers, speculators, commercial
farmers--(the same
class of people that spent millions to oppose J.A.I.L. in South Dakota-
j4j ) had adopted a completely opposite way of
life: .... To common people, freedom meant freedom from the
oppression of colonial aristocracy as well as freedom from British
rule. They thought in terms of liberation from all oppression, not
just "independence from Britain." [T]hey were making it clear that
their vision of a new society was not that of the wealthy merchant class.
Nevertheless, [t]he first American revolution resulted only in a change in rulers: from the British elite to an American plutocracy. Completing the American Revolution, supra.
Despite the written terms
of the Declaration of Independence, a true government instituted to
secure the inherent rights of the People never had a chance,
since the American plutocracy remained in power when the Constitution was
ratified, making a mockery of "the consent of the
governed." However,
despite the plutocratic Foreign
Power, the laws of
nature and of nature's God cannot be mocked!
See JNJ 2/28/07
J.A.I.L. Recognizes Only a Constitutional Form of
The informed People know and understand that the
government of the United States of America is instituted by themselves,
delegating certain powers to it by their knowing and intelligent
consent-- not a passive or tacit consent-- via the Constitution for
the sole purpose of securing their inherent rights which
pre-exist government. ...The informed People know that
these rights do not exist because of the Constitution or written laws by
man, nor even because of the Declaration of Independence that declares
these self-evident truths to be so; but that they exist by the laws of
nature and of nature's God. (j4j)
The delegates
to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia were selected by
state legislatures--not by popular vote of the people.
... Delegates to the Constitutional Convention were instructed that
their only job was to amend the Articles of Confederation and that any
proposed changes were to be approved by all the states before they were
adopted. A conspiratorial junta, led by Hamilton and Madison, had already
decided that they would scrap the Articles of Confederation and write an
entirely new constitution which would create a centralized government
controlled by the wealthy class. The Convention met entirely in secret,
and it would be fifty-three years before American citizens were allowed
to see the record of what had transpired in this coup d'etat which
enshrined mercantile capitalism as the imposed way of life for
Americans. Completing the
American Revolution,
[This accounts for the Commerce Clause in the Constitution
Not only were the Articles of Confederation
scrapped, but so was "the consent of the governed" at the time of
drafting the Constitution. Nevertheless, "[t]oday the presupposition that the Constitution is
valid law is undoubtedly correct [because
of]wide-spread public acceptance of the new Constitution as
legally valid." See the full analysis of constitutional legitimacy from which the following derives: LEGITIMACY AND THE CONSTITUTION Richard H. Fallon, Jr.
[T]he legal legitimacy of the Constitution depends more on its present sociological acceptance than on the (questionable) legality of its formal ratification. ... Today the presupposition that the Constitution is valid law is undoubtedly correct. The situation once was more uncertain. Prior to the Constitution's ratification, the Articles of Confederation, which linked the thirteen then-existing states, provided that significant changes in their terms required the state legislatures' unanimous consent. Ignoring this requirement, the Constitution drafted by the Constitutional Convention provided that it would take effect upon ratification by special conventions in, rather than by the legislatures of, as few as nine states. Under these circumstances, it was questionable in 1787 and 1788 whether the prescribed ratification process was legally legitimate and, relatedly, whether the draft Constitution, if so adopted, could establish a legally and sociologically legitimate government. Significantly, the answer to those questions did not come through decisions by the Supreme Court or any other tribunal, but from wide-spread public acceptance of the new Constitution as legally valid.
[W]hen enough people embraced the
Constitution as the operative framework of government, there was no
need for further questioning whether its ratification satisfied prior
law. Its sociological legitimacy gave it legal legitimacy... The Constitution is law not because it was lawfully ratified, as it may not have been, but because it is accepted as authoritative. Similarly, the Articles of Confederation forfeited their legal legitimacy when they lost their sociological legitimacy. After the Articles had lost their sociological legitimacy, the question whether the new Constitution was adopted as required by the Articles became moot for all practical purposes.
Despite the
questionable legal ratification of the Constitution, the People
accept and recognize it as the Supreme Law of the Land which gives it
sociological and legal legitimacy, and through the passage of
J.A.I.L., the People will throw off any power that is foreign to the
Constitution as is their duty so to do.
Completing the American Revolution By Norman D. Livergood
Completing the Second American
The first post-constitutional major
skirmish in the ongoing battle of the "common people" against the wealthy
class, was the passage of the Bill of Rights in 1791. ... [T]he original Constitution and the Bill of Rights omit
any protection for common people against corporations or capitalist
employees. ... Following the imposition of a plutocratic
Constitution on American citizens, there have been continual uprisings by
enlightened elements of the working class in America because they have
recognized that the nation suffers under an oppressive capitalist class.
(Despite the uprisings, nothing like J.A.I.L. was
ever proposed by the People. -j4j)
Greider. (1992). Who Will Tell the
"At the
highest levels of government, the power to decide things has instead
gravitated from the many to the few, just as ordinary citizens suspect.
Instead of popular will, the government now responds more often to narrow
webs of power - the interests of major economic organizations and
concentrated wealth and the influential elites surrounding
"In place of a meaningful
democracy [see below regarding "democracy" -j4j], the
political community has embraced a permissive culture of false
appearances. Government responds to the public's desires with an artful
dance of symbolic gestures - hollow laws that are emptied of serious
content in the private bargaining of Washington. Promises are made and
never kept. Laws are enacted and never
"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." Henry Louis Mencken.
"These will be some of the features of democracy. . . it will be, in all likelihood, an agreeable, lawless, parti-colored society, dealing with all alike on a footing of equality, whether they be really equal or not."
Plato, The Commonwealth
best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the
average voter." Winston
J.A.I.L. was
the victim of serious election fraud in the South Dakota 2006
election. See full reporting on www.sd-jail4judges.org. Only
an informed citizenry can do something about this problem. Therefore, the
system strenuously seeks to
keep the citizens ignorant
of the truth, and instead fills them with lies. (We saw this in South
Dakota last year).
The Donella Meadows Archive - Voice of a Global Citizen
No one
well-meaning person, not even a team of them, not even a president, can
overcome the short-term, narrow-focused, me-first system that dominates
our capital city. Which is not to say that nothing can be done. As a
reporter touring the nation, Greider finds the people full of common
sense and democratic instincts, though he would say we aren't anywhere
near angry enough, because the information
that would make us so is withheld and distorted. [emphasis
It is our intention to inform the
People of this election-target of the Foreign Power in other states.
The People must lift themselves above the ignorant masses that
sustains the Foreign Power, by informing
themselves about the truth of J.A.I.L. It is by arming themselves with this knowledge
of the
truth that the People
will "slay the dragon" with the passage of
Accountability Initiative Law) www.jail4judges.org
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ministry in great need of your financial support. Please donate to this
important work at "J.A.I.L." P.O.
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J.A.I.L. is a unique addition to our
Constitution heretofore unrealized.
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* *
He has combined with others to subject
us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by
our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended
legislation. - Declaration of
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." -
Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
is striking at the
root." -- Henry
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