That is the
message the State of South Dakota has put out to its People and to the
world-- (The
reader comments): [when &
where did they do that?] it will NOT be reformed! As
John Locke said in his second treatise "Of the Dissolution of
Government," To tell people they may provide for
themselves, by erecting a new legislative, when by
oppression, artifice, or being delivered over to a foreign
power... we must ask ourselves, "Have we been
delivered over to a foreign
What is a "foreign power"? The
Founding Authority for our country establishes the origin of legitimate
power for government as "...governments are instituted among men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed,..." (Declaration of Independence
Those powers are specified in the 1787
Constitution, written on behalf of "We the people of the United
States..." (i.e., the governed), which
Constitution establishes that it is the Supreme Law of the Land
(Article VI, �2) stating in part, "...and the judges in every
state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of
any state to the contrary notwithstanding." The State of South
Dakota acknowledges this fact in its own State Constitution, to wit:
"... And the state of South Dakota is an inseparable part of the
American Union and the Constitution of the United States is the supreme
law of the land." South Dakota cannot stand as an isolated
island, independent of the other 49 states. All other
states have an interest in what happens in South
What if the power in South Dakota,
purporting to be "the state of South Dakota," disregards the
Supreme Law of the Land, and proceeds against the governed as it
did with the Show-Election in November? See
"Show-Election" in South Dakota
2006. ( First, an
apology for a mistake I made in that JNJ, second paragraph
the end, where I erroneously
stated: There is not an ounce of credibility
in the reported outcome of 89% in favor of the Amendment, and 11%
against it. You can see the obvious mistake- I had
it reversed! It should have been "89% against the Amendment,
and 11% in favor of it.")
reader finally comments): Please be careful in what you write.
Readers don't have your history with the issue & this is just
is her last comment - Barbie)
Barbie's response:
Dear Reader:
Who is we? As used in the introduction of that JNJ, it refers to the power in control of South Dakota during the Show-Election on November 7th. That power is a Foreign Power which is shown by its conduct. Only a foreign power could have pulled off what was done in SD throughout the anti-J.A.I.L. campaign. The entire fiasco consisted of lies upon lies-- not an ounce of truth was stated. The FP kept the People in ignorance of the truth by perpetuating the Lie, plus it failed to provide the voters with a Voters' Guide in which all issues would be set forth with arguments pro and con, with rebuttals, plus the entire text of each measure for the People to read for themselves to be INFORMED voters.
That's what's important in this country-- the right to vote is the voice of the People, and for that voice to be meaningful, it has to be an intelligent and informed voice. When voters are kept uninformed of the issues and both sides of arguments, the election becomes a sham. It is the responsibility of the state to send out information to all registered voters, informing them of the issues on which they are to vote. In California, we have a generous "Official Voter Information Guide" 192 pages, with ample issue information so that the voters are INFORMED when they go to the polls. That's part of the Right to Vote-- to be INFORMED of what they're voting on.
The fact that
the state in South Dakota didn't inform the voters of the issues, i.e.,
mail them a Voters' Guide like other states do, shows that by such
conduct in keeping the voters UNINFORMED, it was a foreign power at the
helm-- not a government. A foreign power is not bound by the
Constitution, nor by any law-- only by its own edicts. It is entirely
administrative in nature, no separation of powers, no checks and
balances, no "branches" of power. They're all in the same
We have reported
extensively on the numerous criminal acts that were perpetrated by this
foreign power, acting under color of government, and they have not
denied any of it. As long as the People of South Dakota do nothing
about it, the FP in that jurisdiction will continue to have free reign.
It's up to the People to throw off such counterfeit power in whatever
way they can. The best way we know of is by J.A.I.L. But that right has
been disregarded by the renegade FP in charge in South
So we have given
plenty of background about this Foreign Power. See for all the information and
evidence you could want to show what we're talking about. No, I wasn't
quoting the state-- I was making statements based
on their conduct and the evidence we have about it.
How can I say
"We, the government of South Dakota..." when there is no
government? As I said, it's a renegade power that does not
perform the role of government. It does not act in the interests of the
People, to respect and protect their rights. The entire Legislature
wrote a resolution AGAINST a People's measure-- that's against South
Dakota law, as we've shown on the website I referred to above. This was
all done at public facilities, using public staff and equipment, and on
the public payroll. The People paid for this renegade
group to write a resolution AGAINST their interests! This renegade
group knew it was aganst the law, but they didn't care!
What was really conducted
by the State of South Dakota last November was a
"Show-Election," described as an extreme example of
electoral fraud where an election is held
purely for show.
The only purpose of the show-election was to
defeat J.A.I.L. (Amendment E); and it was carried out by nefarious
means in violation of state law. "The 'results' of a show-election are frequently
one-sided to the point of absurdity, with leaders claiming mandates
of 90 percent or higher; this rarely occurs in a free democratic
Read the entire
article to get the full flavor of what I'm describing.
Yes, I
acknowledged my mistake and apologized for it: ( First, an
apology for a mistake I made in that JNJ, second paragraph
from the end, where I erroneously
stated: There is not an ounce of credibility
in the reported outcome of 89% in favor of the Amendment, and 11%
against it. You can see the obvious mistake- I had
it reversed! It should have been "89% against the Amendment,
and 11% in favor of it.")
I don't
claim to be perfect, but when I make a mistake, I acknowledge it and
correct it, which I did.
not only do I "seem" upset, I AM upset by the fiasco that took place in
South Dakota-- with good reason as we have been reporting throughout
the campaign and shown on the South Dakota website. Anyone who loves
this country and its Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence
that founded this country, and see how it is absolutely mangled by an
all-powerful unbridled force, paid at taxpayers' expense, SHOULD be
upset! It's high time all People become upset at what's happening
in this country, and why it's happening. The Foreign Power is sustained
on "good people doing nothing" --on an apathetic People, too
ignorant to even be upset, by and large. Some of us are upset-- but NOT
ENOUGH! Yes, capital letters!
you were reading below isn't the "start" of the matter. To the
contrary, it's the build-up over more than a year of propaganda to the
People of South Dakota, of committing crimes against the People of
South Dakota, and the People, as a society,
knowing what to do. This fiasco affects the entire nation! So, it's not
a matter of "starting" with a simple unemotional background at that
point. Apparently you aren't aware of what we've been reporting for
months! -- well over a year.
keep statements in context. "I" didn't say there's no need for judicial
reform in South Dakota. That was part of the introductory statements
made in italics, mimicking what the Foreign Power in South Dakota said
by their actions. You've heard "Action speaks louder than words"?
The fact that those several statements were at the beginning of the
text of the article, and appeared indented and in enlarged italics,
should have shown that this was referring to the power in South Dakota.
The following is my first paragraph, explaining those
"That is the message
the State of South Dakota has put out to its People and to the
world-- it will NOT be reformed! As John Locke said in his
second treatise 'Of the Dissolution of Government,'
To tell people
they may provide for themselves, by erecting a new
legislative, when by oppression, artifice, or being delivered
over to a foreign power... we must ask ourselves, "Have we been
delivered over to a foreign power?' "
introductory words before the text of the
article is the message, not by
speech, but by actions of what purports to be
the State of South Dakota.
You say you're a
new reader. Then you have a lot to learn. First take a look at the
website for some background of what happened these past two years in
South Dakota regarding J.A.I.L. That'll clue you in quite a bit.
As I said, I explained "Show-Election" in my previous news journal,
referenced above. Read the whole thing to gain more insight. If you
have further questions after reading that and viewing the South Dakota
website, let me know.
Another thing I
highly recommend you do is go to our JNJ Library on our national site,
at href="../../index.html"> and click on J.A.I.L. News
Journals in the left-hand column, then click on the year 2006 (even
back in 2005), and see the list of journals we have that report on the
South Dakota fiasco. Read as many as you can for an abundant history of
what took place.
Please be
careful in what you write. Readers don't have your history with the
issue & this is just confusing.
yes, dear Reader, I am
quite careful in what I write. I back everything up with a lot of
references from my research on any reported subject. This is not just
stuff flowing from my fingers on the keyboard. It is based on authority
and evidence which I cite quite often. You should have noticed that
when you read the JNJ you're critiquing below.
I believe that
most readers, if they are unfamiliar with what they read in our news
journals, and don't receive enough knowledge from the references cited,
will go to our website, shown at the signature at the end of each
journal to garner information and background about this cause. South
Dakota is a hot-button issue for us at this time, which is why that website is
linked right at the top of our Home Page, That's where the wealth of
information and evidence about SD is located. And then, of course,
go to the J.A.I.L. News Journal Library. There's enough information
there to fill you with abundant knowledge and
reasons for what we report.
So, Reader,
there's really no excuse for being "confused" and "don't have [our]
history" if you didn't look anything up about it. IF, after looking it
up, you STILL don't understand something, THEN let us know and we'll be
glad to help you if we can. A lot of questions and remarks you made
were answered, had you read through the article and gone to the cited
references and web links.
Sorry you were
confused. We hope that you will
become enlightened after reading our background of material on our
website. You can print out articles in which you might
be particularly interested. I encourage you to do
you for writing and let us know if we can clarify anything else for
Judicial Accountability Initiative Law -
Contribute to J.A.I.L. at
P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, CA 91603
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is
dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!
He has combined with others to subject us to a
jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our
laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended
legislation. - Declaration of
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
is striking
at the root." -- Henry David Thoreau