J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                           January 3, 2006
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Columbus Dispatch Colors Truth As Judges Color The Law
By David Whittington, Florida, [email protected]
"Oh, Letters-- Letters-- We've Got Lots 'N Lots of Letters!"
 I am not at all surprised to see proof of this
regarding your Dec 27th article on an Initiative that
WILL be moving across the nation (J.A.I.L.) in order to
 hold Judges accountable for their widespread corruption.
 Your efforts to color the truth as Judges continue to
color the law will be met by widespread vilification
due to the fact that ANYONE who bothers to read the
initiative will easily see your lies against it.

                                                --David Whittington
To:  [email protected]
In 1953, in a speech before the New York Press Club, New York Times Editor JOHN SWINTON made clear the function of the press in today's society, a portion of which I now quote: 
"The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell the country for his daily bread.

"You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press.

"We are the tools and vassals of the rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.

"We are intellectual prostitutes"  end quote

I am not at all surprised to see proof of this regarding your Dec 27th article on an Initiative that WILL be moving across the nation (J.A.I.L.) in order
to hold Judges accountable for their widespread corruption.

Your efforts to color the truth as Judges continue to color the law will be met by widespread vilification due to the fact that ANYONE who bothers to read the initiative will easily see your lies against it.

J.A.I.L. is all about empowering THE PEOPLE against a corrupt and above the law organization that has hidden its misdeeds in a cloak of unjust judicial immunity. There are dirtbags in judicial robes all across this country, and J.A.I.L.(Judicial Accountability Initiative Law) has the remedy.

Truth stands on its own two legs, and you do your readers a grave disservice by calling the initaitive "idiocy."  How does it feel to be blatantly WRONG when you should know better than to write such tripe? No
wonder the writer didn't dare put his name on the article.

If you morons were running the show it is apparent you would have had the Nazi SS running the Nuremburg tribunals after World War 2, and this is EXACTLY the system you seem to support in your diatribe of lies against J.A.I.L.

The Judges have had over 200 years to prove they could adequately police themselves, and as a result, we now have an entrenched group of theives, liars and crooks for our trouble.

The judges in this country have, for far too long now, had a private club operating against the populace of this great nation. How dare you support the continued hidden oppression? Who do you think you are kidding? Is your paper owned by a judge?

I would suggest your staff get fitted with blue dresses before they  run off to the judges chambers for another round of spoon-fed propoganda to use
against the masses.  

Your journalistic "integrity" might better be preserved if you wrote all your articles in crayon... perhaps your mental capacities would then be
questioned less.

David Whittington
Airport Rd
Panama City Fla

Thank you to Mr. Whittington for forwarding a copy to J.A.I.L.
(Florida is an initiative state).

J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - href="../../State_Chapters/dc/DC_initiative.doc">www.jail4judges.org
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