J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                       November 9, 2005
(33,456 needed)

Insulting The Intelligence
 of South Dakotans
A response by Ron Loeber of New York to JNJ 11/7/05
 "Two Basic Myths Being Spread About J.A.I.L."
His comments speak volumes about the way he views the people
of South Dakota. Based upon his personal experience
 he obviously believes the people of South Dakota are so ignorant, uneducated, dumb and stupid that they would sign a snake oil
petition to get a proposition on the ballot which will allow
convicted criminals to be released from prison after the
People of South Dakota have spent time and tax dollars
 to incarcerate them for the protection of the people. 
                                                             -- Ron Loeber

"Tom Barnett", in his capacity of "Executive Director of the South Dakota Bar Association, was a guest on the Al Franken Show of Air America, broadcasting" lies "over KTLK 1150 AM in Los Angeles and heard across the country."
Mister Barnett lives and works in South Dakota... among and with the people of South Dakota.  Not only is he the Executive Director of the most influential legal brotherhood in South Dakota, he is the official spokesman for the lawyers statewide professional organization.  It is unlikely he rose to that position without plying his trade on the front line... in the courts.  Whenever Mister Barnett speaks in his capacity as Executive Director of the South Dakota Bar association, he speaks for all member-lawyers who do not take exception to his statements.
It is undisputed that a physician or a CPA has a personal and unique insight and perspective of the lives of their patients or clients that is not generally seen by the man on the street.   Anyone who practices law also indisputably has a similar personal and unique perspective about his clients which, in this instance, is the people of South Dakota.  It is also undisputed that the things we say arise from our perspective based upon our own personal experiences.   In that respect, unless Mister Barnett is a pathological liar, he is no different from the rest of us... he speaks from his perspective based upon his experience.
Giving him the benefit of the doubt about being a pathological liar, his comments about J.A.I.L. can only be a reflection of his experience and the experience of the members of the South Dakota Bar which were formed while representing the people of South Dakota in the course of their work.  His comments speak volumes about the way he views the people of South Dakota.  Based upon his personal experience he obviously believes the people of South Dakota are so ignorant, uneducated, dumb and stupid that they would sign a snake oil petition to get a proposition on the ballot which will allow convicted criminals to be released from prison after the People of South Dakota have spent time and tax dollars to incarcerate them for the protection of the people.  It is obvious he believes the people of South Dakota are so mentally incompetent they should be told what to think from cradle to grave for their own benefit.
The people of South Dakota should know what Mister Barnett and the Bar Association members think of them and take appropriate action.  There is a reason Shakespeare came up with his famous solution to the infection called lawyers.
If ya ain't havin' fun den ya ain't doin' it rite,
Ron Loeber
[email protected]

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