J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                           October 21, 2005


It's the MEANS of J.A.I.L. That Sets It Apart
By Barbie, ACIC, National J.A.I.L. Administration
[email protected]
On October 23, 2004, I wrote a JNJ titled "To Enforce The Constitution" with the subtitle: J.A.I.L. - the only means providing a spelled-out mechanism for the People to do so. I encourage everyone to read, or re-read, that article. It'll provide much insight to what I say here. To that end, I repeat a couple of paragraphs that I stated in that Journal, to wit,
Although we have often said that the objective of J.A.I.L. is judicial accountability -i.e., We the People holding judges accountable to themselves under the standards set forth in the United States Constitution-we have, over time, become more enlightened to the fact that the ultimate objective is To Enforce The Constitution by holding judges accountable to the People under its standards. And to drive home the fact that "J.A.I.L. is the ONLY answer" to accomplishing that objective, J.A.I.L. is the ONLY proposal available providing a detailed, spelled-out method and process designed for the People to do so.
More and more people are realizing that the objective must be the enforcement of the Constitution by the People, however no one beyond J.A.I.L. has come up with the specific means by which to accomplish that task. Despite all other ideas, none offers an alternative to J.A.I.L. No, not one! Regardless of what others have suggested as a solution, all are inherently dependent upon the implementation of J.A.I.L. to stand guard in keeping government within the bounds it was designed to function. Yes, government must be leashed by the People, and that leash must be held firmly by the People on an instant and permanent basis to maintain our Constitutional Republic. Only J.A.I.L. provides such leash!
I cited Thomas Jefferson at
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7970/jefpco35.htm who stated:
To say that our rights are protected by the Constitution is to rely on a piece of paper if we ignore the control of the powers of government exerted by the people. It is the people who are the ultimate guardians of the Constitution and the rights it guarantees...  A constitution alone cannot control government without republican forms, i.e., mechanisms that keep control of their representatives in the people's hands.
I don't know if our readers just don't read our Journals or what, but we still have too many writing to us and asking why J.A.I.L. can't join with them, form a coalition, etc. "After all" they say, "we're seeking the same goal of judicial accountability." But, people, that alone isn't enough. What must be considered is the means by which judicial accountability is sought. As I said a year ago, we have, over time, become more enlightened to the fact that the ultimate objective is To Enforce The Constitution by holding judges accountable to the People...   
We have established that the means by which to achieve judicial accountability is through enforcement of the Constitution by the People. However, people, even THAT is not enough! If we know that (1) it's the People who must act, and (2) it's the Constitution that must be enforced--
we are still left with the question of HOW is that to be accomplished?  As Thomas Jefferson stated long ago: A constitution alone cannot control government without republican forms, i.e., mechanisms that keep control of their representatives in the people's hands.
That tells us that we need "mechanisms" in place to "keep control of their representatives [i.e., the judiciary in the instance of J.A.I.L.] in the people's hands." And as reported in my previous Journal (see above) J.A.I.L. is the ONLY proposal available providing a detailed, spelled-out method and process designed for the People to do so. So the "What," "Who," and "How" are now answered. We already know "Why" (because of judicial tyranny), and "When" (as soon as the People do what is necessary to pass it into law-- like what's now being done in South Dakota).
J.A.I.L. is complete in and of itself. It needs no other groups or coalitions to perfect its program. In fact, any "joining in" with other groups will only detract from the focus on J.A.I.L.'s complete program, already fully established in writing. All that is needed now is for the People to get the measure passed in each of their states. Again, the concentration with J.A.I.L. is on FOCUS, not detractions. All of us must focus on getting J.A.I.L. passed in each state, beginning with South Dakota in 2006!
(See our note below).
All it takes is a reading of the initiative to show that J.A.I.L. is not involved in the court system, but is activated after all court processes have been exhausted through all appeals. Only after that point is J.A.I.L. authorized to act in any particular case. "Oh, I'm 100% in favor of J.A.I.L., but-but-but can't J.A.I.L. help us while we wait for it to pass?"  Is there a provision in the J.A.I.L. initiative that allows this organization to help people fighting in the system?  I don't find any. Do you? 
One last note: As far as Ron and I personally are concerned, we have a conflict of interest with the system. After our 18-year battle, we  conscientiously object to the system as evil and corrupt and realize that J.A.I.L. is the ONLY answer. That's where our attention and focus has to be!

We need everyone's help in South Dakota, with donations, collecting signatures, and spreading the word any way you can. The signature gathering campaign is currently under way until the beginning of November-- about two weeks away. We are encouraged by the progress made so far and urge everyone to participate in this cause. Please go to www.sd-jail4judges.org for details and information. Call the SDJA office at (605) 231-1418 for immediate contact. We thank all of you who have already helped and those who are actively working so hard in coordinating this effort.
                        IS A WIN FOR EVERY AMERICAN!

J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - www.jail4judges.org
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"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."                         -- Henry David Thoreau    <><

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