They declare the Constitution to be a
"living" document, which changes its meanings as society
de-volves. This gives congress the brass to
declare a new meaning to the Constitution depending upon their passions
of the moment! As one [member] said: "The Constitution is
beastly inconvenient!"
They decree undeserved and unintended protections for
themselves so they can have no fear of being held accountable for
their miscreant execution of their responsibilities.
That is impeachable
The Supreme Court's liberal judges are now going to
other nations to find laws that are convenient
to their political bent to use in
making decisions in our highest court. That is
impeachable conduct!
They make rules that are unconstitutional and turn
"all cases into one type," and then convene administrative courts that
they call "United States District Courts" in the 50 states in
defiance of statutes they are supposed to protect! By statute,
the USDC has jurisdiction ONLY in D.C. and the territories, etc.
It is the district court of the United States which has jurisdiction
within the 50 states from the instant of the pen stroke making it a
state. This is because the FedGov has total executive authority
(i.e. Federal Jurisdiction) ONLY over the Territories,
D.C.etc. That too is impeachable
The result is that every U.S. court is convened in a
Maritime or Admiralty
nexus, not common law as the Constitution demands.
The fringed flag notoriously declares that to be true. This is why
abusive judges can get away with charging plaintiffs or defendants
with contempt of court for even
mentioning the Constitution! --for
courts convening in the 50 states. This also is
impeachable conduct!
There is an evil collusion between the Judiciary and
the other two branches of Federal Government, thereby subverting the
checks and balances built into our Constitution. The Congress has
become mostly corrupted. They and the Executive demonstrate their
corruption with (unlawful) "laws" destroying our Constitution one item
by one item, and the Judiciary blesses their perversion of our nation's
life-blood - its Constitution. This is an unholy
triumvirate in action daily.
These symptoms of the terminal cancer
infesting our nation are just the tip of the iceberg of
corruption showing above the treacherous seas of unfettered
Wherever you live, your future is seriously
affected by this unholy triumvirate. The courts will not police
themselves, and congress will not exercise their responsibility to
keep the Judiciary in check because it is they who benefit by the
perversion of our basic laws -the Constitution FOR (not of) the
United States. If it is to be done, we the people must do
Fortunately, and I believe, providentially, we have a
vehicle with which we can accomplish this critical job, and do it
in a 100% lawful and republican manner-- (not referring to the
corrupt Republican Party - or the corrupt Democratic party either) but
Republican in governmental operation, a Republic! (Regardless of
the government puppets proclaiming that we have a "democracy" (THE
not. We have a Republic, the
only form of government that gives us a prayer of maintaining our
freedom. What does our Pledge of Allegiance say but "and to the REPUBLIC for which it
The providential vehicle I mentioned is
"JAIL4Judges." If we have not the courts to keep the
Congress and the Executive within the boundaries of the Constitution as
it was intended by our founding fathers, we have a ship with pirates in
charge! Thomas Jefferson said: "When all government, domestic and foreign, in
little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as
the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided
of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive
as the government from which we have separated." [underline
He was
speaking of the absolute necessity of the Separation of Powers; of the
creeping conquest of our nation by the Judiciary if we do not keep them
as well as the other two divisions of government in check; and their
ensnaring tentacles of Federalism entrapping our sovereign states,
causing the states to be treated as mere territories of the
Federal Government --not free and independent sovereign states, a
status which each state of the Union enjoys if they would but
command and remove their independence from the choking vapors of
Federal encroachment!
I urge each of you to go to the J.A.I.L.
website ( and read the proposals for much needed changes in the law
regarding the oversight of judges. After you read it, send a letter
declaring your desire to be a part of the forces saving our nation from
total enslavement to [email protected]. Or if you prefer, send your letter to me and I
will see to it that the "JAILer-in-Chief" for your state gets it, and
he or she will contact you.
If you think I am being an alarmist, write
me and I will send you enough information to make believers of
everyone, except maybe those who are incapacitated
by the Ostrich Syndrome. When there is a fire in the kitchen
is NOT the time to sit down for a leisurely
Until we regain a lawful Judiciary, we
have no method of redress from anything the FedGov wants to do with
God Bless you all.
Shipley, Kansas JIC
On behalf of National
J.A.I.L., we thank Bill Shipley, our Kansas JIC, for this thoughtful
admonition to the American People.
Disclaimer: Please note that, while we
do not question the veracity of the statements made by Mr. Shipley
regarding the history of this nation, J.A.I.L. must remain neutral on
such statements and act only upon proof of record presented to the
Special Grand Jury regarding any alleged acts of impropriety by the
judge(s) in a particular case as defined in the J.A.I.L.
Legislation, thus assuring
judicial accountability to the People of lawful redress in protecting
their rights.
We need everyone's help in
South Dakota, with donations, collecting signatures, and spreading the
word any way you can. The signature gathering campaign is currently
under way until the beginning of November-- a little more than two
weeks away. We are encouraged by the progress made so far and urge
everyone to participate in this cause. Please go to for details
and information. Call the SDJA office at (605) 231-1418 for immediate
contact. We thank all of you who have already helped and those who are
actively working so hard in coordinating this effort.
J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law -
Contribute to J.A.I.L. at P.O. Box 207, N. Hollywood, CA 91603
See our active flash,
JAIL is a unique addition to our form of gov't. heretofore
JAIL is powerful! JAIL is dynamic! JAIL is America's ONLY hope!
E-Group sign on at
Get involved at [email protected]
To be added or removed, write to [email protected]
Your help is needed:
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau <><
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