J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                               October 7, 2005

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Do Evil and Get a Paid Vacation
We have often heard the phrase, "There is no good deed that shall go unpunished." According to the below report by Judicial Watch, one might also argue the opposite, "There is no evil deed that shall go unrewarded."
I have personally noted in our own cases that only the particularly evil judges are promoted upward to higher positions, and thus, receive higher pay. One judge in the Branson case asked the defendant County of Los Angeles, for whom he worked as a judge, as to what the Branson argument was. The answer from the county was that there was nothing to hear. The issue before the judge was the denial of due process to a hearing. This judge was eventually sued in Federal court for covering up for the County of Los Angeles. The judge's punishment - he was promoted to the Court of Appeals.
In the same case, another judge on the appellate court covered up for the corruption of the County of Los Angeles. This judge's punishment - he was promoted to the State Supreme Court during the appeals time, and was in the position of hearing his own decision below. 
The bottom line was that there was never a hearing, and the County of Los Angeles got away with it, although the law clearly mandated a hearing under Civil Service Rules. The argument by the County of Los Angeles all along was that the "Branson" case threatened the entire infrastructure of the County of Los Angeles, i.e., the exposure is too hot to handle, so deny it, and keep it covered up.
Below, we have a Florida judge by the name of James Henson who was removed from the bench for misconduct. His punishment - take a paid vacation. He not only received an eight-month paid vacation from the bench, but he is also making what he would have received if he would had worked. But, catch this, he also received a raise in his salary while on this disciplinary "vacation," with the tax-payers picking up the bill. How would you like to be thrown out of work, given an eight-month paid vacation with a raise in salary?   -Ron Branson - [email protected]

Webmaster's Note: Please see also Branson's Briefs


September 22, 2022

Judge Rewarded For Misconduct?

An Orlando Florida circuit judge was removed from the bench eight months ago for judicial misconduct yet he has been collecting his regular annual salary of $139,497 to stay home and go golfing.

A Judicial Qualifications Commission found Orange Circuit Judge James Henson guilty of taking on a criminal-defense client while he was still a sitting county judge in late 2000 and then, as a private attorney, advising that same client to flee the country to avoid prosecution. The case involved two DUI manslaughter charges.

After being suspended, Henson even received a judicial raise that kicked in earlier this summer and taxpayers have so far shelled out nearly $50,000 to pay for the senior judges that make $300 to $350 a day to hear Henson?s cases.

How did this all happen? This outrageous agreement was never sanctioned by a court or approved by a judicial administrator. In fact, Henson avoided risking formal suspension by simply agreeing to take an extended leave.

The Florida Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments in Henson's judicial misconduct case this month, but his sweet deal is not expected to end anytime soon. That is because the state's high court typically takes six months after hearing oral arguments to decide issues such as the removal of a judge.

Posted by Irene at September 22, 2022 04:39 PM  

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"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
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"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
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