J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                    September 17, 2005
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"Freedom" can't be administered by
who've declared "Absolute  Immunity"
By Bob Striffler, Florida JAILer
[email protected]
I've lived and traveled in plenty of other nations
including third world and experienced freedom like I used to
here in America! Believe me when I say there is far
less government intrusion into people's lives in almost
every other country I've ever been to!
Other countries are looking at America
with their mouths wide open because of this.

--Bob Striffler
RE: Comments on your article to JAIL 4 JUDGES

To respond

You are clearly one of many who just don't see a problem with our courts today. Out of the folks I've had the pleasure of corresponding or talking with that have like mind with you, I've found you are folks
who've not experienced what others have and are absolutely appalled about.
People are not outraged to the extent they are because nothing has happened to them. People are not outraged because they're all liars about their situations. This is far too widespread. There is a mountain of allegations, evidence, documentation, shocking news articles, video
taped accounts and documentaries showing absolute abuse with no accountability whatsoever! Other countries are looking at America with their mouths wide open because of this.

What's become of our judiciary is malignancy! The courts have, for a long time, been interpreting things into cases that are not even written into the legislation that becomes law! Apparently it's hard for those like yourself to grasp this, what others have had forced upon them, because it hasn't happened to you. Apparently that is what makes it not real for you. Also, as I would expect, you may respond with, "it's not a perfect system but it's better than anywhere else."

Well you're wrong on two counts. First, if followed, what was blueprinted in our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the first 150 years of high court and Supreme court rulings, it would be a perfect system.
Since then even the Supreme court has begun committing treasonous acts!  Now the reason I know this is because of my appalling experiences and those of people I've known; I've dedicated much of my life to studying this degradation! You and others like minded
haven't. I'd put my money on it. Second, I've lived and traveled in plenty of other nations including third world and experienced freedom like I used to here in America! Believe me when I say there is far less government intrusion into people's lives in almost every other country I've ever been to!

Judges have declared through case law all the way to the Supreme Court, "Absolute Immunity" for Judges and Prosecutors. They've declared "Qualified Immunity" for virtually all other public servants as well! And in following the cases involving the conduct of, or laws
broken by, Judges, Prosecutors, Police, Code Enforcement, Dept. of Children and Families, etc... they are almost invariably found innocent or charges are deferred.

I can even explain to you how this all transpires and is being enacted. It's being done by illegal Judicial instructions, powers assumed by Attorneys General and US Attorneys, (state and federal) non-motivated or outright hamstrung constitutional, civil and criminal defense attorneys, total lack of Congressional or Senate oversight, absolute self-regulation and a media that has no problem showing OJ, Kobe, Michael or the Runaway Bride crimes like beating a dead horse, but seems so obviously reluctant to give any meaningful coverage of even the most grievous offenses committed by these public servants. These protectors of our "freedoms" do nothing more than hide behind elegant rhetoric and well-dressed mannerisms, all the while lying to your face!

There are organizations with databases chock full of an astonishing amount of proof that this is so widespread and downright oppressive. If you can't even understand that "FREEDOM" can't be administered by those who've declared "ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY AND SELF
REGULATION," then you are clearly beyond absorbing input of any kind that would enlighten you.

If by any chance I'm wrong and you do want enlightenment, then I'd be happy to conduct further correspondence in which I would send you shocking tale after tale of an abomination of judicial abuse; and I would even supply avenues where you could verify these tales on your own. Then hopefully your eyes would be opened. Until then I can only hope your experiences would resemble a saying I heard regarding the Nazi takeover. (I won't get this right but close enough.) 
        When they came for my neighbors, I worried not.
        When they came for my friends, I said, "Not me?"
        Then they came for me!

There is a story in the Bible about the unrighteous judge and the widow. Here's a quote that says it all:
        "The judge neither regarded man nor feared God" 
Yours truly,
Bob Striffler

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