The Website to view this message is: http://victimsoflaw.net/Fourth_of_July.htm
By: Dorothy Mataras
One year ago on the Fourth of July I designed and published a webpage to protest the jailing of Elena Ruth Sassower. Her crime, she respectfully requested to testify on behalf of the Center for Judicial Accountability, Inc. (CJA) at the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee public hearing on May 22, 2003. She wanted to speak in opposition to the nomination of NY Court of Appeals Judge, Richard C. Wesley, for the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes New York. She served a full six-month sentence on the trumped up charge of "Disruption of Congress;" she was released on 12/23/04. See the article "Ms. Sassower Goes to Washington" for more details.
As a result of my concern for all citizens throughout this country that are daily denied their rights, these early web pages went on to become part of the Victims-of-Law, Inc. website. Officially, the Victims-of-Law site didn't start until September 1, 2004, but the 4th of July, 2004 was its true beginnings.
On this 4th of July, 2005, let us recognize the sacrifices of all those who work beyond the call of duty to bring the "Rule of Law" back to its rightful place in every state and federal court. There have been many who have been jailed for their efforts. Some attorneys have lost their licenses to practice when they didn't conform to the �status quo' and insisted on accountability. Websites that publish the truth, something the main stream media refuses to cover, soon discover an additional price to be paid. Their sites are hacked or mysterious viruses suddenly infect their computers.
The price Elena paid was one of the more egregious jailing because all she did was request to testify at our own United States Senate. Our First Amendment rights are being eroded more and more every single day. Too many of our courts are out of control including our own Supreme Court who has now �ruled' that our homes can be taken from us by the government on behalf of private industry.
If there ever was a time to be heard, it's here and now. There are some who are talented enough to write an Amicus Brief on Elena's behalf. See the details at: "Championing Basic Citizen's Rights. Her brief has been filed on time. It can be read at "Issues Presented for Review" which is posted on the "DISRUPTION OF CONGRESS" page of CJA's website under the heading: "Join in an Historic Work-In-Progress." -- Take a Hand in Safeguarding Your Constitutional Rights & the Rule of Law!"
If you can, please send letters of support to Elena Sassower personally or post your message on CJA's Yahoo Discussion Group.
For those who work behind the scenes, helping the less fortunate among us, all Victims-of-Law thank you. For those who are a bit more vocal, let's raise our voices higher.
As Elena says: Take a Hand in Safeguarding Your Constitutional Rights & the Rule of Law!"
Dorothy Mataras
J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability
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branches of evil to one who is
striking at the
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