J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                                     June 8, 2022

Investing In America
A Call To All Patriotic Americans
(By Ron Branson - J.A.I.L. Author/Founder)
History In The Making:
After some eighteen years and fourteen petitions to the United States Supreme Court repeatedly pursuing the right to redress of grievances, and having received no due process of law, I completely dedicated myself to pursuing justice by petitioning directly to the People for redress through the Initiative process, which has now become known as "J.A.I.L." (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law.) But that title was not always so. J.A.I.L., in its origin, was once called "J.R.A." (The Judicial Reform Act of 1996). The Judicial Reform Act of 1996 was written and filed with the California Secretary of State in 1995.
Interestingly enough, one year later a Congressional Bill was submitted to Congress by Congressman Henry Hyde entitled, "The Judicial Reform Act of 1997," which sought federal judicial accountability. That proposal then failed to gain the support of Congress. Other than its name, it had little resemblance to "The Judicial Reform Act of 1996."
A Historical Document:
In the early days of J.R.A., I prepared and printed a four-fold brochure with a Statue of Liberty on the front which was titled just as this J.A.I.L. News Journal is titled above. Since this is our beginning foundational history, I am here republishing that brochure just as I then wrote it in 1996 without change, which shall be posted on the website, href="../../State_Chapters/dc/DC_initiative.doc">www.jail4judges.org.
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The Judicial Reform Act
The New World Order
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The Final Showdown for America
The subject matter you are about to read is of utmost importance, barring religious and eternal values, inasmuch as it deals with a national emergency involving you and the future of your children and grandchildren. Whether you find it difficult to grasp or understand makes it of no less importance. This message is directed toward middle-class America, the wealthy, and to all who have ears to hear.
This publication consists of two parts: 1) The Problem: What is planned for your future; and 2) The Cure: What you can do to avert those plans. Give your undivided attention to what follows. Do not stop until you have finished. We are driving at a point you must not miss.
1) The Problem
"Permit me to issue a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."       --Meyer Anshelm Rothchild  ~1780
Thomas Jefferson cautioned, "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks ... will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." Similarly, James Madison said, "History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." Despite these warnings, the unthinkable happened.
On December 23, 1913, after Congress went home for Christmas, private bankers through craft, intrigue and deceit. indeed grasped control of the nation's currency, and thereby predestined the total collapse of America. Congress was told that the Federal Reserve Act would not be taken up until Congress returned after Christmas. As soon as the opposition left, those few congressmen, privy and complicit with the bankers' plans, stealthily brought the FRA to the floor (without a quorum) and quickly "passed" it. They then sent it posthaste in the middle of the night via a confidant of President Woodrow Wilson, who, having not read it, asked, "Is this a good bill?" Upon his friend affirming it was, the President signed it. After President Wilson realized the impact of what he had signed, he said, "I am a miserable man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. ... The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men."
Today, the Federal Reserve Board controlling our nation's "money" is 76% foreign owned by private interests. They have no allegiance whatsoever to America, as they think only in global profit$, nothing else! America is now controlled by a few very extremely wealthy globalists.
In the book Blueprint for Victory, we are told the bankers long ago planned our demise. Their plan is to gently lower your living standard, while juggling figures and presenting lying reports that "better days are coming," "prosperity is around the corner," "the economy is growing," and "unemployment is down," when the truth is just the opposite.
In reality, the entire middle-class is planned to be obliterated, including you who are influential reading this. It is predetermined you be financially gutted. Your business is to be slowly depleted through "unfortunate" circumstances of debt foreclosure, bankruptcy, bad decisions, unable to meet tax obligations, poor business, and legislative control of your business and private property. It's not that these bankers don't believe in private ownership of property; they do. It is just a question of who owns it.
Remember when the average man graduated from school or college, got married, bought a new home, a new car, had a house full of children, was the sole bread-winner, (his wife stayed home and raised the children), he paid all his bills, and had plenty of money left over to put away into savings, and to plan for the future of his children? Today the average man graduates from school, gets married, rents a cheap apartment, buys a new car, both parents work full time outside the home, both struggle to pay the rent, utilities, baby sitter, car payments and insurance, and have nothing left over. Yet they're making more money than ever. Someone said, "I'm now making the money I used to dream of making on which I am now starving." Remember when "inflation" meant something you did to your bicycle tire?
Imagine for a moment the power of the Federal Reserve. They can shut down the housing market and cause all construction to cease with one phone call. They can just pick up the phone, place a call, and cause upheaval in the entire world market. They can send the stock market into a tailspin within minutes. They can bring about massive layoffs in all industries, or create a national depression at whim. They can do what no military power on earth can do, ruin the nation over the weekend and never fire a shot. October 1929 was but an illustration. Multi-millionaires instantly became paupers. Rich men and CEOs jumped wholesale from skyscraper windows or off bridges, unable to cope with the "permanent prosperity" that had been assured them by President Hoover.
Congressman Charles A. Lindberg rightly said, "Under the Federal Reserve Act panics are scientifically created; the present is the first scientifically created one, worked out as we figure a mathematical problem." They turn the economy off and on like a faucet, and manipulate the stock market to their ends.
CALLER to San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank public relations man, Ron Supinski, October 8, 1992: How many Federal Reserve Notes are in circulation? SUPINSKI: $263 billion and we can only account for a small percentage. CALLER: Where did they go? SUPINSKI: People's mattresses, buried in their back yards and illegal drug money. CALLER: Since the debt is payable in Federal Reserve Notes, how can the $4 trillion national debt be paid off with the total Federal Reserve Notes in circulation? SUPINSKI: I don't know. CALLER: If the Federal Government would collect every Federal Reserve Note in circulation, would it be mathematically possible to pay the $4 trillion national debt? SUPINSKI: No. (Note: Is this not proof from the horse's mouth of inevitable national bankruptcy affecting everyone?)
The Banker's Manifest of 1892, as quoted from the book Economic Pinch by Charles Lindberg, Sr. says, "When through the process of law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed.... People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders."
In New Lies For Old by Anatoliy Golitsyn, it says the insiders themselves describe their goal as "the end of history."  "This agenda has been followed systematically since the end of World War II, with no interruptions in strategy and only occasional shifts and tactics. What may appear to be rapidly unfolding events are in fact policies of long standing."
2)  The Cure
--America's Only Hope--
The Judicial Reform Act
"Permit the People direct control over immunity of a nation's judiciary, and I care not who makes the money."
                                                           -- Ronald Branson -- 1996
While hard to grasp, it is nonetheless true. There is no future hope for America outside the principles set forth in the Judicial Reform Act (JRA). It has been called the most important proposed legislation in the last 200 years dating back to the Magna Carta or the Declaration of Independence. The JRA is a workable and peaceable means by which the People will begin to regain control and accountability over their government, starting with California. JRA creates Special Grand Juries that will exclusively investigate the misconduct of all judges of the State of California. JRA will influence every state in the union, and will become the stepping-stone to federal judicial reform.
The only thing the Federal Reserve Bankers fear is a "rogue" federal judge ruling in favor of a constitutional challenge of their monetary system. The Constitution prohibits private control of our nation's money by mandating, "Congress shall ... coin money, regulate the value thereof." Article I, Section 8. The bankers, therefore, must maintain their control of five justices of the U.S. Supreme Court on this issue. When they lose that, the People will regain their freedom and the New World Order will lose its stranglehold.
Since its inception, the Federal Reserve has been constantly under attack through court action, and the federal judges have continuously ruled for the bankers. The Banker's Manifest acknowledges, "The courts must be called to our aid." Without bankers controlling the courts, they know the banking fraud is over. The key to America's victory, and your children's future then, is in the creation of a unique Special U.S. Grand Jury after the order of the JRA with one sole purpose: to hold all federal judges directly accountable to the People. This Grand Jury will be autonomous and without government control of any kind. These Grand Jurors shall have complete authority to strip any federal judge of immunity, should they continue to cover for the bankers, violating their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
JRA vs. NWO draws a battle line for national survival, a cause for which we cannot give up and must not lose. The JRA is proposed legislation with immutable truth that will never die! It will ever be present and persistent, urging itself as the only answer to government out of control. Democrats support it; Republicans support it; Independents support it; so do liberals and conservatives. Police support it; lawyers support it; and yes, even some honest judges are confidentially supporting it, knowing corrupt judges make it hard for honest judges to be honest.
The JRA Initiative was filed November 30, '95. Our first attempt to gather a million signatures and qualify it was done entirely by volunteers. Through experience we are forced to reckon with the fact that volunteers alone cannot do it. We must raise the money to bring it to pass. It may be encouraging to some of you to consider that freedom is only a matter of a money investment in your children's future. Our challenge before us then is, can we who love America and freedom, raise the money to pass the JRA before the New World Order depletes us of our property, our assets and our wealth, leaving us with nothing by which we may oppose them?
What's the Bid for your
Children's Future?
Our plan of action is getting people to sponsor blocks of signatures which will collectively total somewhere over a million signatures at one dollar apiece. This may seem a lot to most of us, however, consider the alternative. We stand to lose everything. Collectively, we can do it. It begins with you buying the first block. How much will you bid for freedom? Do I hear 25 signatures? 50 signatures? 100 signatures? 250 signatures? 500 signatures? 1,000 signatures? 5,000 signatures? 10,000 signatures? "Nothing" is not an answer!  Freedom is not FREE. This is an emergency. Your future, your children, your assets, your country, everything rests upon you! Don't wait for the other guy to finance your freedom. If you do, everyone loses. Don't gamble with your future! How many signatures will you sponsor? Decide and write a check, even if it's a small check; but write a check now. "For lack of a nail, a shoe was lost. For lack of a shoe, a horse was lost. For lack of a horse, the battle was lost." We must not lose America for want of a nail. If JRA doesn't prevail, we ask that you take down the flag furling over Arlington Cemetery, and turn out the lights shining on the Statue of Liberty.
This is a call to duty to all you patriotic Americans
who love your Country.
If not now, When?
If not us, Who?

Where are we today besides the name JRA having been changed to J.A.I.L.?  Not being able to raise the funds necessary to sponsor the Initiative in California, we have now, ten years later, targeted the State of South Dakota for passage in 2006. The Initiative was filed there twelve days ago, on May 27, 2022 with the Secretary of State, and notification from the State is imminently expected.
I repeat the challenge made ten years ago:  [C]an we who love America and freedom, raise the money to pass [J.A.I.L.] before the New World Order depletes us of our property, our assets and our wealth, leaving us with nothing by which we may oppose them?
To support the passage of South Dakota J.A.I.L. in 2006, send your financial support to P.O. Box 412, Tea, South Dakota 57064, payable to J.A.I.L. We can also use volunteers to work with South Dakotans in collecting signatures. To volunteer, please call the South Dakota JIC, Bill Stegmeier, at (605) 940-0354 during reasonable hours. (He's on Central Time).
Thanks for your support in extracting America from the grip of the bankers and the NWO.
-Ron Branson
[email protected]
Webmaster's Note:
For J.A.I.L.s response to the article "Rushmore to Judgement" please see Responses to Newspaper Articles and Shows
J.A.I.L.- Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - href="../../State_Chapters/dc/DC_initiative.doc">www.jail4judges.org
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"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the root."                         -- Henry David Thoreau    <><

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