J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California February 28, 2023
Andrew Jackson
In anticipation of preempting our reader's initial
thoughts, yes, our seventh president of the United States was Andrew Jackson who
boldly fought and defeated the bankers quest for control of this country
in his day. For a man to have the name "Andrew Jackson" is
a great honor.
This Andrew Jackson is the Editorial Director of
The National Judicial Conduct and Disability Law Project, Inc., and I am honored
to be addressed by him. I will have more to say below in response to his
-Ron Branson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2023 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: The Spoils of Court Corruption
Hello Ron!
Arrest and prosecution of judges for bribery is a
definite remedy, the problem being it is not done often enough. The
majority of such malefactors might go through an entire career and never get
caught. What remedy the wronged litigants in your news release have is a
good question-- reopening the case, bringing another civil suit, having a
judgment found void or voidable, etc. I expect many of them will contact
attorneys and hopefully will have justice done the second time around.
That prosecution for bribery is rare and little is
done about bias, cronyism, etc. is a very good reason why your proposed
legislation had to come about.
It has occasioned discussion among some directors at National Judicial
Conduct and Disability Law Project in recent days. Zena D. Crenshaw, an
Executive Director, is interested in discussing this matter with your
group, as well as other areas of overlapping and mutual concern.
Please let us know how both groups might arrange to put their heads
together on these matters.
Barbie has raised some good points as of
late. I mentioned some good ideas I had proposed to state legislators here
in Indiana, but got nowhere. A good idea in itself may not be enough,
as other factors have to enter in. Good suggestions are always
Regards to Barbie and yourself.
Andrew D. Jackson,
an Editorial Director
Branson Responds:
Greetings, Andrew! I count it all joy to be addressed
by you. While I will be addressing your above comments, I will also
be provoking the minds of a host of readers to this at the same
time. I hope you will not mind my using this communication as a springboard in
sharing my thoughts with everyone. By so doing, I am getting the word out about
your organization and your goals, which may be seen on www.njcdlp.org.
As has been observed by others, and now touched upon by
you, there are limitless remedies available to government to cure the evils with
which we deal that are inherent within the judiciary. I am often told "We
already have remedies on the books." But everyone of these remedies are
what government can do.
The issue facing all American's is not what
government can do, but rather what the government is doing,
and basically the answer is "Nothing." There is better than a 100 to 1 odds
that the government will cover up the evils of the judiciary rather than lift a
finger to deal with its evil. This is done in the name of "Preserving the
Integrity of the Courts."
I was once the invited speaker at a very influential
dinner wherein there were some wealthy people present. Indeed, at my table
was a lady who owned several buildings and businesses within Los Angeles. She
open a conversation with me telling me that the powers to limit the
jurisdiction of the courts already existed within the Constitution. I
agreed with her. Indeed the Constitution says, "The judicial power of the
United States shall be vested in ... such inferior courts as the
Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Article III, Sec. 1.
Thus, excluding the Supreme Court, Congress possesses the constitutional
power to close down every federal court in the country. This is
likewise authorized in Article I, Sec. 8, Clause 9, "To constitute tribunals
inferior to the Supreme Court." The power to create is the power to destroy!
Further, Congress has the power to limit the court's
jurisdiction, "[T]he Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to
law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress
shall make." Art. III, Sec. 2.
However, I just could not get across to her that having
the power and exercising such power were two different things. She clung
heartily her idea that we just did not need J.A.I.L. because we already have
a remedy in the Constitution.
The issue of Impeachment is a clear illustration of
what I am talking about. There is no debate that Congress may freely
exercise this power any time she so wishes. But in all of U.S. history, there
have only been three federal judges successfully Impeached. I have often said
in public speaking that there is more of a chance that one would see the
return of Halley's Comet in their lifetime (every sixty-four years) than to see
the Impeachment of a federal judge.
What people do not realize is that there is a total
conflict of interest in Congress overseeing the federal judiciary. I love
to get points across by illustrations and sarcasm. If Congress is to be bound by
the "chains of the Constitution" as set forth by Thomas Jefferson, then
Congress, by illustration, is placed into a cage of limitations, which I will
here describe as a jail cell. The courts (jailors) are given the key to that
cell and charged by us, the citizens, with keeping Congress within those
The courts (jailors) are delinquent in properly
constraining Congress (the inmates) within their constitutional bounds, and thus
Congress (the inmates) like drunken sailors spending money out of control,
have now created a host of A, B, C federal agencies, departments,
and bureaus involving millions of employees, with 90% of these agencies
having no basis or foundation in the U.S. Constitution at all. Who is to be blamed for this? It is the courts (jailors)! So now
we complain to the inmates, that the jailors are not keeping the
inmates in check.
Now you mention about the remedy of those whose lives
have already been destroyed by a judiciary on the take for bribes. I know this
is a major concern with those who have attempted every remedy in the courts, but
have nonetheless lost everything. I have attempted to remedy this in paragraph
(k), which in part says, "Except as provided in paragraph (r), no complaint of
judicial misconduct shall be considered by the Special Grand Jury unless the
complainant shall have first attempted to exhaust all judicial remedies
available in the federal courts with the immediately preceding six-month period.
Such six-month period, however shall not commence in
complaints of prior fraud or blocking of a lawful conclusion until after the
date the Special Federal Grand Jury becomes functional. This provision is
intended to apply remedially and retroactively." This wording is also in all
fifty states' J.A.I.L. provision sought to be passed.
Now, coming to the issue of working together, here is
what I suggest. As you know, we are in all fifty states. You are in the State of
Indiana. Unfortunately, the State of Indiana is not an Initiative State. Your
people there cannot petition for an Amendment to your State's
We are about to announce the launching of our
Nationwide effort to get J.A.I.L. on the 2006 ballot in South Dakota. A win
there will be a win for this entire nation. I propose that N.J.C.D.L.P. jump in
part and lot with us in getting J.A.I.L. on the S.D. ballot.
If it is all possible, you, or a representative of your
organization should try to make it to the Health and Freedom Rally, www.livefreenow.org, starting March 12
& 13, which will include our West Coast J.A.I.L. Rally the following day,
Monday, March 14. We will be at the Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd. Newport
Beach, CA. (949) 833-0570. Our South Dakota JAILer-In-Chief will be present
talking about our South Dakota J.A.I.L. effort. I will surely give you a
platform to speak to us. Let's work together in this effort.
Thanks again, Andrew Jackson, for writing to me, and
for giving me this opportunity of addressing the world at the same time.
Unfortunately, Barbie is sick at this time, and working on recovery. God bless
you and your organization.
-Ron Branson
J.A.I.L. News Journal
The Spoils
of Court Corruption
One of the most unthinkable evils is that
judges in America are on the take. While unofficial, it has been estimated
that approximately 30% of the cases are fixed somehow, and not necessarily by
cash bribes. Bribes come in many forms, including vacationing judges by
lawfirms and parties to a case, gifts, and campaign donations,
Below is an account fingering a New York
Supreme Court Justice for accepting bribes to fix cases. Would it shock you to
know that the identifed and exposed bribery in our judicial system
covers but the tip of the iceberg?
How would JAIL4Judges cure this problem?
It is not necessary to catch every instance of bribery involving judges to cut
this activity short. J.A.I.L. does not concern itself with bribery, but rather
acting on the bribery. For instance, if a judge is offered a bribe, and he
accepts it, the enity or person offering the bribe will expect performance by
the judge for the bribe. But when the judge goes to pervert justice by denying
due process, or refusing to acknowledge the applicable law or constitutional
principle, he runs the high risk that the case will be appealled to its last
resort within the State, qualifying the party to bring the questions of lack
of due process or willful violations of law before the J.A.I.L. Special Grand
In such case, the question of the judicial
bribery is not at issue, but rather the action of the judge regardless of the
bribe. When judges no longer will risk their career and their retirement
for a bribe, they will no longer act on the bribe. And when judges no longer
act on bribes, those who bribe them will cut off the spigot.
JAIL4Judges is the only answer! -Ron Branson
Brooklyn Corruption Figure Admits He Arranged