SD Peace & Justice Center urges Vote NO on Amendment A
At their Fall Quarter meeting held in Sioux Falls, the board of directors of South Dakota Peace & Justice Center resolved to oppose Constitutional Amendment A, a ballot measure South Dakotans will face on November 2. Amendment A would provide that state circuit court judges be chosen by an appointed commission from among the Governor's nominations. South Dakota's constitution currently provides for a nonpolitical ballot within the circuit to select a judge for an eight-year term.
After review of the issue, the board concluded:
Board President Marletta Pacheco, Rapid City, sums up the disposition of the board by saying, "The conservative stance on this issue is the right stance. There is no good reason why South Dakotans should give over their constitutional power in this matter to an unaccountable group that is apt, over the years, to be influenced by cronyism and special interest. We urge Peace & Justice Center members and all South Dakota voters to vote NO on Constitutional Amendment A."
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