J.A.I.L. News
October 8, 2022
Ron & Barbie
Given Nationwide CoverageStarting October 12th
Mr. Strindberg, on behalf of The Fully Informed Citizen
Association of America, has taken the time to carefully and professionally
conduct a two-hour interview of both Barbie and myself, which will be broadcast
to this nation via internet, satellite, short-wave, AM and FM Radio
starting Tuesday, October 12th at noon, PDT.
-Ron Branson-
* *
I edited the recordings we did and it is in
three parts. The total is about
1 1/2 hours. The first one is going to be
played on October 12th at
Noon Pacific
Will you do a mass mailing to your loyal
host of subscribers telling
them to tune in to hear Ron Branson and Barbie
break down the judicial
system mystery and clarify the cause of JAIL4Judges
in a three-part
series starting Oct 12. The only place you can hear
about the real
evil doers.
Please direct them to http://www.ficaa.com/That will get them to the radio station the schedule and other
tidbits for all true Americans. Together we can cure the disease
of Judicial corruption Judge by judge.
Strindberg, de
The Fully Informed Citizen
Association of America (www.ficaa.com ) is proud to announce that we will be providing Bill
Strindberg with his
own weekly radio show.
"Behind Every Problem... there's
a Judge" can be heard weekly at 12 noon Pacific Time, Tuesdays on www.ficaa.com under Radio Network.
The Fully Informed Citizen Associations of America (FICAA.COM) is
a consolidated national print, radio and video consisting of:
"The Discerning American Digest"
(The Discerning American Digest is
a Pro American community participation publication that allows you to speak out
to the people in your own community; providing to one another information they
might not otherwise see or read.)
Fully Informed Citizen"
Our National
Internet, Satellite, Shortwave AM and FM Radio Productions
Americas Most Respected Defenders of Freedom on Audio) and
The United American Voice Video
(A Nationally Retail
Distributed Monthly Video Magazine that
Features Americas Most Respected
Defenders of Freedom on Video)
"We unite
those who want the truth with those who've been making it known
nationally for years."
Unlike the "Established" media empire "we bring
to light what some people want kept from sight"
Go towww.ficaa.com or call 1-970-963-8399 or email us at [email protected]
double "A" dot com "Making Known What the Government FED Press won't�
Our gratitude goes to Justin Plumlee, Director of
the Discerning American Digest, and to Recording Artist, Mr. Strindberg, for
making this J.A.I.L. promotion possible. All of you please tune in October
12th and every Tuesday at Noon, Pacific time. - R &
"..it does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel Adams
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau <><