J.A.I.L. News Journal
Los Angeles, California                                              August 7, 2022

Ignorance Justifies Dysfunction
The following was sent to J.A.I.L. by a Florida JAILer in response to our "Safety Everything" JNJ, and it is so basically simple that it's worth amplifying and sharing with our subscribers and readers. Here's what Jeremy said:
     It is all too obvious that THEIR GOVERNMENT is making mockery of Our USA Constitution and Declaration of Independence.  It is all so clear now that We The People must defend Her against the intrusions brought on by a dysfunctional government.  Ignorance justifies dysfunction and dysfunction justifies destruction.  We must act in an orderly manner to dismantle the ignorance and reverse the dysfunction to reconstruct Our/Their liberty and safety from "GOVERNMENTS", foreign and domestic, to achieve Happiness and Prosperity, to be free and to live free from tyranny, oppression and usurpation.  Our intellectual property is Ours, not theirs. 
God Bless,
Jeremy Laughery 
Florida JAILer
[email protected]

The first point Jeremy makes is "their government" making a mockery of "Our" Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Obviously "their government" refers to the mock government that disrespects the People's Constitution and Declaration of Independence. It is important to bear in mind that the "powers that be" are not "governments" as described in the Declaration, to wit: "That to secure [our unalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], governments are instituted among men...."  WE NO LONGER HAVE A GOVERNMENT power in this country, by definition according to our Founding Document, the Declaration. It has become a mockery!
Next Jeremy describes this mock power as a "dysfunctional government" against which the People must defend their unalienable rights from intrusion. Our Founding Document states "...it is [the People's] duty to throw off such governments, and to provide new guards for their future security. ..."  IT IS OUR DUTY TO THROW OFF SUCH [MOCK] GOVERNMENTS.
Then Jeremy describes how and why this mock power has developed. He says Ignorance justifies dysfunction and dysfunction justifies destruction.
Dysfunction describes the mock government which is the medium through which [the People's] Ignorance develops into [the People's] Destruction. The Declaration states that governments "deriv[e] their just powers from the consent of the governed [i.e., the People], ..."  The People are the source of legitimate government power. Only through the Ignorance of the People in failing to realize the inherently corrupt nature of government power ("power corrupts") and in thus failing to provide an enforcement provision in the body of the Constitution, have they and the Constitutional Republic become Destroyed. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR REPUBLIC, THROUGH OUR OWN IGNORANCE.   
So the question is, What are we going to do about it?  Jeremy says that We must act in an orderly manner to dismantle the ignorance and reverse the dysfunction to reconstruct Our/Their liberty and safety from "GOVERNMENTS", foreign and domestic, to achieve Happiness and Prosperity, to be free and to live free from tyranny, oppression and usurpation. Folks, that is exactly what J.A.I.L. will accomplish!
1. First, JAILers must "act in an orderly manner to dismantle [public] ignorance" by educating the people of the root problem (judicial corruption).
2. Then, J.A.I.L. (when in effect) will "reverse the dysfunction [of government] to reconstruct Liberty and [Security] from government [intrusion] to achieve Happiness and Prosperity, to be Free, and to Live Free from tyranny, oppression and usurpation."  (It is our DUTY to... provide new guards for [our] future security. -Declaration of Independence). 
Yes, Our intellectual property is Ours --LET'S USE IT by making J.A.I.L. operable to accomplish the above goal.
[email protected]

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