J.A.I.L. News
Los Angeles,
California June
7, 2004
Friday, May 28, 2022
The U.S. Dept. of Justice just released the latest figures on
American prisons. Currently, there are 2.1 million people
Any time you hear America is a democracy, where citizens have rights,
remember that prisons represent our 35th largest state.
We have more people in prison than live in Nevada, West Virginia, New
Mexico, Nebraska, Maine, Idaho, New Hampshire, Hawaii, Rhode Island,
Montana, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, or
According to a report by the Sentencing project, crime rates have
been declining since 1990, but the prison population has risen by 49%
during this time.
America now is the greatest jailer on earth. .... Our rate of
imprisoning our citizens is approximately 600% higher than either China
or Canada.
Racially, things are even worse. In historical perspective,
899,000 African Americans incarcerated today are nine times the
number of 98,000 in 1954, the year of the Brown v. Board of Education
decision. So there are now 900% more blacks in prison today than
there were 50 years ago, while the black population has only doubled,
or increased 100%.
Put another way, you can say that a black person is nine times more
likely to be held a prisoner today in the U.S. than they were in
The huge surge in incarcerations are almost all due to punitive and
racist laws that criminalize behavior that is considered to be minor in
other countries. Among this are non-violent drug offenses, and
the notorious three strikes laws. For example, again using info
from the sentencing project, in California, which has a three
strikes law, "the third "strike" of more than half (57%) of these
persons is for a non-violent offense.
In one recent case, Santo Reyes was sentenced to 26
years to life for trying to take the written portion of a driver's
license test for his illiterate cousin. Reyes had previously had a
juvenile burglary
conviction in 1981 and an adult robbery conviction in 1987.
In America we have imprisoned for life a man who committed two
robberies in 24 years, and then tried to take a written license test
for his illiterate cousin. ....
Aside from General
Motors, America's most thriving economy is its Prison Industry.
Just like General Motors, the judges, prosecutors, clerks, attorneys,
law enforcement officers, food & transportation industries, prison
guards, gun manufacturers, construction contractors make untold
billions and billions of dollars annually catering to this
Yes. the Prison
Industry is a very lucrative business upon which millions profit
and depend. The more prisons built, the more people they can
thrown in prison. Every prison must be
kept to overflow. The objective is to make sure there are no
empty beds, for empty beds are indicative of lost revenue
to the Prison Industry. Of all
things, they must keep that turn$tyle turning. The faster the better,
racking up billion$ for more construction for prisons, more guards,
more lawyers, more judges, more police, etc.,
This is why, left to
its own conclusion, there shall never be a conclusion to crime on
the streets, for crime is so very profitable and important to the
existence of government. Without it, people would
start questioning the need for so much government. Crime gives
the politicians the ammunition needed to sing their re-election
hymn, "Vote For Me," with its first stanzas, "I'm Tough
On Crime!" And so goes the American Prison Industry until it
exceeds the size of that of General
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"Give me your wealth, and I will give you America" - Ron
does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." - Samuel
are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is
striking at the
-- Henry David Thoreau